Out of Control

I listen to many different podcasts and in turn I am going into comedy now after major news and true crime ones finally exhausted me. And usually they are quite entertaining, very vacuous and focused on pop culture. One I did listen to until finally it became too exhausting was Heather McDonald’s Juicy Scoop. From her I began to listen to Chris Franjola’s Cover to Cover and Julie and Brandy’s Dumb Gay Politics. I have seen her and Chris live and enjoyed the shows and now I don’t. I don’t mind that they are not the most informed folks of all time and that endless discussions on Britney Spears is tedious, so all things eventually will run a course and this finally has. The Nation’s obsession on Scandoval including inviting the dumped partner to the White House Correspondent’s Dinner says more about the lack of IQ over lack of actual News and Newsmakers. But when two Comedians are spending an hour discussing issues that they seem ill informed and equipped to discuss it is time to pull the plug. The reality is that they both live and work in Hollywood and with that could pick up a phone and contact Laverne Cox or Elliot Page who just wrote his Memoirs and is out on the book tour circuit to discuss these concerns and fears Heather McDonald has over Trans women. She has not expressed that over Women becoming Men but both of those individuals fall into each and could perhaps explain some things to her. But I doubt she will listen. She talks over Chris in this episode, rants and makes illogical examples of how Trans Women will harm Women and especially in Prison. Okay so after my head stopped spinning I went to their respective Facebook and Instagram pages to make a point. Many agreed and there are likely many who feel like me that this is not an argument worth having. But point made that again it is not appropriate period. This is get in your own lane and unless it affects you personally or professionally why the fuck do you care?

But as I have written about the rise of Trans bills and laws that are further doing damage to many in this country struggling with their sexual and gender identity I was truly horrified to find the supposed Activists were former pro Trans individuals who had decided to detransition and return to their original gender. Nothing wrong with that it is again a choice and they have the right to make those personal decisions about their health as it has NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. Nor should they project their decisions onto anyone looking into doing the same or changing their gender. This is an individual decision that is only their and their family/friends business. This is the same argument we have made repeatedly over Marriage, interracial or same sex, and now with regards to Abortion and bodily autonomy. But the same groups that preach Liberty and Freedom have no problem taking others away from them when it suits. This suit is one large and ill fitting one.

So when you turn of a podcast for a laugh and get Heather McDonald ranting about a story in a Sorority in Colorado accepting a Trans Woman as a Member posing this individual as weird and a pervert and making them unsafe, is sad.pathetic.grim. And the best part the Girl DOES NOT LIVE in the Sorority House but has come to visit to get acquainted with the group. Clearly that welcome mat is tucked away. Perhaps they need to do this thing called TALKING to her to understand and in turn learn about her and her decision to change genders. Frankly I would love to know why anyone would join a Sorority but have it. It was a bizarre rant that led her Guest Chris to compare the hysteria over Trans people to the issue with Bed Bugs. That was to say the least strange and then of course mock her looks comparing her to the actor Jack Black. Well you can change a Leopard’s spots and still be a Leopard I guess. But then again we as Women are more than familiar with hearing about our looks. Some things change but that trope nope.

When this is the national discussion between two Comics this is how bad it is. That you cannot find anything in contemporary culture to discuss and laugh at but rant about a bunch of girls upset their club now is taking on a Member who looks less like Laverne Cox and well yes like Jack Black, is really what it is about. Not the gender switch and at least that point Chris made for if she was in fact a natural born girl and looked like that (and yes women come in all shapes and sizes) she would have found the Welcome mat pulled in as well.

We have a gun problem in America. We have health care problems in America. We have Democracy at risk and we have a massive Immigration crisis and a War abroad that is taking a toll. With that we are worried about .25% of a population that causes no threat what.so.ever. Change Trans to “Black” “Asian” “Native” “Latino” and then see the picture there. It is not a pretty one.

And this will be my last mention of Trans issues. I support anyone who needs to fix or change their lives. I will respect and acknowledge we may agree to disagree on the fuss over pronouns, names and endless issues over who has a priority when it comes to attention to this or any issue. We choose to decide the matters of import and this is not one in my life. I do not make decisions on what to go, who to see, read or care about because of that. I can find even those I disagree with a common ground and move on from there. This particular issue is frankly one that has no impact on me at all, can cause me no harm and with that I want to live and let live. The end on that.

The issue of Guns however do have an impact. I can be killed at work or on the street, in a store, on a bus, in a theater, or any place I go that many gather. Guns are the largest health problem in the nation but banning health care for a marginal group of people seem to take the priority seem so be, I disagree as I will never stop discussing gun rights and the need to protect ourselves from Guns that kill ALL kinds of people regardless of the kind but often most directed to whom? The Marginalized ones.

Below is a timeline of Gun Control efforts and laws from the inception through the early 20th Century to 2019. And below that another breakdown of how those laws have transpired via the psychology and mentality associated with Guns and Gun Control. And lastly and Editorial from the New York Times about how FEAR is the predominant reason behind most Gun purchases and who seems to buy and own them; and in turn how that it is reinforced during training and sales of guns. The current stats is that the amount of guns in this country exceed licensed vehicles and cell phones.

  • US has 120.5 firearms per 100 residents, report finds
  • Only country with more civilian-owned firearms than people

US gun owners possess 393.3 million weapons, according to a 2018 report by the Small Arms Survey, a Geneva-based organization, which is higher than the country’s population now of about 330 million. India, which has almost 1.4 billion people, had the second most civilian-owned firearms with 71.1 million.

Here’s a Timeline of the Major Gun Control Laws in America

By Sarah Gray Time Magazine April 30, 2019 11:13

Through their grief, the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have become a political force. One week after 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz allegedly used an AR-15 to shoot and kill 17 people at the school, around 100 students met with lawmakers in the Florida state capital to advocate for gun control. They also met with President Trump in the White House Wednesday. In organizing the March For Our Lives, they’ll rally next month in Washington, D.C.

