Cult of Personality

There are many ways we can come to define what compromises a Cult. There are a couple of podcasts on the concept of Cults and they fairly do a broad sweep of the subject which can include Bravo’s Housewives franchises to certain types of diets. My personal favorite: The Cult of Dolly Parton. I have to admit that while I respect fandom there is this point where you cross lines, but I am not sure I have heard of anyone altering their body physically and dressing like Dolly daily, relocating to Tennessee and taking up residence near Dollywood to be closer to their icon where her songs are on permanent playlist. The Cult of Kardashians however…..

But the point is that when you become obsessive to the point where all rational thought and all spare time and energy is devoted to a singular subject that you are willing to change your lifestyle, your appearance, donate your money or turn over your finances and independence in which to pursue and remain in the society in which you are a member, you are in a cult. There is the Sarah Lawrence Cult that was in the news of late and a subject of a Documentary and now a play. That is a cult.

There are cults around business, NXVIM is one that stands out as perhaps the most bizarre of those, but I would include Scientology as that is a publishing industry as well as a Real Estate Firm despite having the designation of a “Religion” enabling them tax breaks and exemptions. Nice work if you can get it.

And that is the biggest cult of all – Organized Religion. The idea that you can have a “house” as it is called for worship, draw people in to listen to someone read a version of a book, take that an interpret its meaning, then demand fealty, in turn submission of one’s soul to that and demand money in which to enable you to do it all again and then not pay taxes on earnings, that is to say a hell of a cult.

And like all Cults sex is the big tool, pencil in which to draw and of course the weapon to further the submission of now both body and soul. The Catholic Church really mastered that craft and with that there are more Revelations than in the Bible (pun intended) about other organized Churches that have similar problem, the Southern Baptists are one such example. With that the promises of investigations and repentance, the big tool of Churches that one there, in which to ostracize those who harmed others. In other words, like Police who get busted for shooting/killing/harming someone they are just moved to a new place on the Chess Board. They then spend their days hoping to not get caught again for doing the same or just at least not outed for something they did in the past and promise, pinky swear, to never do again.

When one thinks of Cults almost always you think of Religion. There are many and the cross the globe. The fill a Wiki page and include largely those centered on the concept of faith. But they are more than that. You really have to examine what a cult is, and despite the idea that they are some sort of thrown together crazies who are nuts is actually kind of right and wrong. Charlie Manson was an example of that but when you look at the Cult of Nike Shoes, aka Heaven’s Gate, they were not. They were highly organized, had a dogma, a Hierarchy and in turn financial records, established income and were to all their members it was a “religion.” If they had the appropriate tax documentation and legal registration filed that I cannot answer but I suspect they did. And yes there is a podcast about them too.

And with that the idea of Mass Suicide aka Homicide features in many cults. There was Jim Jones, the above mentioned Heaven’s Gate and this cult in Kenya that had members starve themselves while the founder managed to survive. This is not unlike the one in Tennessee, subject of another documentary The Way Down, about the Remnant Fellowship and their founding Minister, Gwen Shamblin, who died in a plane crash. Guess weight was not a problem in why that plane crashed.

And there is a debate that groups like Heaven’s Gate and many other established groups, almost all of them subjects of movies, documentaries, podcasts and books, such Wild Wild Country. And are they in fact organized religions that simply like Scientology have a different angle on historical canons or are they are a cult? Again, I think ALL and any of it are cults but again I will say that you are free to go in and out of a Church at any time and not feel compelled to shave your head, wear a costume, donate all your money and go live in social isolation dedicated to the faith. Oh wait? Never mind. Still love Audrey Hepburn in a Nun’s Story though.

I have found some similarities to cults, they are all started by Men and then they get Women involved to be the recruiters, the beards, the front faces to show the legitimacy of the organization. Even Jeffrey Epstein had Jizzehlda/Ghislaine or Beard, to pose as his companion in which to enable him to move among the movers and shakers of leadership and finance in which to gain trust, gain money and fuck young girls. The revelations of that family/cult/business is still coming to light. I love the denial by all those whose interests coalesced with Epstein in pursuit of more money (sure but really isn’t sex part of that?) I love that they never saw a “young” girl in his company or on his properties and planes. Really you didn’t? They seem to remember you.

Yes folks Money is a type of cult, where the Billionaires and Millionaires meet, greet, fuck and do it all again in pursuit of money and fame. And all of that comes or do I mean cum, in the forms of buying, planes, boats, art or homes in which to prove how your bank account and dick are the biggest. Look at Newport or Beverly Hills, the Hamptons, Manhattan where they have erect ones lining the sky. Islands or Ranches are another way to hide one’s crimes right in the open and with that they are telling us to fuck off as this is an exclusive cult where membership is closed.

There would be no NXIVM or many cults without the Multi Level Marketing one sees in other business oriented “cults” such as Amway and Herbalife. That is how that nut, Raniere, in NXIVM made a living prior to his founding of that cult. MLMs have been called many names, including network marketing, social marketing, pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, product-based sales, referral marketing, and direct sales. MLMs are pyramid schemes that focus on recruiting people to recruit others, presumably giving a cut of the income up the chain. Bernie Madoff anyone?

When you dedicate yourself to preserving a belief, a lifestyle, a type of faith falls in line. Without that you have well just life and free will, and cults do not want free will, they want submission and obsession. The idea that you will have a better life, maybe not on this planet or even when alive but later so keep on believing, starving, earning, worshiping or fucking. That last one is always the biggest element in most cults. Remember they are almost all started by Men. Gwen broke that glass ceiling literally and is now with her God so I assume she can eat now, you don’t need food in heaven. And that Men are well men and they are ruled by the Dick. Why do you think all are Warriors of God and carry a big Sword there?

There are many cults and many types of them. The John Birch Society, the KKK, the White Supremacy movements that have many extensions the same way the Southern Baptists have Churches. Where to you think White Christian Nationalism comes from? I often recall the Westboro Baptist Church. But think of all the Pro Life Movements, where they literally killed Doctors, so much for pro life. And Politics make for strange bedfellows and none are more strange than the obsessive histrionic belief in Donald Trump. I have long said he hit the boxes of having money and fame. We all know that both are due to bluster and production values that the show The Apprentice provided. Like all Churches, Businesses have the Front of the House and the Back of the House. The back runs it all, they collect the money, hide the money and disperse the money, to themselves. It is all a type of grifting, or the long con. And without a certain type of believers that continue to come through the doors there is no way a business can last and you need that door open 24/7. Thank GOD for the Internet as now you never are closed.

