The Doomsday Cult

I have been obsessed with true crime and cults since the onset of the pandemic which seems rather fitting given the state of the world with regards to the rise of the autocrat across the globe who seem determined to do their best to wreak havoc on Democracy and the return of the new and improved Taliban seemed destined to prove that we are truly in deep shit when it comes to seeing the world as one embracing independence and freedom, the markers of what forms the concept of Democracy. We sure had a good run of it these last 250 years, no? Well not in the sense of pure equality and parity across race, gender and sexuality, but we were close, so close then we started to go fuck that shit and attempt to really test that document everyone seems to quote and love unless it does something that upsets them and then fuck that shit, it’s toilet paper.

As I watch the Taliban resume their ancient tribal bullshit in Afghanistan I cannot fail to remind myself that 20 years ago they were supporters of a lunatic with a desperate need for American attention and after numerous attacks on American symbols and one on the WTC before 9/11 it seemed as if nothing was enough but killing over 3000 people finally got the attention they needed. Which of course in true political fashion, deny deny deny, that it was they or anyone they were associated with led to 9/11. Really? Well why we wasted billions fighting a war apparently we did not need to and frankly went on long after the asshole who did plan the attack was killed, we invented this thing that all the kids do – Social Media – and that may be the best thing ever as suddenly the same cretins who avoid modern thought have zero problems using it to recruit and spread the message of ancient logic and thought created by men under some false flag of religion and faith in an invisible being who seems to have numerous names and identities for some other man who was placed on the planet to spread the word and thoughts of this invisible being. How they communicated and in what language and method is unclear but I vote for telepathy. Call him Gabriel, Mohammed, Jesus, Buddha, whatthefuckever, it is all just BULLSHIT.

We have the equivalent here and they are called Evangelicals, particularly the sect of Fundamentalists who put the bat into shit crazy. And they are coddled and patronized and the irony is that these are the same fuckwits who were so Anti Muslim that they wanted them out of the country. Why are they too conservative for you? I mean really?

The Republican Party of America is a cult. A true cult at this point, a doomsday one with a figurehead like Marshall Applewhite of Heaven’s Gate and his acolytes with their bowl cut haircuts, the desire to emasculate men short of castration who don’t agree with the philosophy of anti vaxx, covid denying, chest thumping racism and misogyny, to beat the shit out of anyone who dares to not believe. Scientology is a passive aggressive version as they have no desire to kill followers but they do make any naysayers lives a living hell with dogged pursuit, hiring detectives, going through garbage and doing whatever it takes to cast doubt on the critics. Harvey Weinstein did that as reporters began to chase down his behavior and we have story after story of how companies will go to any length to save their corporate secrets. Watch the movie, No Sudden Move, which is an amusing take on espionage in the business world.

Right now we have a crippled man in a wheelchair who runs Texas fighting Covid as he rages against anyone who well doesn’t want to contract Covid! Go figure. Then we have the doppleganger in Florida, a Yale grad no less (again Bush went there so go figure) determined to be the biggest dick in the dick off contest. This from the Washington Post has DiSantis concluding:

In a Wednesday interview with Fox News, DeSantis defended his response, saying Florida is seeing “great success” in treating covid patients with monoclonal antibodies — an effective, widely available therapy that few people are receiving. The governor, considered a potential contender against Biden in the 2024 presidential election, saidthe treatment should have been “a bigger part of this whole response throughout the country from the beginning.”

“You know, he said he was going to end covid. He hasn’t done that,” DeSantis told Fox News host Jesse Watters. “At the end of the day, he is trying to find a way to distract from the failures of his presidency.”

Let me explain this: A treatment is NOT a cure, it is just that a treatment and not everyone responds to this same experimental treatment in the same way. So to the anti vaxx crowd who have some resistance to the vaccines as they were rolled out too soon and seem experimental, what do you think this is?

And lastly the idea that a political party is a cult look at the Trumptards. Even David Brooks is beginning to realize that while he made fun of liberal elite, the Bobos, he now has seen the second coming of the new anti-elite, the call and response cohort that descending into QAnon madness and came to the Capital to hang Mike Pence and break stuff up and shit. This makes me miss the Technocrat class just a little but then again we have the 60s retro cool Biden so its all good.

But the fact that grown adults, well educated and in public policy actually govern under the notion that public health is a nuisance, that differing opinions and democratic rule is a problem then we got a lot of problems with the Doomsday cult. It did not end well with the Heaven’s Gate or Jim Jones so this doesn’t seem to be on a track to change that record or the song that is playing.

The clown car has crashed into the wall that Trump never built, his Lawyers are being sanctioned, the crazy vote counter nutfucks have Covid so their Arizona recount is on pause, ah the irony, and the Proud Boys are playing laser tag with real guns in Portland and this is the world that Trump wrought. He did not bring it he tapped into it and now that keg is spouting flood waters. No wonder Mother Nature is tearing up the planet.

And those who determined to remain unvaxxed, who challenge the authority that no one actually cares about with spouting false dogma and history to excuse, explain and justify their refusal are walking into the eye of the storm. The woman who works at our front desk has come up with more bullshit and lies that has made me question her relationship with her partner to believe that they have a co-dependent one that skirts domestic violence. Control and power are the issues that many of the cult members must submit to when being dominated, all of it a type of sexual preference being also sublimated in a way to deny and in turn prove control. The anti vaxx crowd remind me of the pray the gay away crazies who are deeply in denial and angry about being who they are. Try therapy or just get Covid and that will end it. Ah suicide by virus.

I do think that there is that element the challenge moment that says I can do this, outlast, outwit and survive Covid. No folks that is a Reality Show and there is no million dollar check at the end but a million dollar bill in hospital and medical costs there will be.

Maybe we all need a vacation. Have you been to the White Lotus I hear its a killer resort.

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