But with the right of gun ownership enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, gun regulations remain a thorny issue in the U.S. Throughout history, there have been several laws and Supreme Court cases that have shaped the Second Amendment. This timeline outlines the most important events in influencing the country’s federal gun policy.


On Dec. 15, 1791, ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution — eventually known as the Bill of Rights — were ratified. The second of them said: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”


The first piece of national gun control legislation was passed on June 26, 1934. The National Firearms Act (NFA) — part of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “New Deal for Crime“— was meant to curtail “gangland crimes of that era such as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre.

The NFA imposed a tax on the manufacturing, selling, and transporting of firearms listed in the law, among them short-barrel shotguns and rifles, machine guns, firearm mufflers and silencers. Due to constitutional flaws, the NFA was modified several times. The $200 tax, which was high for the era, was put in place to curtail the transfer of these weapons.


The Federal Firearms Act (FFA) of 1938 required gun manufacturers, importers, and dealers to obtain a federal firearms license. It also defined a group of people, including convicted felons, who could not purchase guns, and mandated that gun sellers keep customer records. The FFA was repealed in 1968 by the Gun Control Act (GCA), though many of its provisions were reenacted by the GCA.


In 1939 the U.S. Supreme Court heard the case United States v. Miller, ruling that through the National Firearms Act of 1934, Congress could regulate the interstate selling of a short barrel shotgun. The court stated that there was no evidence that a sawed off shotgun “has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia,” and thus “we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument.”


Following the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General and U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed for the passage of the Gun Control Act of 1968. The GCA repealed and replaced the FFA, updated Title II of the NFA to fix constitutional issues, added language about “destructive devices” (such as bombs, mines and grenades) and expanded the definition of “machine gun.”

Overall the bill banned importing guns that have “no sporting purpose,” imposed age restrictions for the purchase of handguns (gun owners had to be 21), prohibited felons, the mentally ill, and others from purchasing guns, required that all manufactured or imported guns have a serial number, and according to the ATF, imposed “stricter licensing and regulation on the firearms industry.”


In 1986 the Firearm Owners Protection Act was passed by Congress. The law mainly enacted protections for gun owners — prohibiting a national registry of dealer records, limiting ATF inspections to once per year (unless there are multiple infractions), softening what is defined as “engaging in the business” of selling firearms, and allowing licensed dealers to sell firearms at “gun shows” in their state. It also loosened regulations on the sale and transfer of ammunition.

The bill also codified some gun control measures, including expanding the GCA to prohibit civilian ownership or transfer of machine guns made after May 19, 1986, and redefining “silencer” to include parts intended to make silencers.


The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 is named after White House press secretary James Brady, who was permanently disabled from an injury suffered during an attempt to assassinate President Ronald Reagan. (Brady died in 2014). It was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. The law, which amends the GCA, requires that background checks be completed before a gun is purchased from a licensed dealer, manufacturer or importer. It established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which is maintained by the FBI.


Tucked into the sweeping and controversial Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, signed by President Clinton in 1994, is the subsection titled Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. This is known as the assault weapons ban — a temporary prohibition in effect from September of 1994 to September of 2004. Multiple attempts to renew the ban have failed.

The provisions of the bill outlawed the ability to “manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon,” unless it was “lawfully possessed under Federal law on the date of the enactment of this subsection.” Nineteen military-style or “copy-cat” assault weapons—including AR-15s, TEC-9s, MAC-10s, etc.—could not be manufactured or sold. It also banned “certain high-capacity ammunition magazines of more than ten rounds,” according to a U.S. Department of Justice Fact Sheet.


The Tiahrt Amendment, proposed by Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.), prohibited the ATF from publicly releasing data showing where criminals purchased their firearms and stipulated that only law enforcement officers or prosecutors could access such information.

“The law effectively shields retailers from lawsuits, academic study and public scrutiny,” The Washington Post wrote in 2010. “It also keeps the spotlight off the relationship between rogue gun dealers and the black market in firearms.”

There have been efforts to repeal this amendment.


In 2005, the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act was signed by President George W. Bush to prevent gun manufacturers from being named in federal or state civil suits by those who were victims of crimes involving guns made by that company.

The first provision of this law is “to prohibit causes of action against manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and importers of firearms or ammunition products, and their trade associations, for the harm solely caused by the criminal or unlawful misuse of firearm products or ammunition products by others when the product functioned as designed and intended.” It also dismissed pending cases on October 26, 2005.


District of Columbia v. Heller essentially changed a nearly 70-year precedent set by Miller in 1939. While the Miller ruling focused on the “well regulated militia” portion of the Second Amendment (known as the “collective rights theory” and referring to a state’s right to defend itself), Heller focused on the “individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia.”

Heller challenged the constitutionality of a 32-year-old handgun ban in Washington, D.C., and found, “The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment.”

It did not however nullify other gun control provisions. “The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms,” stated the ruling.

A Brief History of Guns in the U.S.

How to explain Americans’ astonishing personal arsenal? Start with politics, fear, and marketing.

By Cathy Shufro Bloomberg News

Let’s start with a few facts about firearms in the U.S.: Americans own 393 million guns, the Geneva-based Small Arms Survey reports.

Firearms can be found in 44% of U.S. households, according to a 2020 Gallup survey.

And, tragically: Almost half of Americans know someone who has been shot, a 2017 Pew Research Center report noted.

How did we get here? Marketing, politics, racism, fear, and other forces have contributed to America’s exceptional proliferation of guns.

Soon after the end of the Civil War, gunmakers with surpluses sought peacetime customers. They convinced dry goods stores to sell handguns alongside flour and sugar; they ran classified ads in newspapers; and they told parents that a rifle would help “real boys” to develop “sturdy manliness.” Private gun ownership dramatically expanded.

The end of slavery catalyzed the formation of armed groups, some seeking to protect newly freed Black men, others to terrorize them. After Reconstruction failed, supremacist military groups like the White League in Louisiana used guns to threaten and sometimes murder Black men attempting to vote.