The rise of Social Media parallels the rise of White Supremacy as it enabled, permitted, tolerated and allowed it. There were always factions and groups who in their isolation found support but then you have a massive communication too to facilitate it. Fox News and Tucker Carlson became the de facto propaganda machine and in turn those incidents of violence prompted by racial and religious animosity were easily dismissed and the faux rise of “antifa” became the new warrior cry and ones to blame. In my day it was Hippies, before that Communists and so on. The same way the lay elections at Soccer Moms, Tea Partiers and other “groups” that will be the determining factor are just concocted by the Media in which to bring eyes to screens, now those screens are more than Televisions, they are Phones, Computers, IPads and any form of technology one uses to find like. And as in all Math equations, like likes like.

As I watched the recent film on Showtime on Waco and I began to realize the complex web of how Guns and how those with guns meet, interact and the individuals, almost all exclusively white men who are lost and misdirected and use often Religion as their expression of frustration it allowed me to learn more about the way we use whatever tool we have in our kit to become a weapon. McVeigh was prompted by Waco and led him to find an enabler or more than one (which we still do not know and never will) I do find it ironic that it was the current DOJ Head, Merrick Garland who Prosecuted him but I am not sure I agree that it was flawless as he failed to realize that others were involved to help him plan and act upon it. And when we look at many of the mass shootings they are prompted by far more than a lone wolf who did not get laid, were bullied, were Racist, were Homophobic, Misogynist, Anti Semitic or whatever “ist” you need to validate your rage.

Jeffrey Toobin has written a new book, Homegrown, documenting some of this history behind Waco and the fanaticism that grew out of the 90s. The culmination of that was in fact Columbine. I had read the great book by Dave Cullen on the subject and knew the boys were not in fact bullied or sad losers. They had been in fact arrested and with that they conned their Parents, the Authorities that they were not a problem. But the myths remain. The same way a Teacher called that trigger by the drawings by one of them, the same was true in Michigan and yet the Parents there did know and in turn took off running. Denial is the same as complicity in many of these young men who are enabled to get guns, to hide the second life in the same way a Man hides a Mistress. Talk about Cults again and its relationship to reality TV take a look at Scandoval. What a farce that took up hours of rage and mob mentality to denigrate an idiot on a “reality” show and his affair. Do you actually know these people? Why do you care? Apply that rationale to the angry white men/boys who for some reason seen others as enemy’s and wish to do them harm. And when I got into an online argument with someone who was convinced that Columbine was a standard school shooting (again are any?) I pointed to the facts behind their reasoning, how they were perceived in legal filings as “good young promising men” by Therapists and Law Enforcement. Their parents relieved and meanwhile they planned on. Their killing of most of the victims was in the School Library and they took pleasure while shooting them. It is not a pretty story but again we have a gun problem, we have a massive mental health problem and we have no way of stopping or circumventing any of it. Time and time again we have failed to see signs, ignore flags and in turn we are so afraid we in fact contribute to it by buying more guns. And I will write a post about the history of how guns became the most significant issue in America today, a type of de facto defense mechanism that has little to do with the 2nd Amendment but more about money and strategy by the NRA and Gun Manufacturers. As all things in life there is always history and a back story.

But without a leader, a type of person, either dead or alive, in which to draw members there is no cult. Think Jesus and that is the starring member of that cult. When one looks at many “cult” fanatics there are usually patterns of behavior and failed businesses that often push one to form a type of community and in turn prove the naysayers wrong. The intent may be benign, but usually it evolves and becomes grander in both scope and scale. They almost always do. But as Americans we are illiterate, we like to emote, we like to believe what we believe and refuse to spend anytime doing the homework, taking the time to ask questions, and expect that our “instincts” are right. Really? Your instincts? We have two: Fight or flight. And with that we have some with higher order thinking skills motivated largely by the biggest motivator – Money. Money is the only thing that matters regardless of Class, Race, Gender etc, etc etc. And anyone who tells you different is either a Charlatan aka a Cult Leader or a Pathological liar aka a Cult Leader. Some are better than others at manipulating people to BELIEVE and not all of it is about a belief but it is about money. See Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos on that one.

It all falls to those who are Believers, Followers and those who are Leaders. And they are distinctly different. It is the Cult of Personality.

You’re Fired

So goes the catch phrase of Donald Trump’s The Apprentice and with that it enabled him to further create a myth of a successful and rich white businessman who made it up on his own bootstraps, a career maker, deal breaker and all around walking verification of the Horatio Alger myth of meritocracy. None of that was or is true but it did hand him the Presidency on the back of a massive media campaign that he exploited for his benefit at our detriment. There is no doubt the roll of mass media and conventional cable did its part to elevate a man in search of press his entire life and acceptance in high culture and society. It did that but with an entire cohort of people that Trump in the normal days of his life would likely eschew and mock, the Evangelicals and the Working class. This is a man who never heard of a lawsuit he did not lock in when it came to suing Contractors and others who he felt ripped him off. These are not the Ivy League Class that came to work for him in the White House, these are Plumbers, Builders and others whose work he needed then stiffed for payment due. His fixer, Michael Cohen, hardly had the credentials of those later who would do his bidding, the Bill Barr’s, the Clarence Thomases, and the many others who have represented him throughout varying Impeachments, suits, investigations ongoing or in process that are racking up six figure bills that will likely follow him on the impending campaign trail. Trump may love the uneducated but he prefers those who are.

With that many were equally ill suited and educated and were largely responsible for some other myth making that ended the careers of another angry white man – Tucker Carlson – of Fox News. There is no doubt that the never ending clown car of Attorney’s and others who defended the Big Lie were less credentialed but no less impassioned about a future position in the Big House, be that the White one or the one often noted as Prison. The last few years are a revolving door of crazy is and crazy does and it has no end date in site. No folks the 2024 election will only continue this until they either die off or find a new shiny key.

This week saw not only Carlson’s exit but that of Don Lemon at CNN as it it attempts to remake itself after years of being the unofficial PR machine that gave us Trump. The exit of the last executive there was a former NBC Producer who was behind the Trump Machine, Jeff Zucker. His was due to a relationship he had with a staff member, that despite it being consensual was still a subordinate or not, who cares but it was obvious that his work at CNN had turned a cable news network into an endless parade of hacks and pundits determined to provide less news and more opinion all the time. Chris Cuomo was let go for his role in aiding his Brother, another angry white man who lost his job thanks to his numerous inappropriate comments, behavior and just all around stuff during the pandemic that had at one point him winning an Emmy for his daily news talks. Seriously they were not that great but it was a counter point to Trump’s rambling ones. See all things circle back to Trump at some point.

Don Lemon had allowed ego and perhaps a belief that being a “star” meant you were infallible to criticism or comment. With that he is gone but not forgotten and will undoubtedly show up somewhere else. Don will be fine and so will Tucker Carlson. Two Coins that have very different heads and tails but they have always turned up like the bad penny’s they are. Sorry folks I used to love Don Lemon but the ego took over and the id is now short for idiot. Women past their prime remark duly noted.

And with that another Executive at NBC was given his walking papers for his inappropriate comments to subordinates. The same goes for a McDonald executive a couple of years ago. And of course more Epstein revelations continue to rise from his grave with regards to his reach and abuse of those whose lives may never recover. It really does go to say, Ask E Jean Carroll about that as well.