While the popular imagination holds that gunslingers sauntered down the dusty streets of Western towns, that’s largely a myth, according to UCLA law professor Adam Winkler, JD. “Frontier towns—places like Tombstone, Deadwood, and Dodge—actually had the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation,” Winkler wrote in the Huffington Post. When visitors arrived in Dodge City, Kansas, they encountered a billboard announcing, “The Carrying of Firearms Strictly Prohibited.”

Indeed, by the early 1900s, 43 states limited or banned firearms in public places. Gun control would become sharply divisive only with the federal Gun Control Act of 1968, made law after the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy. The legislation limited interstate sales of firearms but did too little to satisfy gun control advocates including President Lyndon Johnson.

By the late 1990s, fear became a potent selling point as cultural attitudes changed. In a 1999 poll, most gun owners said they kept guns for hunting and target shooting; only 26% cited protection as paramount. By 2015, however, 63% cited self-defense as a primary motivation for gun ownership, according to a 2015 National Firearms Survey. In reality, having access to a gun triples a person’s risk of suicide and nearly doubles the risk of being a homicide victim, according to a 2014 Annals of Internal Medicine meta-analysis. For a woman living with an abusive partner, the risk of being murdered increases fivefold if the partner has a gun, according to an American Journal of Public Health study led by Jacquelyn Campbell, PhD, MSN, a faculty member of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Prevention and Policy at the Bloomberg School.

As gun owners increasingly emphasized self-defense in recent decades, restrictions on carrying concealed firearms evaporated. Whereas in 1990 concealed carry in public spaces was illegal in 16 states (including Texas), by 2013 all 50 states and Washington, D.C., allowed some civilians to carry hidden guns.

At the same time, gunmakers have redesigned their wares. “Technology has focused on making smaller and smaller handguns, with more lethality, and with almost no attention to safety,” says Josh Horwitz, JD, who directs the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. For example, the popular $450 Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 2.0 pistol is 6 inches long and carries 15 9mm cartridges. And children now have their own firearms, like the 2½-pound, .22-caliber Crickett (“my first rifle”). Its gunstock comes in pink, camo, and “amendment”—Second Amendment text overlaid on American flags.

Horwitz says lobbyists and owners of military-style weapons increasingly embrace “the insurrectionist idea.” Since 2009, he has warned of armed citizens who claim that “threatening violence against government officials is within normal bounds of political discourse.”

The multiplication of “stand-your-ground” laws marked another shift in American attitudes, with Florida taking the lead in 2005. Today, 34 states give gun owners the right to use deadly force outside of the home with no duty to retreat or use other means to protect themselves. The laws “make it much easier for a person to legally kill someone,” writes University of Texas sociologist Harel Shapira, PhD, who credits the laws with “the militarization of everyday life.”

“In almost any aspect of public health, culture and policy are reinforcing and reflecting each other,” says Daniel Webster, ScD ’91, MPH, director of the Center for Gun Violence Prevention and Policy. “You gradually see carrying a gun around as normative.” Forty years ago, if someone brought a gun to a party, Webster says, “you would have been shocked. It would have been incredibly abnormal.” Now, gun ownership is a lifestyle choice, one rooted in the individualism “baked into our culture and our laws.”

In recent decades, the National Rifle Association has identified its greatest foe as the government itself. After Congress passed the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994, NRA President Wayne LaPierre told members that the bill “gives jack-booted government thugs more power to take away our constitutional rights, break in our doors, seize our guns, destroy our property, and even injure or kill us.”

“The gun lobby thrives on fear and drives fear,” says Horwitz. In many ways, he adds, “this is about white men feeling less powerful.”

Horwitz notes that gun sales rose during the past year. “People are afraid of other people with guns, so now they’re buying guns. Breaking that cycle is really important. Are we too far down the road? I don’t think we are, but we’ve got to make major changes in how we approach gun violence, soon.”

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Gun owners embrace the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment, claiming it guarantees that civilians can own and use guns. Contemporary interpretations of the amendment diverge, however. A key issue is whether “the people” means individuals or the collective. In the second instance, the right to bear arms would derive from a state’s interest in being able to raise a militia.

Emory University Professor Carol Anderson, PhD, offers a historian’s interpretation of the amendment’s origin, calling it “a bribe”: When the Constitution was drafted, Revolutionary War hero Patrick Henry of Virginia warned that Southerners couldn’t count on federal help if enslaved people revolted. James Madison needed Virginia’s vote to ratify the Constitution, so he promised to draft a Bill of Rights once Congress met. For this reason, Anderson argues, the Second Amendment is “steeped in anti-blackness.”

Firearms Classes Taught Me, and America, a Very Dangerous Lesson

May 16, 2023

By Harel Shapira Harel Shapira is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Texas, Austin.

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I did not grow up around guns, but 10 years ago, I started attending firearms training classes. I wasn’t there to learn how to protect myself or my family. I was there to learn what was taught in the classes themselves, which a broad coalition of groups — including many police officers, Republican and Democratic legislators and gun violence prevention organizations — have hailed as a path out of the nation’s epidemic of violence.

I found something very different. The classes I attended trained students to believe that their lives are in constant danger. They prepared us to shoot without hesitation and avoid legal consequences. They instilled the kind of fear that has a corrosive effect on all interactions — and beyond that, on the fabric of our democracy.

I took 42 classes and conducted interviews with 52 instructors and 118 students, in traditionally red states like Texas as well as blue states like Massachusetts, in urban areas like Newark as well as rural Southern Illinois. (The instructors knew I was there to conduct research; in keeping with my university’s academic protocols, I had permission to take notes in class and to record interviews but not to publish anyone’s names.) Most of all, I immersed myself in firearms schools in Texas, where I live, that cater to people who wish to learn how to use guns for self-defense. Some instructors in these schools told me they have been involved in drafting public safety protocols or running active shooter drills for public school teachers. Some of these instructors’ students have gone on to open training programs of their own.

While American gun culture has diversified in recent years, the overwhelming majority of firearms instructors — in Texas it’s 75 percent — are white men. Many have a background in the military or law enforcement. Nationwide, more than 125,000 of them have taken a certification course offered by the National Rifle Association. Many states require instructors to complete additional training.

First, the good news: Every firearms instructor I encountered was extremely serious about preventing accidents. When a student inadvertently pointed his gun at me for a moment, our instructor immediately chastised him. And when the student objected, saying he didn’t have his finger on the trigger, the instructor became livid and threatened to kick him out of class.

But teaching people how to avoid shooting someone by accident is a small part of what these classes are about. The primary lessons are about if and when to shoot someone on purpose. And this is where the trouble begins.

Instructors repeatedly told me that a big part of their job was to make people feel vulnerable, to make them aware of dangers they were not conscious of before to understand that bad things can happen at any time. One instructor told me he encourages students to carry their gun at all times. If students say they plan to leave it in the car, he responds, “So what you’re telling me is the only time you are ever going to get attacked is if you are in your car?”

The instructors describe a world teeming with violent and deranged individuals. And not just any individuals. The scenarios cluster around the public spaces of racially diverse cities. “More often than not,” an instructor who had been a high-ranking police officer said, the place you’re likely to be attacked is “in an urban part of society.” Another instructor, also a former police officer, tells students to keep their gas tanks filled at least halfway to avoid situations in which “it’s the middle of the night and you need to get gas in downtown Houston.”

Outside a restaurant in Austin, an instructor saw a disheveled man sitting on the curb and nudged me in the other direction, directing me to pick up the pace. He said he had detected “potential predatory behavior” and wasn’t sure if this man was a panhandler or someone about to stick a gun in our faces.

Instructors repeatedly told me that statistics about crime are meaningless when it comes to the need to carry a gun. It’s not the odds, I heard on numerous occasions; it’s the consequences. I have been taught strategies for avoiding interactions with strangers. I have participated in scenario training sessions in which students carrying guns loaded with plastic ammunition enact mock burglaries, home invasions, mass shootings and attacks by Islamic terrorists. Repeatedly the lesson was that I ought to shoot even when my instincts might tell me otherwise.

For example, in one scenario, an instructor pretended to punch someone I know and care about in the head. The instructor’s back was toward me, so I held my fire. Later, I told him that I hadn’t had enough information to act. Wrong answer. Being punched in the head can be fatal, the instructor told me, so there was no time to wait. I had never heard someone advocate shooting an unarmed person in the back. The instructor did it with a sense of moral, legal and tactical clarity and conviction.

Officially, the message is caution. A line I heard from multiple instructors was: If you are not about to die in the next three seconds, don’t pull the trigger. If you are not 100 percent sure, then don’t shoot. But relentlessly harping on the dangers that surround us changes the way students assess those risks.

I experienced it myself.

On a recent night I saw a driver who didn’t appear to realize that he was going the wrong way on a one-way street. As the other car approached, I began to slow down, roll down my window and stick my hand out in a friendly gesture. Suddenly I worried the other driver might have a gun. How might he respond to someone slowing down a car and waving at him in the middle of the night? Would he shoot? Probably not. But it’s not the odds, I remember telling myself; it’s the consequences.

That’s the great irony of firearms training: In learning how to use a gun for self-defense, something that seems like it might give you confidence and a sense of safety, people end up feeling more afraid than before. “I knew the world was dangerous,” a student told me after class one day, “but this was a real wake-up call.” “He scared the daylights out of me,” I heard from another student, who went straight from class to a gun store. Others who already owned a gun told me the classes made them feel the gun should be bigger, with a larger caliber and more capacity.

Firearms instructors are not the only ones who make an appearance at self-defense classes. Lawyers do, too. Lawyers who specialize in defending gun owners. They go to classes and tell students how to talk (or not) to 911 operators and police officers in the event they shoot someone. In one seminar, a lawyer emphasized the importance of explaining, “I had no choice.”

With more than 200 mass shootings in our country this year alone, advocates of gun regulation often cite the tragic number of lives lost or the fact that gun-related injuries have surpassed car accidents as the nation’s leading cause of injury-related death among people under 24. But another, less recognized casualty is the kind of public interactions that make democracy viable. The N.R.A. says that “an armed society is a polite society.” But learning to carry a gun isn’t teaching Americans to have good manners. It’s training them to be suspicious and atomized, learning to protect themselves, no matter how great the risk to others. It’s training them to not be citizens.

The Testosterone Zone

The last few days I have been trying to understand and somehow explain the failure of men as I endlessly hear or read another story about a man and his failure to control his most basest of urges which seem to be to fight or to fuck.

Even the most innocuous of men seem to have a switch in their head that seems to turn on or off when it comes to either behavior and that also may be why those men seem to struggle more with sexual identity, personal intimate relationships and in turn their own place in a larger social role.  Those are the men who at 60 suddenly divorce, have literally an identity crisis and find themselves adrift. What used to end up with a man buying a Porche or quitting his job to live on a boat has become so much more.   I think of Bruce Jenner and now Billy Dee Williams who has decided to become fluid in his identity.  Do I care about either man? No but the need for attention is the part I don’t understand.  You know who you are early on and at times that challenge to fit that square peg into a round hole is not easy and I should know and mine is not about sexual identity but just being a woman of independence of means and that is not just about finances but about work, relationships and what I believe and do in response to my beliefs about myself.

After what happened to me in 2012 I was not sure what my life would be like without a fuck buddy and I found out its fine.  I cannot be Gay as I was not born that way and no it is not a choice and I choose to be me.   So for someone who enjoys men and in small doses but would like a constant companion on whom to rely I realize that men say that but they do not mean that.  They cannot get enough sex to ever satisfy them and they cannot accept a woman who either agrees nor is willing to not agree.  With men it is no either/or it is neither/nor.  A woman is a whore or a mother and one fucks at will and one just fucks to have children and once that is accomplished their role is asexual and to serve.  Gee where did that one come from? Oh yeah the book of myths.