There have been many casualties of the angry white men who on the surface were not, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer and with the roar of women on the horizon they too had to be let go into a sea of discontent or malcontent, pick a contention and they are there. It was decades before R. Kelly felt the sting of cuffs and the same goes for Harvey Weinstein. There is a movie and song there – Cell Mates meets Big Brother reality show for those two. But in all reality that will never happen to Trump and we have to get over that as the election nears. We have two very similar men running in regards to age and race and with that the same family dynamics and scandals that all of us have, just some pack that in designer bags versus plastic ones. I deeply respect Joe Biden and with that I was shocked to realize how much I would given his history in politics. I took little notice in his role of VP and with that I wish I could do the same with regards to Ms. Harris. This is history in reverse and with that Biden is the LBJ and the reality is may not live through his second term and that said do we want a Camelot and is Harris the one to bring it. If remakes are a sign, the new Camelot at Lincoln Center is not good despite the pedigree which often means something old cannot be made new again. I do worry and I am not alone.

After living in Nashville for three years I saw first hand the power of the pulpit both in doctrine and bully. The story behind the Nashville 3 says more than one needs to know on how it plays there. It is a State like many where the Minority rule the Majority and that with that we are finding more fabulists, idiots and out right dilettantes elected to public office. We have a Supreme Court with serious ethical lapses in judgements let alone decisions and again a role of religion that cannot be overlooked when it comes to said decisions. We are moving more towards Authoritarianism and a type of Autocracy that cannot be denied. Rare is the head that rules in calm. Fearing diversity of opinion or of life is not a place that Democracy can thrive. It took 40 years of under funding Education to finally allow true idiocy to thrive in jobs that once were the provenance of the educated and the elite. And while I do believe we need to break doors down and hear all voices there is something lacking when heckling a President during a formal speech, verbally abusing and threatening colleagues in which decorum is expected then in turn expelling those who seem to follow that belief but in a way that threatens your own belief seems to show hypocrisy at its finest. The Montana rep now forced to do business in the hall for expressing her own concerns about Transgender rights again shows how fear is seeping into all halls of justice. And yet even Arizona found themselves for once doing the right thing when something is in fact wrong.

If we fire everyone who is left to do the job? I have often said the reason people do not want to return to the office is because they loathe their co-workers. The level of tolerance and acceptance as we have come to learn be it forced or through natural corporate benefit has finally hit the wall and people found out that people are not the luckiest when they need other people. I again point to the school I have been substituting at for the past few months. The SPED department is in chaos and the most neediest of children are getting ignored thanks to the politics of Adults. Due Process for the Adults in question has been denied as is the education and support of the children. Why is this? Laziness, financial obligations or sheer lack of ability may be why. But this solves nothing and with that putting me and many other subs through those doors puts us all at risk. I am happy to be cut from the list and again proves my point that people do no good for me nor I them. I cannot stand being in the same room with two of the women and there is little I can say or do that will not bite me in the ass, so take a hit and move on. As I read about the asshole who was behind the Truth Social network of Trump and his blowing of the whistle on that operation and he is now a Barista at Starbucks, I thought of the song by Bob Marley, Redemption Song, and once again it takes a Black man to remind us all of the mistakes we make and the ability to forgive and move on.

Been fired from a job? I have. More than one. Do I care now? No. Did it teach me anything? Yeah to quit sooner. Other than that no. Sometimes you need to fire yourself and there is nothing wrong with admitting defeat and moving on. We all could use that lesson.

Dishing the Dirt

The big announcement this week was the Gates Divorce. The Bezos one was one and done and she remarried within a year to a Teacher at the same private school, Lakeside, that Gates attended back in the day. Now will Melinda prove to be much like Mackenzie Scott and decide to change venture philanthropy in the way she and her former spouse did and embrace the more lassiez faire method Ms. Scott chose to with her billions? I doubt it. I barely heard a word about Ms. Scott and Bezos was famous for his lack of engagement with the community he lives and works, and only recently had began to donate some of the largess of Amazon into the community. Of course it was very much in the model of the other Ventue Philanthropists chose to, in a way that was of course to circle back to them either via a trained workforce or sufficient business interests. I call it the circle jerk of charity as it almost always White men with money doing what they do best – trickle down economics. But in this model was Melinda Gates who was in symbiosis with her soon to be former spouse. The Gates Foundation is an interesting one as they invest their business holdings, Cascade Investments, with their charitable donations. They are the largest farm landowner in the United States owning more than a 242,000 acres at a value of 690 Million. When asked why? He gave a non-answer. Ted Turner actually is number 2 of the Great White Chief who owns millions of acres. Why? Who the fuck knows. Jane Fonda, his ex wife might and she might not given her liberal leanings. I guess that was a hell of a pre-nup.

Which brings us back the Gates whose residential home is 66,000 square feet. So you could live together and never see each other given the scope and scale of how it is designed and functions. But when you are rich is enough ever enough? And on that note, the day the divorce was announced Bill transferred (or so we are reportedly told) 1.8 BILLION in stocks earlier that day. Hmmm tax reasons? I guess yes.

I have written about the Gates Foundation for many years on this blog and will likely do so, as my interest in them is less about them personally but financially and of course their role in some of their more outrageous integrations in public education; the Common Core is one such example of the ways the Gates have tried to reform education, marginalize professional Educators and Public Schools. As for their attempts at disease mitigation in Africa it too has had some serious problems but nothing that money cannot smooth over. But that has never stopped Bill and Melinda from ham fisting their values across the Globe, which may explain some of the odd conspiracy theories and the like when it came to Covid-19 and Vaccines. They have always had a check at the ready to ensure that influence is best peddled by the rich and white.

But what I am loving right now is that this divorce seems to be tied to another rich and white man – Jeffrey Epstein! Can I just say this is what I needed right now! Jeffrey Epstein the gift from the grave that keeps on giving!

Melinda Gates began divorce moves at time Bill’s meetings with Jeffrey Epstein revealed

Wife of world’s fourth-richest man explored options almost two years ago, roughly at time sex criminal Epstein died in jail

By Martin Pengelly Mon 10 May 2021 The Guardian

Melinda Gates reportedly began exploring options for divorce from Bill Gates almost two years ago, around the time the world’s fourth-richest man was revealed to have met many times with Jeffrey Epstein, the philanthropist and sex offender who killed himself in jail in 2019.

On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal cited “people familiar with the matter” and a former employee of the Gates Foundation who said Bill Gates’s dealings with Epstein were “one source of concern” for his wife.Advertisement

In October 2019, the New York Times reported that Epstein cultivated the acquaintance of rich and powerful men including the former president Bill Clinton.

But it said few “compared in prestige and power to the [then] world’s second-richest person, a brilliant and intensely private luminary: Bill Gates. And unlike many others, Mr Gates started the relationship after Mr Epstein was convicted of sex crimes.”