This weekend I watched three comedy specials with their own take on parenting, relationships and becoming an adult in society as it related to their own experiences and history – Wanda Sykes, Seth Myers and Sebastian Maniscalco.  There are many outstanding ones with similar themes on Netflx right now, many I have seen and some I have not but it is worth ones time to just sit and laugh at the world that seems all out of control and all ironically because of men who stand on two sides of the same argument.  The NATO conference demonstrated that in ways that reminded me of the high school cafeteria with the cool kids laughing at the nerd who later plans his revenge.  And we have seen of late of that pans out usually with guns and ammo not Hookers and blow; the later a way preferable way to give the big finger to the assholes.

But what stood out was Wanda Sykes observations about aging as a woman.  And there I realized that for me I have become invisible, I am to be ignored and when being paid attention to I am done so in a patronizing and condescending manner.  We are seeing this now also pan out with the “OK Boomer” response by Millennials who seem to think our world view is a waste of their precious time away from social media which put us here in the first place.  So okay then!  But her one observation was salient with the lack of Estrogen which is a calming hormone we are becoming men. It explains my anger and my rage of late and why I upset everyone with my directness as that is not how women are dammit!  More subservience and reticence please bitch!

I don’t do social media anymore and I loved Twitter in the early days and now I simply glance at it an pimp my blog.  I have a fake Facebook account and email with it and when they get shut down in the occasional sweeps I just come up with another one.  Really Google and other tech firms give no flying fucks about any issues of privacy, fraud or interference in democracy. The more data the better to make money with.   If they cared they would have fixed it like they claim they are fixing the world and making it better, like Theranos only with less bullshit and fraud.   And that was a woman behind that so hey we broke the glass ceiling there!

And that brings me to the sharing economy and the varying startups that have come from them.  Let’s see the woman oriented ones are fashion and domestic based – Pinterest, Etsy, Rent the Runway and so forth. The male ones are Uber, Lyft, AirBnb, TaskRabbit, Grinder and other dating apps that are sexual in nature.  Just Facebook with swiping versus liking which is what the face place was about when it started, a way to rate women by nerds who could not get laid. They chose the internet and getting rich over taking up arms.  Good choice.

So this week brought the report by Uber about the number of sexual assaults and other criminal complaints on both drivers and passengers.  I am sure Lyft is the same (and it is)as who hasn’t gotten into one of the vehicles to find the signage of both in the car.  I never do any of those services at night and never will without a male companion as frankly they are not the best in the best of times but the few I have had here in Jersey speak very little English and those who do I start up a convo right away and keep talking and we all know how men hate women who talk a lot.  Irony I am rated 5 star! I tip.  That said I have also had amazing conversations with men in those vehicles that lasted long after the ride did and I am better for it.   I actually do know how to converse and when you are willing to find someone to do the same we are all better for it.

And for the record most abuse, violence and societal problems begin on social media and end in a pile of shit.  So much for the social part but ass kicking, murder, suicide, rape (or making it live on and on and on)and gun violence sure that  is pretty social.

So as I try to understand what the fuck is going on and why I feel so afraid, disconnected and in turn just sad, I read the following articles all about the failings of men when it comes to women and sex:

Woman killed after date
Woman killed for ignoring catcalls
Traffic Stop leads to Rape     or Dead Tell No Tales
Rape as Porn Video
Cruise Ships and Rape
How about a Plane  or Another airline perhaps
Caregiver or Taker

I just listed the ones of late these do not include further allegations about Priests, Harvey Weinstein or the other Stein – as in Jeffrey. The fallback to Prince Andrew is enough about that subject for awhile. We have numerous stories of rape and assault all over the globe, just doing a search on the New York Times gave me these articles.  It is a global problem that affects both men and women. Google Hyderbad.  And yes men are also raped by men that are not just Priests. The New York Times did an outstanding investigation of male rape in the Military and of late the boys in Afghanistan. 

My point?  That men have real problems that all the hash tags, marches and collective sighing will not change. We have had legislation for years to prevent sexual abuse including harassment and clearly it failed in the same way the Cops failed to protect people from harm as they seem to be the ones most causing it.   And when it comes to sexual assault they do shit all nothing as the Atlantic found in their article about how many rapes fail to get investigated at any level.  And watch the Netflix series about ProPublica’s investigation into a serial rapist – Unbelievable.  You may need a comedy show after that.

Anger, rage, displacement, confusion, sexual identity, sexual frustration, drugs, alcohol, abandonment, isolation, depression, anxiety, poverty, family abuse, sexual abuse, religion and societal pressures are all reasons why we do what we do, why we make bad decisions but nothing women do seems to rise to the level of violence and destruction that men do.  And why? It’s the testosterone baby!   That is some shit man that is killing men.  Fuck Viagra, find a way to control that and maybe we have solved some of the problems.  Just some of them.  I am not sure if it is all nature at this point as we have nurtured this for centuries and some things regarding male domination and abuse seem beyond resolution.  We are all losers for this.  Time is up? For what?  It appears as if that time has passed.  Ok, Boomer.

Call Me or Not

I was busy this weekend trying to shove as much food in my face with my upcoming dental surgery on Friday so I was enjoying a peach muffin at Barista Parlor when I read this article about Silicon Valley and then laughed out loud as if this was shocking or surprising in any way.

Women in Tech Speak Frankly on Culture of Harassment


Their stories came out slowly, even hesitantly, at first. Then in a rush.

One female entrepreneur recounted how she had been propositioned by a Silicon Valley venture capitalist while seeking a job with him, which she did not land after rebuffing him. Another showed the increasingly suggestive messages she had received from a start-up investor. And one chief executive described how she had faced numerous sexist comments from an investor while raising money for her online community website.

What happened afterward was often just as disturbing, the women told The New York Times. Many times, the investors’ firms and colleagues ignored or played down what had happened when the situations were brought to their attention. Saying anything, the women were warned, might lead to ostracism.

Now some of these female entrepreneurs have decided to take that risk. More than two dozen women in the technology start-up industry spoke to The Times in recent days about being sexually harassed. Ten of them named the investors involved, often providing corroborating messages and emails, and pointed to high-profile venture capitalists such as Chris Sacca of Lowercase Capital and Dave McClure of 500 Startups.