In 2008, Epstein reached a deal with authorities and was sentenced to 13 months confinement for soliciting prostitution from underage girls. The conditions of the deal were a source of controversy 11 years later, when Epstein was charged with sex trafficking. Found dead in a New York jail, he was deemed to have killed himself.

Earlier this week, the Daily Beast reported that Melinda Gates warned her husband about associating with Epstein in 2013. The Wall Street Journal cited a former employee of the Gates Foundation who said relationships between the two men and other Gates employees continued after that warning.

The Journal said court documents showed that Melinda Gates spoke with legal advisers a number of times around publication of the New York Times story in 2019.

A spokesman for Bill Gates told the Journal he stood by a statement about Epstein given to the paper that year: “I met him. I didn’t have any business relationship or friendship with him.”

Bill and Melinda Gates announced their divorce on Twitter last week.

“After a great deal of thought and a lot of work on our relationship, we have made the decision to end our marriage,” they said. “We have raised three incredible children and built a foundation that works all over the world to enable all people to lead healthy, productive lives.”

The couple, who were married in 1994, have reportedly agreed to divide their assets. According to Forbes, Bill Gates is worth about $124bn. The couple have said they will give most of their money away.

Last week, Forbes said the fortune was being divided. Its headline: “Melinda French Gates Now A Billionaire After Stock Transfer From Bill Gates.”

Citing court documents, the Journal said that about two years before she filed for divorce, Melinda Gates said her marriage had been “irretrievably broken” for some time.

The paper said her legal team included Robert Stephan Cohen, a New York divorce lawyer who has represented Michael Bloomberg and Ivana Trump.

Daddy Issues

We have the most significant sufferer of that malignancy in the White House as few demonstrate the concept of Freud than Ivanka Trump.

I feel the Urban Dictionary sums it up quite nicely:

when a girl has a messed up relationship with her dad. usually the fathers fault. either he left or is acting like a total bitch; as a result the girl might be attracted to older men, or men with anger issues if her father was an angry man, and sometimes will stay in an abusive relationship because it would just feel like home. if he left, don’t ever blame yourself for him leaving. he just missed the best thing that he could have ever have.

To see the back of her and that idiot husband of hers is something I look forward to. But her emotional let alone intellectual intelligence tells me we are not getting rid of them ever as they are sure they are the heirs, the modern day Kennedy’s, a family with its own history of trauma that despite it all we still have some type of reverence if not envy about. The Clintons, the Bush’s all too suffer from that disorder. This dynastic legacy nonsense of course stems from our British roots and the concept of monarchy and family lineage and one watching of The Crown should explain that, but this research piece, does a much better job in understanding how these lineage designs work in supporting a “caste system” style monarchy in capitalist democratic societies.

When you look at American history and the story of our own oligarchs and airstocratic families, you think of the names on doors of institutions, schools and banks are the most familiar but in reality it is those on the products of everyday life – baby powder, gasoline, food and beverages. These are the names we seem to forget were names belonging to a generation of individuals, all lead by controlling dominating patriarachs, and today even as we have many new generations coming forward with women members, they are the daughters and wives and sisters of those capitans of industry who are still largely and almost exclusively white men. The Rockefeller’s and Johnson’s of yesterday are the Sackler’s and Walton’s of today.

Back in the day the daughters of the elite were almost all troubled – Doris Duke, Barbara Hutton, Gloria Vanderbilt were tabloid cover girls. And their history and legacy are now just ones thought of as conventional, almost expected, that of being rich and spoiled, who inevitably spent their riches chasing men and dying alone and ignored, no longer famous nor infamous, as they were women past their prime. Women are always outcast regardless of wealth when the rich and powerful men no longer see their sexuality appealing.

As of late I have been awaiting the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, the key to the Jeffrey Epstein saga that has not ended with his death, alone and in a jail cell. There are documentaries and numerous podcasts and articles trying to dissect, investigate or somehow explain how this man somehow gained significant wealth with little to no actual experience, contacts or history in the financial sectors on Wall Street or Bond Street or any other street other than those that aligned his numerous homes which he shuffled an inordinate amount of young girls for endless massages. These led to the sexual charges first in 2008 and later in 2019 regarding sexual trafficking. But what has always been the story behind the story is how he managed to find so many girls and that was through one woman, Ghislaine Maxwell.

I had just finished reading the most interesting of articles written by a reporter who spent a better part of a year chasing down every single name listed in the infamous black book of Epstein so infamous it lead to one of his former staff members being put in jail, who actually makes an appearance in a podcast discussing his work and life in the Epstein household, dying later of cancer. Another is a famous chef who owns restaurants with a partner, TV talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel and has yet to speak publicly about his work with the infamous now dead “financier.” So many mysteries, so many podcasts and so many guesses and theories about how, why, where and who was involved will remain or not if this Maxwell woman decides to finally talk.

What Epstein does is yes tell us. when you are rich you are assumed if not given power, be it deserved or not. Wealth like respect is earned and sometimes that too it is not. But the concept of White Privilege is really an exclusive term for those very rich, usually male or those in a family dynamic that shields one from the hard glare of public life. The Sackler’s certainly validated that with regards to their company and its role in the Opioid crisis. I could say the same with regards to the Walton family and their wealth as the Pandemic wears on and how they choose to pay and protect their workers, or not. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg are the new money class and they are just like the old money class, funny how that when it comes to business they may think they are “changing the world” but when it comes to their world, not so much. The rich are not like everyone else.

The mystery of money is not that mysterious. Much is inherited and then the money lenders of the rich step up to make more money and keep it in the family of their banks and bankers making another layer of rich handlers who move it like they do a penny under a walnut. A mysterious hand game of guess which walnut has the penny. You will get it right eventually or not. And when a family does finally lose it, and they do as it seems to pass to a second generation in which their lack of invincibility or the simple reality that like the rich girls of the past, they have pissed it away via mis-management or scandal. I like the scandal part, usually. But Ghislaine Maxwell is a special kind of loser and she deserves a special kind of hell. But her type are not confined to the rich and again I have written about my distaste for many women who see their lives as one tied to the one who brought you. Yes that old dating rule that you must leave with the one with whom you came. Not me, as that old adage to keep a few bucks stashed in your bra to get a cab out.. mad money.. is a good reason to leave. And we all get mad, but you should leave on your own dime and be beholden to no on. This was Maxwell’s issue, she never left, she colluded and corrupted and destroyed lives. And was given a pass by Epstein in his now illegal agreement with the Feds when he was prosecuted for sex with an underage prostitute. This being tied to Trump once again is something that you cannot ignore, for if it is about exploitation and lies, he is always front and center.

Read the story about the black book and at one point laugh as the stories by these individuals involved with Epstein only make me wonder how rich and how smart he was. As the author clearly points out through his investigation it clearly portrays him as not very smart and again not sure how really rich he was. But his accomplice is the one with the story, the rich girl gone wrong. I agree with the author about Maxwell as she is an example of how white privileged women use their position, and of course that is usually not at all.

The exception of the year on that is Jeff Bezos ex, McKenzie Scott, another woman who will always have that comma, who donated with no strings $4b to varying organizations. She is the WOMAN OF THE YEAR on my list).

But of all the women who stand out as deniers, denizens of the white male patriarchy, and there are many, and say what you want about all those in the orbit of Trump, they are what Dan Akroyd used to call Jane Curtain at the end of SNL news, ” Jane, you ignorant slut.” And hat is all they are, and in this case I am all for slut shaming. But what Maxwell did Trumps that in every way.

Monsters of 2020: Ghislaine Maxwell

A traitor to her gender, loyal to the patriarchy until the end.

Ghislaine Maxwell is the worst type of woman. Lucky to be born into wealth and pomp and unable to do without either, she became a friend to Jeffrey Epstein and a traitor to her gender, loyal to the patriarchy until the end.

Maxwell was Epstein’s girlfriend for a time, and then—allegedly—a procurer of young girls for him. Currently awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges after her arrest in July, she maintains her innocence. “She needed to be essential for him,” a longtime Epstein friend told Mother Jones’ Leland Nally recently. Recruiting girls “is how she kept her place. She had value for him….She ran his house.” 

Keeping her place was her life’s work. Maxwell catered to the needs of the men around her. First there was her father, media baron Robert Maxwell, by all accounts a bullying patriarch whose favor Ghislaine sought and won. And then, after his death, there was Epstein. Maxwell was fine helping him hurt other women, literal children, as long as it kept him grotesquely satisfied and kept her in “the lifestyle she’d lost when her father died,” as Vanity Fair put it. According to two of Epstein’s accusers, she not only enabled but participated in the sexual abuse. She knew what it felt like to be manipulated and exploited, and despite this knowledge she decided the harm was worth inflicting on others in turn. 

Maxwell is a sinister caricature of the complicit white woman—a familiar type in America. Wherever there are overlapping systems of power, there is the figure of the subordinate who subordinates—the plantation mistresses using violence to control their slaves, the racists falsely accusing Black men of rape. The 47 percent plurality of white women who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 are another version. They are here, all around, and not trying even a little bit to change. 

The complicit white woman has accurately assessed that whitemen have the power in this world, and that a woman’s chance for survival often depends on how well she serves their ends—the awful truth, as the consciousness-raising feminists of another age would’ve put it. That was Maxwell. She understood her position as a rich white woman, and she understood the power that came with it if one played the game. She embraced the awful truth and never looked back.

What the What

It appears that Jeffrey Epstein’s recruiter/paramour Ghislane Maxwell has offered to put up 28.5 million bail with the promise to hired armed guards to monitor her every movement in order to be released from the slammer. Given her history and the global search for this woman, I am sure that is a great idea! Up there with mixing peanut butter and ice cream (which I have had at Elvisworld and it is a taste not long forgotten).

She is the only woman predator I can recall with the level of duplicity and audacity that has been a field dominated by males for most of my adult life. Sure we have the one-off Teacher, Mary Kay LeTourneau story now and again but like the economy it is an enterprise dominated by the ubiquitous white male. Just a perusal of landmarks in the New York area brings me to the Softiel Hotel where the French Ambassador, Dominque Strauss Kahn raped a made and now a subject of a documentary on Netflix. To wandering by the infamous Epstein manse on 72 and Park. Passing by as we move into midtown to Bergdorf Goodman where Trump raped E. Jean and then by the Pennisula home to a Harvey. Weinstein assault or two. Then moving by Black Rock home of CBS where Charlie Rose fell out of his robe a few times then over to Rockefeller Center and NBC home of the infamous electric door of Matt Lauer, butt pirate and down past by the Comedy Cellar where Louis CK entertained the crowds then promptly went backstage to masturbate in front of another audience. But let’s not forget Fox News home of Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly who assaulted and abused women for decades and then finally down to SoHo and by the now closed Spotted Pig, that had rape and assaults by Mario Batali; irony that had Covid came shortly after it shut its doors. Then off to Penn Station to catch a train to Albany home of our Government where Cuomo has allegedly verbally abused many regardless of gender but now seems to be joining a long line of #MeToo’ers and finally up the road to the NXIVM cult houses where the “leader” Keith Raniere assaulted numerous women and children while them paying him for the privilege.

And as I write this another sex fuckwit with the island and the raping girls has just been arrested on sex trafficking. Peter Nygard is another asshole who simply thinks his dick is perfect and his cum is ice cream. Let us know if that is true in prison.

Yes the streets are littered with white men’s sins and tales of sexual woe where they simply had to rape and abuse women as they are entitled to. And when not doing so they belittle and demean women for their thoughts, accomplishments or just because they can as this week we found a Wall Street Journal editorial demanding that the future First Lady, Jill Biden, discontinue using the Dr. before her name as she is not a medical one. Actually I know many individuals in education who have earned Doctorates from secular dump trucks where there is little demand for facts and knowledge in which to earn said Ph.d. and are called “Doctor.” I met more Teachers in Nashville with said honorific and they were perhaps the biggest idiots I have ever met. The reason being that spending six figures on a degree where salary equivalency for said degree peaks after 15 years in the profession, so those without said degrees will earn the same without the debt. But hey it’s a great title!

The irony that the writer of said piece has only a Bachelor degree to his credit, while Dr. Biden has a B.A., two Masters and a Doctorate seems well amusing as that elitist thing conservatives like to do without actually being an elitist. Pot meet kettle. But as a white man he is entitled to share his grievances in a public forum without concern. The last time this was done at the New York Times the fallout led to many terminations and resignations for basically the same type of bullshit, a conservative white man demanding rights that have had major repercussions in newsrooms across the country. Funny how another editorial by Tom Cotton the same asshole who seems to know his way around a poison pen wrote one in the WSJ demanding that the choosing Senators in Congress should not be a right of their voting constituents but of the Representatives from the States as he believes the Constitution demanded. That along with his advocacy regarding Slavery belies his Ivy League education. His own legacy stands undefeated as he ensures it and defends Trump to do the same. Assholes cut of the same cloth.

As a woman who has thoughts aka opinions I have found myself on the receiving end one to many time about them. It is why I am heavily analytical and well read so when attacked I have enough information aka ammo in which to respond. It is why largely most attacks are ad hominem, my favorite was the histrionic one of late for stating my frustration over Covid and the varying levels of incompetency and inconsistency regarding policies from the many white male Governors who take the podium daily to again demean and belittle their constituents as if we are bad children, with our Governor calling us “knuckleheads” on more than one occasion. Again this does little to build cooperation and communion it does the opposite. Just one day try a little tenderness and some positivity but then again that is not what they do, yet a bunch of white men wanted to kidnap a Woman Governor. What are men the dark meat of the Turkey? Hey Gavin Newsom is quite the looker folks. I am not adverse to a little snatch and grab there.