The disclosures came after the tech news site The Information reported that female entrepreneurs had been preyed upon by a venture capitalist, Justin Caldbeck of Binary Capital. The new accounts underscore how sexual harassment in the tech start-up ecosystem goes beyond one firm and is pervasive and ingrained. Now their speaking out suggests a cultural shift in Silicon Valley, where such predatory behavior had often been murmured about but rarely exposed.

The tech industry has long suffered a gender imbalance, with companies such as Google and Facebook acknowledging how few women were in their ranks. Some female engineers have started to speak out on the issue, including a former Uber engineer who detailed a pattern of sexual harassment at the company, setting off internal investigations that spurred the resignation in June of Uber’s chief executive, Travis Kalanick.

Most recently, the revelations about Mr. Caldbeck of Binary Capital have triggered an outcry. The investor has been accused of sexually harassing entrepreneurs while he worked at three different venture firms in the past seven years, often in meetings in which the women were presenting their companies to him.

Several of Silicon Valley’s top venture capitalists and technologists, including Reid Hoffman, a founder of LinkedIn, condemned Mr. Caldbeck’s behavior last week and called for investors to sign a “decency pledge.” Binary has since collapsed, with Mr. Caldbeck leaving the firm and investors pulling money out of its funds.

The chain of events has emboldened more women to talk publicly about the treatment they said they had endured from tech investors.

“Female entrepreneurs are a critical part of the fabric of Silicon Valley,” said Katrina Lake, founder and chief executive of the online clothing start-up Stitch Fix, who was one of the women targeted by Mr. Caldbeck. “It’s important to expose the type of behavior that’s been reported in the last few weeks, so the community can recognize and address these problems.”

The women’s experiences help explain why the venture capital and start-up ecosystem — which underpins the tech industry and has spawned companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon — has been so lopsided in terms of gender.

Most venture capitalists and entrepreneurs are men, with female entrepreneurs receiving $1.5 billion in funding last year versus $58.2 billion for men, according to the data firm PitchBook. Many of the investors hold outsize power, since entrepreneurs need their money to turn ideas and innovations into a business. And because the venture industry operates with few disclosure requirements, people have kept silent about investors who cross the lines with entrepreneurs.

Some venture capitalists’ abuse of power has come to light in recent years. In 2015, Ellen Pao took her former employer, the prestigious venture firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, to trial for allegations of gender discrimination, leveling accusations of professional retaliation after spurned sexual advances. Ms. Pao lost the case, but it sparked a debate about whether women in tech should publicly call out unequal treatment.

“Having had several women come out earlier, including Ellen Pao and me, most likely paved the way and primed the industry that these things indeed happen,” said Gesche Haas, an entrepreneur who said she was propositioned for sex by an investor, Pavel Curda, in 2014. Mr. Curda has since apologized.

Some of the entrepreneurs who spoke with The Times said they were often touched without permission by investors or advisers.

At a mostly male tech gathering in Las Vegas in 2009, Susan Wu, an entrepreneur and investor, said that Mr. Sacca, an investor and former Google executive, touched her face without her consent in a way that made her uncomfortable. Ms. Wu said she was also propositioned by Mr. Caldbeck while fund-raising in 2010 and worked hard to avoid him later when they crossed paths.

“There is such a massive imbalance of power that women in the industry often end up in distressing situations,” Ms. Wu said.

After being contacted by The Times, Mr. Sacca wrote in a blog post on Thursday: “I now understand I personally contributed to the problem. I am sorry.” In a statement to The Times, he added that he was “grateful to Susan and the other brave women sharing their stories. I’m confident the result of their courage will be long-overdue, lasting change.”

After the publication of this article, Mr. Sacca contacted The Times again to amend his original statement, adding: “I dispute Susan’s account from 2009.”

Many of the women also said they believed they had limited ability to push back against inappropriate behavior, often because they needed funding, a job or other help.

In 2014, Sarah Kunst, 31, an entrepreneur, said she discussed a potential job at 500 Startups, a start-up incubator in San Francisco. During the recruiting process, Mr. McClure, a founder of 500 Startups and an investor, sent her a Facebook message that read in part, “I was getting confused figuring out whether to hire you or hit on you.”

Ms. Kunst, who now runs a fitness start-up, said she declined Mr. McClure’s advance. When she later discussed the message with one of Mr. McClure’s colleagues, she said 500 Startups ended its conversations with her.

500 Startups said Mr. McClure, who did not respond to a request for comment, was no longer in charge of day-to-day operations after an internal investigation.

“After being made aware of instances of Dave having inappropriate behavior with women in the tech community, we have been making changes internally,” 500 Startups said. “He recognizes he has made mistakes and has been going through counseling to work on addressing changes in his previous unacceptable behavior.”

Rachel Renock, the chief executive of Wethos, described a similar situation in which she faced sexist comments while seeking financing for her online community site. While she and her female partners were fund-raising in March, one investor told them that they should marry for money, that he liked it when women fought back because he would always win, and that they needed more attractive photos of themselves in their presentation.

They put up with the comments, Ms. Renock said, because they “couldn’t imagine a world in which that $500,000 wasn’t on the table anymore.” Ms. Renock declined to name the investor. Wethos raised the $500,000 from someone else and is still fund-raising.

Wendy Dent, 43, whose company Cinemmerse makes an app for smart watches, said she was sent increasingly flirtatious messages by a start-up adviser, Marc Canter, as she was trying to start her company in 2014. Mr. Canter, who had founded a software company in the 1980s that became known as Macromedia, initially agreed to help her find a co-founder. But over time, his messages became sexual in nature.

In one message, reviewed by The Times, he wrote that she was a “sorceress casting a spell.” In another, he commented on how she looked in a blue dress and added, “Know what I’m thinking? Why am I sending you this — in private?”

Mr. Canter, in an interview, said that Ms. Dent “came on strong to me, asking for help” and that she had used her sexuality publicly. He said he disliked her ideas so he behaved the way he did to make her go away.