Now my criticisms are not “all” men get real. I do think that many men are quite sane and normal, I just don’t know them and have met few. I cannot recall meeting an enlightened and intelligent man who was open and forgiving of their gender. I think that is my loss. That said I have met few women like Dr. Biden who simply stands their ground as she has during this campaign and early on when Biden tried to run for higher office, and all the while maintaining a job at a Community College, not an Ivy League Academy or some elite Private College, a community one. And this asshole is saying hey “kiddo.” Really? Are you fucking kidding me? Is is afraid she might corrupt the students who attend such a school will be recruited for Socialism?

I have no way of explaining to younger women that getting one’s eye is not about getting a man’s eye it is about seeing with your own eyes, finding your voice and place at the table and yes that may mean working with men as mentors not someone you have to fuck in which to do so. It is why women starve themselves, have “work done,” spend endless monies on cosmetics and clothing in which to draw envy and the eye. Women who are or were sexual are shamed and in the old days institutionalized and drugged (ask the Royal Family about that one, right Prince Andrew) or are dogged to the point they just give up. And that is not just from men. And that is what is the real problem the women who do and have chosen to remain in the shadows or somehow accept that and not grasp for many women it is not an option is the real issue. I loathe Sarah Silverman and she is definitely one of “them” and I have known many of “them.” And the funny thing is that many of “them” become mothers and this is what we have as a result.

The story below is about Great Britain but hey is there any difference anywhere?

Most child sexual abuse gangs made up of white men, Home Office report says

Study of England, Scotland and Wales dispels myth of ‘Asian grooming gangs’ popularised by far right

The review was published after criticism that victims of child abuse had been failed because of fear of accusations of racism.

The review was published after criticism that victims of child abuse had been failed because of fear of accusations of racism.

Home affairs correspondent@JamieGriersonTue 15 Dec 2020 10.46 EST

The majority of child sexual abuse gangs are made up of white men under the age of 30, an official paper has said.

The report, which covers England, Scotland and Wales and summarises a range of studies on the issue of group-based child sexual exploitation (CSE), also known as grooming gangs, said there was not enough evidence to conclude that child sexual abuse gangs were disproportionately made up of Asian offenders.

High-profile cases including in Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford have involved groups of men of mainly Pakistani ethnicity, fuelling a perception that it is an “Asian problem”.Advertisement

As a result “Asian grooming gangs” have become a cause celebre for the far right, with a number of high-profile figures mounting campaigns across the country.

The Home Office paper into the “characteristics” of such gangs, first promised by the former home secretary Sajid Javid in 2018, says while some studies show a possible overrepresentation of black and Asian offenders, it is not possible to conclude this is representative of all grooming gangs.

The review was published after criticism that victims of child abuse had been failed because of fear of accusations of racism.

It said: “Research has found that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are most commonly white. Some studies suggest an overrepresentation of black and Asian offenders relative to the demographics of national populations. However, it is not possible to conclude that this is representative of all group-based CSE offending.

“This is due to issues such as data-quality problems, the way the samples were selected in studies, and the potential for bias and inaccuracies in the way that ethnicity data is collected.”

It found that while offenders come from diverse backgrounds, groups tended to be of men of the same ethnicities. Money and sex were motivations as well as a sexual interest in children and misogyny, the review said.

The home secretary, Priti Patel, said: “This paper demonstrates how difficult it has been to draw conclusions about the characteristics of offenders.”

Sarah Champion, the MP for Rotherham, who has long campaigned on the issue, said: “Going forwards, I want to see a nationally recognised and approved set of triggers that, once met, require local authorities to provide support for children showing signs of harm, rather than the current postcode lottery when it comes to help.

“Finally, the government must accept that all children are vulnerable because they are children. However, children’s vulnerabilities would never be exposed without perpetrators looking to exploit them. All children deserve the protection of the state and appropriate resources must be found to allow that.”

Nazir Afzal, the former chief crown prosecutor in the north-west, who brought prosecutions over the Rochdale grooming gangs, welcomed the report. “It confirms that white men remain the most common offenders, which is something rarely mentioned by rightwing commentators,” he said.

“However, it is not shy in reflecting that south Asian and British Pakistani men are disproportionately found in high-profile cases.

“The danger is that by focusing entirely on the ethnicity of the offender, we miss the bigger picture, which is how the unheard, the left-behind women and girls, are invariably the victims. That’s where the government’s attention and action should be primarily focused.”

Covid Chronicles Week 3000

Well it may as well be as this is Thursday and the week is nearly over if one cares about such things, I have rarely and now don’t as it is utterly irrelevant. I simply note the days in which to follow the TV schedule of the few shows I still watch. And even then I am DVR most of them to pick up later. This last two seasons of the Real Housewives of New York and Beverly Hills have finally embarassed me to the point I cannot watch in real time and tweet about them, as why does anyone give a flying fuck about these Bitches? An the same for Below Deck or well anything on BRAVO anymore? Podcasts are by far more interesting than watching Selling Sunset which is Million Dollar Listing only with women instead of asshole white boys shoving over priced real estate down our throats versus their dicks. And, no I don’t swallow for whatever they are selling. 

Instead of this I am vested heavily into true crime and of course that includes sex trafficking, cults and other bizarre stories about white men who rape,kill or manipulate women out of millions and then fuck them just to make sure the deal is closed. I was so relieved to see equality on Netflix, however, with the Bikram Yoga documentary about that crazy psycho and his co-option a 2,000 year old Indian philosophy and practice into a chain of studios while of course taking a few moments in between downward dogs to shove his dog into the nubile flexible bodies that were twisted before him. He is not the first Guru or the last to pull this shit, if you are curious listen to the Podcast Guru, The Dark Side of Enlightnment on Wondery. This is another one of Oprah’s favorite things a false prophet who largely manipulates women, defrauds them and lets them kill themselves or die due to his arrogance and lack of respect for life of others. Sounds very male. 

And speaking of that, I am watching the Vow on HBO about Nxivm another pyrmaid scheme/cult where the two founders of this look and act like odd Middle School Teachers who came up with some bullshit and peddled it like Amway to many frustated and isolated wealthy white women and some idiot men who had small dick issues. This is priceless and it too has Podcasts about the group as they got woke when the FBI arrested their guru in Mexico for of course sex trafficking and tax bullshit. He just did not quite get up to Jeffrey Epstein level wealth to have a private island in which to hide the sex slaves but watchigh this dumpy idiot play volleyball and make up the biggest bullshit I have ever heard is fascinating; well until you listen to Guru or watch Bikram. And throw in the Oregon cult and well you have a full weekend ahead of you to binge and think well at least I am not that stupid. So how about stupid? Well Crazy Dopey Grandpa admitted on tape to a journalist that yep he knew about Covid in February. I suspect CDG knew as early as December and possibly Novemenber when the virus emerged in China and thought that this was a great little gift in which to wreak havoc. If one notes the personnel switching most happened in the CDC in Janurary right before the first outbreak in Seattle and then of course the weeks that followed with nothing until March when shit and fan met. 

 As we enter fall we are now going to see the return of the lottery numbers and of course a potential lockdown mandate right before the election which Trump will use to barricade himself in the White House to challenge the outcome. He is insane and dangerous much like McCarthy was in the late 50’s/early 60’s with regards to Communism. They parallel each other so significantly it is not surprising that dead Roy Cohn was a prominent figure in both lives. Roy dying of antoher virus he was in denial about, a coincidence not lost. If you must read something do read The New Yorker story on McCarthy and what he was like during his tenure in Congress. We can only hope Trump ends up the same, soon. So why do women fall for men like this? I am assuming cash or a big dick. Well we know that Trump has neither and another woman has come forward to share her tale of assault by the hands of CDG and she will be evicerated like many women, the slut shaming,the victim blaming and the overall dismissal of her claims as a fame seeking whore.

  Yes that is my dream and this is how any sane woman should pursue it by accusing a famous powerful man of rape, it always works out. Oh wait. But there is a cult like vibe one gets from the MAGA set and when you watch shows regarding said cults it is usually women who gravitate to these weird men who seem to make promises to amend their lives and offer them hope. The of course the demands for money and later pussy follow and for some as in the case of Nxivm were willing to brand themselves to prove worth shows that baby we have not come a long way. 

The women of Epstein served as conduits to lead other young girls into the den of depravity and in Nxivm they actually humiliated and abused women who did not wish to scar themselves for their fearless leader who used Master/Slave as actual names and identities. My favorite was his clearl handling of men with their own group called Society of Protectors. Well seeing the men in that little cohort explains why they failed so dramatically, one not even beleiving his wife over the lunatic Keith Ranniere. What the flying fuck is it? Again they don’t have big dicks, they have their hands out and women of education, with careers walked out of their mainstream lives to follow that? And the Guru the same even after serving time. And there are endless stories with Dirty John’s one after another despite the stories, podcasts and books on the subject. Wow you must be that stuipd. We have all been fucked over once but you are usually in your twenties and don’t know better but when you have picked up the tab, they have taken your credit card on one spree that should be the sign. Twenty years ago we did not have the media we do now so really I get culty Oregon – then – now no. And as for Bikram Yoga, go onto the Facebook page say anyting about their Guru and well there is Namaste there for you. I have said repeatedly that Yoga folks get caught up in a bullshit frame of mind that is so white, so privileged that I often think that they have never had pain in their life so they think substituting physical pain is the same. No. 

And that brings me back to the MAGA set. We know that they are largely white males and some misguided other people who are faces of color who must hate themselves to even associate with that racist asshole makes me sad for them, Herman Cain, rest in peace. But women are truly a revelation as it proves that had they met Keith Renniere or Jeffrey Epstein, Bikram, Ted Bundy or some other charlatan sooner we might not have Trump as president. 

Women do hate women, there is little more I can say about that. They are raised to be cum dumpsters and those who come from educated families are allowed to have other doors open to them, but they are equally treated as an object to sell themselves to the highest bidder in which to keep the gene lines tight, like of course their pussy’s agumented by some nutfuck treatment to have with their face lifts (watch the Housewives to learn all about that) and in turn keep their man close and his wallet closer. The current state of American women are divided by what civil rights are and the role of women in our society. And that was what led them to vote for Trump? Really? I believe Hilary was a problem but that was the possession of a vagina first and it made it easier to dismiss her. No one wanted Kamala Harris as President, her campaign floundered and I feel it was less about race but more of gender as the other Women also were kicked quickly to the curb in the pursuit of a white male leader. Why Elizabeth Warren is not there is beyond me. Age? She is only a few years younger than Biden, Klobuchar had no chance and the other women remember them? Two of them.. name them? I can, can you?

Now Ms. Harris will I assume the Presidency as it is unlikely Biden will finish his first term and for that I am fine with regardless as we cannot have CDG any longer. His raging mania is well just that. So as we wind down this week more Covid stories continue as we have to mask or not to mask. Vaccine or no? And of course the Covid theater of temperature taking and other bullshit we are doing to stop the spread. Wash your hands, six feet not enough, 15 minutues not 30 for close contact and of course what constitutes a crowd? All of these have come of issue and my favorite is the bullshit temp taking which has meant nothing not ever unless well you are sick and if you don’t know that and have a hairdresser tell you then die already and save us time. Or my spa which makes you bag your shoes upon entering. How aobut I take them off and with me to the sauna? Which sheds more, my shoes or me? Honestly each week a new saga/drama/bullsht begins anew. And the endless clearning which is Covid theater at its finest. Well I am a clean freak so have at it. 

  And here we have tickets being issued if we are not wearing masks on public transport. So yesterday on the PATH we were delayed which means crowding, longer exposure and frankly having an agent walk through does little to nothing as as soon as they left the stuck train got more passengers and one black man, the largest cohort with the virus, gets on mask off. I got off immediately. Sorry but one minute of exposure is one minute too long, so all the posturing does nothing if it cannot be consistent. I loved when DiBlasio posed with State Traffic to watch bridges for out of state crossing into New York. How long was that for? As long as the cameras were on. The same with the bullshit curfew. One of the drama queens here claimed to be stopped repeatedly when coming to work but another man who also works graveyard never laid eyes on them and well we never heard it was over and then it was. When there are no restaurants or bars open what is the point again? There is none other than theater. 

More is coming as the virus continues its death march until well into next year and a proper vaccine is found to work. And again that will be trial and error. But if CDG is gone less likely on the error as Biden has wanted to be president for a long time and even for the short duration he will be president he will be cautious and responsive. Two things we don’t have. But hey we have Jared!

Billionaires Tears

This story was fascinating on so many levels.  It seems as if a white hat billionaire was fighting a black hatted one and one that is a raging maniac who needs to be stopped.  Of course in true Billionaire fashion it is one of the most bizarre usual tales of someone trying to do the right thing in the most unorthodox fashion against another Billionaire who is a cross between Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Cosby with a touch of Harvey Weinstein.  In other words this motherfucker was a bad motherfucker so whatever it takes who gives a flying fuck!