Some entrepreneurs were asked to not speak about the behavior they experienced.

At a start-up competition in 2014 in San Francisco, Lisa Curtis, an entrepreneur, pitched her food start-up, Kuli Kuli, and was told her idea had won the most plaudits from the audience, opening the door to possible investment. As she stepped off the stage, an investor named Jose De Dios, said, “Of course you won. You’re a total babe.”

Ms. Curtis later posted on Facebook about the exchange and got a call from a different investor. He said “that if I didn’t take down the post, no one in Silicon Valley would give me money again,” she said. Ms. Curtis deleted the post.

In a statement, Mr. De Dios said he “unequivocally did not make a defamatory remark.”

Often, change happens only when there is a public revelation, some of the women said. In the case of Mr. Caldbeck and Binary, the investor and the firm have apologized, as has Mr. Caldbeck’s previous employer, the venture capital firm Lightspeed Venture Partners, which had received complaints about him.

“We regret we did not take stronger action,” Lightspeed said on Twitter on Tuesday. “It is clear now that we should have done more.”

Lindsay Meyer, an entrepreneur in San Francisco, said Mr. Caldbeck put $25,000 of his own money into her fitness start-up in 2015. That gave Mr. Caldbeck reason to constantly text her; in those messages, reviewed by The Times, he asked if she was attracted to him and why she would rather be with her boyfriend than him. At times, he groped and kissed her, she said.

“I felt like I had to tolerate it because this is the cost of being a nonwhite female founder,” said Ms. Meyer, who is Asian-American.

But even after she reached out to a mentor, who alerted one of Binary’s investors, Legacy Venture, to Mr. Caldbeck’s actions, little changed. Legacy went on to invest in Binary’s new fund. Binary and Mr. Caldbeck declined to comment.

“We failed to follow up on information about Mr. Caldbeck’s personal behavior,” Legacy said in a statement. “We regret this oversight and are determined to do better.”

This is neither shocking nor surprising as basically it is Prostitution or Extortion, either/or they are both illegal. That said these are from the stories of women who refused. Let’s hear from the Women who said yes and now hate themselves, or don’t or now admit they didn’t care. And yes they exist.

I think Bill Cosby could have saved a lot of legal bills had he just become a VC.

***ETA since I wrote the blog I read that a Silicon Valley VC has resigned amid “rumors” of an “alleged” sexual assault. The article in The Guardian is here.   At this point the only men who seem to be able to sit in a room with a Woman and not rape/abuse/assault a woman is Gay.  No wonder the right wants to exclude them as well as they are clearly guardians of the gate to pussy.  I am worn out with this shit.  Utterly worn out.

Then I read this article and went: “Well we have come nowhere baby!”

It’s Not Just Mike Pence. Americans Are Wary of Being Alone With the Opposite Sex.

Claire Cain Miller The New York Times JULY 1, 2017

Men and women still don’t seem to have figured out how to work or socialize together. For many, according to a new Morning Consult poll conducted for The New York Times, it is better simply to avoid each other.

Many men and women are wary of a range of one-on-one situations, the poll found. Around a quarter think private work meetings with colleagues of the opposite sex are inappropriate. Nearly two-thirds say people should take extra caution around members of the opposite sex at work. A majority of women, and nearly half of men, say it’s unacceptable to have dinner or drinks alone with someone of the opposite sex other than their spouse.

The rest of the survey and article are here

I thought perhaps Americans are so sexually repressed and obsessed with religion that may be the problem but alas then I read about Australia. No, not the Cardinal from the Vatican returning to Australia regarding sexual assaults of Children although that too is another issue that needs discussion, this is about their rape problems on College Campuses

Australia Grapples With Campus Assaults, and Reprisals Against Victims


CANBERRA, Australia — Female students who have spoken out about sexual assault and harassment on Australian university campuses have returned to their dorm rooms to find them flooded with water.

Others came home to defaced dorm doors or mattresses that had been urinated on.

When Emily Jones, a third-year student, asked a group of men to stop encircling women during a barroom tradition — in which men drop their pants and sing when the Australian song “Eagle Rock” is played — she was ostracized by friends and condemned by the news media for joining the “fun police.”

“Rather than being happy to make a compromise because so many women were feeling unsafe, they’d rather just keep having a good time,” Ms. Jones, 22, said in an interview on campus here. “I was very disheartened.”

Australia has some of the highest rates of reported sexual assault in the world, according to the United Nations, and over the past year a steady stream of on-campus assaults, ritualized misogyny and cruel retaliation have prompted a national conversation about gender, power and accountability.

A January report by the advocacy group End Rape on Campus Australia found that universities had frequently failed to support victims of sexual assault and harassment. In some cases, the report said, they actively sought to cover up sexual assaults to avoid reputational damage.

And while the problem is global, each new scandal here — just this week, a young woman accused a Greens party member of date rape — has led to more women speaking out, as well as an angry response from what many Australians consider a core element of this country’s identity: its hypermasculine culture.

“It is standard, in fact, that when a student exposes sexism or misogyny in their own university they are almost always met with horrendous backlash and ostracism, including reprisals,” said Nina Funnell, a victims’ advocate and writer. “That’s incredibly common in Australia.”

Australian university officials — especially at the two elite universities facing the most criticism, Australian National and Sydney — insist that they are tackling the problem head on.

Sydney University recently set up a rape hotline and improved training for staff, said Tyrone Carlin, deputy vice chancellor. A.N.U. introduced a sexual consent training course for all first-year students this year, said Richard Baker, pro vice chancellor of the university.
Investigating the Response to Sexual Assault in Australia

How are universities and other institutions in Australia responding to sexual assault and sexual harassment? To inform our coverage, we’re asking readers to contribute their stories.

The Australian Human Rights Commission is also conducting a survey of 39,000 students at 39 Australian universities to map the full extent of the problem.

“All universities are putting in an enormous amount of effort,” said Belinda Robinson, chief executive of Universities Australia, an association of the country’s universities, which helped finance the survey. “This whole-of-sector approach is a world first.”

But many students question the universities’ commitment. They say that it is still common for complaints to linger without a university response; for men accused of, say, rating women’s bodies on social media to receive little punishment; and for there to be little coordination at a national level.

The activists say their demands are reasonable: a university hotline that offers help from a trained trauma professional, required sexual consent training and a clear and transparent system for adjudicating complaints.

In the United States, where sexual assault on campus continues to be a problem, mandatory consent education has become increasingly common. Databases of sexual assault cases at universities can be easily tracked online, and because of Title IX — a 1972 federal law mandating equal access to higher education — every American educational institution receiving federal funding is required to have a Title IX coordinator, whom victims can contact to report sex discrimination, sexual harassment or violence.

In Australia, many students say that requests for similar policies have been thwarted or delayed even as reports of sexual assault reached a six-year high last year.

At A.N.U. and Sydney, the problems have long been obvious. Last year, in an open letter to Sydney University officials, women who served in student government wrote: “For an entire decade we have been raising the issue of sexual assault and harassment on campus with the administration. For an entire decade we have been met with resistance to change.”

At Sydney University, for example, the Safer Communities Working Group set up more than a year ago in part to deal with sexual assault is seen by some students as window dressing.

“I was pretty hopeful, maybe naïvely, coming into it, thinking we could bring students’ concerns there and they would be addressed,” said Anna Hush, 23, a philosophy student who was part of the group last year. “But it was much more them telling us what they were doing rather than us contributing to decisions being made.”

Katie Thorburn, 22, the student government co-women’s officer at Sydney University, said that school officials initially resisted a pilot program for sexual consent education, then bristled at questions about why they ended up choosing a voluntary quiz in which students could skip questions to reach the end.

“They’re tougher on plagiarism,” Ms. Thorburn said.

A Sydney University spokeswoman said they would review that concern as the program was used more widely.

Some men on campus acknowledged a wider problem — “the treatment of women as sex objects first,” as Harry Licence, 20, a second-year media and communications student, put it.

In the most recent scandal, a student at St. Paul’s, an elite residential college, posted a screed on Facebook comparing sex with large women to “harpooning a whale” and offering advice on how to “get rid of some chick” after “rooting” her.

Mr. Licence, who has friends at St. Paul’s, said that wherever privileged students from all-boys schools are concentrated, there is a lack of experience with treating women as equals.

“I think there are significant issues that come from living within that bubble,” he said.

In Canberra, Ms. Jones is still dealing with the consequences of that insularity.

The “Eagle Rock” incident happened on the dance floor of a bar in her former residential college, Burton and Garran, during a mixer last August. Ever since she wrote in April about the criticism she received after speaking out about it, she has not felt welcome there.

Residents of her dorm started blasting “Eagle Rock,” a 1971 Australian rock song often played at rugby games and bars, down the hallways. Some of her friends stopped talking to her and ignored her in the dining hall, common tactics, experts say.

Karen Willis, executive officer of Rape and Domestic Violence Services, Australia, said other standard acts of retaliation include flooding, urinating on mattresses and insults on social media.

At A.N.U., officials have been grappling for more than a year with sexist incidents, especially in its residential colleges, most of which are independently governed living quarters, similar to American fraternities and sororities.

Last year, university officials discovered a secret online group started by students at John XXIII, a prestigious Catholic residential college, who were sharing pictures of students’ breasts and rating them on Facebook.

In March, four male students there were caught chanting graphic sexual rhymes about “nailing” women.

In both cases, the students were disciplined, and some suspended. Burton and Garran Hall has also officially prohibited the encircling of women when “Eagle Rock” is played.

Jane O’Dwyer, an Australian National spokeswoman, said the university was working to address a nationwide problem. “It’s a cultural issue in Australia,” she said. “We have a hypermasculine society.”

That culture, advocates say, means serious cases still go unpunished.

“We all know women who have been raped,” Ms. Jones said. “What ends up usually happening to the perpetrator is they just either do nothing or move them to another college. It reminds me of the way the Catholic Church moved the priests along.”

The End Rape on Campus report, based on public records at 27 of the country’s universities, found that 575 complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault made to Australian universities in the last five years resulted in only six expulsions.

Australian National officials say they are still trying to improve their response to the problem.

“The university is reviewing all of its policies and procedures to see if we can further enhance their transparency and fairness,” Professor Baker said.

But the universities have a long way to go if they want to cleanse the toxic atmosphere that drove a Sydney University student to the brink last fall.

After she wrote a column in the student newspaper about sexual harassment and assault on campus, the student, Justine Landis-Hanley, was barraged with shaming comments on social media. Classmates stopped speaking to her, she said, even refusing to make eye contact.

Then the personal photos that decorated her dorm door started disappearing, one a day.

“What hurt so much was the fact that people I lived with, whom I had come to think of as my family, would purposely try to make me feel like scum,” she said. “They were trying, albeit in a pretty pathetic and cowardly way, to run me out of my home.”

Finally, when there was only one picture left, Ms. Landis-Hanley took it down herself.

As she wrote on Facebook, “I was taken to hospital that night for being suicidal.”

At this point I am not sure what I can lend to this discussion. My Mother was Australian and in my youth I spent quite a bit of time in the Country and loved it. I have been many times but have not in the last decade as the rise in racism led me to rethink returning and frankly I was over it as the distance from the rest of the world was the last thing I needed. I  have long lost contact with my family who still live there and while I think of them in passing, we were just like most of the people I have known, intense acquaintances that I have loved in passing.

I cannot comment on the men in Australia today but how are they different than the men on American College campuses? They aren’t. They just finished the third Vanderbilt rape trial and I am actually tired of talking about this subject. But what is says that Men and Women fear each other. When you have fear you have rage and when you have rage you have violence. I cannot stress enough that we keep pretending Millennials are the answer no they are the mirrors to the culture at large. They rebrand Taxi and Limo services, they act violent and abusive and are racist and smug. They are all of us. They will not solve this they will simply bury it and pretend it is a problem of someone else or another age. What.ever.