I will allow you the reader to somehow connect the dots, follow the story and say that while two wrongs doesn’t make it right there is something very wrong with this Nygard man who seems to run rampant without check. Rapist – Check; Pedophile – Check; Sex Trafficking – Check; Temper Rager – Check; Predator – Check; Paranoid – Check; Tax Evader – Check; Celebrity ass kisser – Check; Courtier – Check.   Does this sound familiar? What is distressing is that the other man seems to be confused on how to run a counter espionage operation and could have or should have called the ex Mossad that were Weinstein’s coffee boys.  Hell a phone call to David Boies would have solved that in a mad minute.  Don’t they all have that asshole on speed dial?   Goes to show that the Billion Dollar Boys Club is not all that well connected or interconnected as you think they would have the hotline/batsignal  to the dudes who get them out of situations and in turn resolve issues with the only sweat poured is during the writing of the six figure check.

But this does make a hell of a Lifetime movie!

How a Neighbors’ Feud in Paradise Launched an International Rape Case

The fashion executive Peter Nygard has clashed for years with his neighbor in the Bahamas, the billionaire Louis Bacon. The latest development is a lawsuit saying Mr. Nygard sexually exploited teenage girls.

By Kim Barker, Catherine Porter and Grace Ashford
The New York Times
Feb. 22, 2020

The Bahamian pleasure palace featured a faux Mayan temple, sculptures of smoke-breathing snakes and a disco with a stripper pole. The owner, Peter Nygard, a Canadian fashion executive, showed off his estate on TV shows like “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” and threw loud beachfront parties, reveling in the company of teenage girls and young women.

Next door, Louis Bacon, an American hedge fund billionaire, presided over an airy retreat with a lawn for croquet. Mr. Bacon preferred hunting alone with a bow and arrow to attending wild parties, and if mentioned at all in the press, was typically described as buttoned-up.

The neighbors had little in common except for extreme wealth and a driveway. But when Mr. Nygard wasn’t allowed to rebuild after a fire, he blamed Mr. Bacon. Since then, the two have been embroiled in an epic battle, spending tens of millions of dollars and filing at least 25 lawsuits in five jurisdictions. Mr. Nygard, 78, has spread stories accusing Mr. Bacon of being an insider trader, murderer and member of the Ku Klux Klan. Mr. Bacon, 63, has accused Mr. Nygard of plotting to kill him.

The latest charge is particularly incendiary: Lawyers and investigators funded in part by Mr. Bacon claim that Mr. Nygard raped teenage girls in the Bahamas.

This month, a federal lawsuit was filed by separate lawyers in New York on behalf of 10 women accusing Mr. Nygard of sexual assault. The lawsuit claims that Mr. Nygard used his company, Nygard International, and employees to procure young victims and ply them with alcohol and drugs. He also paid Bahamian police officers to quash reports, shared women with local politicians and groomed victims to recruit “fresh meat,” the lawsuit says. Through a spokesman, Mr. Nygard denied the allegations.

Over months of interviews with The New York Times, dozens of women and former employees described how alleged victims were lured to Mr. Nygard’s Bahamian home by the prospect of modeling jobs or a taste of luxury.

“He preys on poor people’s little girls,” said Natasha Taylor, who worked there for five years.

But this is not just a story of abuse allegations. It’s also a story about the lengths two rich men can go to in a small developing nation where the minimum wage is just $210 a week. Together, Mr. Nygard and Mr. Bacon are worth close to the annual budget of the government of the Bahamas, an archipelago off the coast of Florida with ritzy tourist resorts that belie the country’s pockets of poverty.

Their battle became a cottage industry for opportunists.

Investigators and lawyers tied to Mr. Bacon offered Nygard associates generous incentives to build an abuse case against the Canadian — Cartier jewelry, a regular salary or a year’s rent in a gated community, according to documents and interviews. Smaller payments filtered down to some accusers, which could be used to undermine their credibility in any court case or investigation.

Mr. Nygard used his wealth to intimidate critics and buy allies. He had employees sign confidentiality agreements and sued those he suspected of talking. Multiple women said he had handed them cash after sex, helping to buy silence. And he paid tens of thousands of dollars to people providing sworn statements to use against Mr. Bacon in lawsuits, according to court records, interviews and bank statements.

Some women said they felt exploited by both men — by Mr. Nygard for sex, and by Mr. Bacon against his enemy.

“They’re messing up people’s lives in the middle of their fight,” said Tamika Ferguson, who claims Mr. Nygard raped her when she was 16. She said she intended to join the lawsuit.

The Times interviewed all the women who eventually signed on to the suit, which identified them as Jane Does to protect their privacy. Reporters also spoke with five other women, who said Mr. Nygard sexually assaulted them in the Bahamas when they were teenagers. Three said they were under 16 at the time, the age of consent there. But two later recanted, saying they had been promised money and coached to fabricate their stories.

This isn’t the first time that Mr. Nygard, whose company sells women’s clothes at his own outlets and Dillard’s department stores, has been accused of sexual misconduct. Over the past four decades, nine women in Canada and California have sued him or reported him to the authorities. He has never been convicted.

Mr. Nygard declined multiple interview requests. One of his lawyers said he had “never treated women inappropriately” and called the allegations “paid-for lies.”

Ken Frydman, his spokesman, denied all the claims and said Mr. Bacon had spent more than a decade trying “to smear Peter Nygard by coercing women to fabricate and manufacture sordid stories about him.” Mr. Nygard also accused Mr. Bacon in a lawsuit of masterminding a conspiracy “to plant a false story” in The Times about sexual misconduct.

Mr. Bacon, who founded New York-based Moore Capital Management, said he felt obliged to take action after hearing of possible sexual abuse by his neighbor. His associates have spent two years finding women to bring claims against Mr. Nygard.

“I of anybody knew what it was like to have this guy come at you,” Mr. Bacon said in an interview. “So my heart went out to these women.”

Mr. Nygard’s property was unlike any other in Lyford Cay, one of the most exclusive communities in the Bahamas. His estate looked like something out of Las Vegas.

He called it the “Eighth Wonder of the World”: a lush retreat with sculptures of roaring lions and a human aquarium where topless women undulated in mermaid tails.

For one birthday, he flew in models who danced before him in body paint. His workers said they regularly lit torches at sunset and played the title song from “The Phantom of the Opera.” Michael Jackson and former President George H.W. Bush visited the property, which the Canadian businessman renamed “Nygard Cay.” (He named many things after himself: his jet, an electric shade of blue, bottled water.)

An avowed playboy who once joked that his attempt at celibacy was “the worst 20 minutes of my life,” Mr. Nygard wore his gray hair long and shirts open. He traveled with an entourage of models and women who described themselves as “paid girlfriends,” dated tabloid regulars like Anna Nicole Smith and fathered at least 10 children with eight women. Using himself as a human guinea pig, Mr. Nygard tried to fight off aging with stem cell injections and talked of cloning himself, one close friend said.

On many Sunday afternoons at his Bahamian estate, Mr. Nygard threw “pamper parties” that offered female guests free massages, manicures, horseback rides and endless alcohol. And he demanded a steady supply of sex partners, according to six former employees who said they recruited young women at shops, clubs and restaurants.

“One time, he was like: ‘I don’t know where you find these girls from, but there’s pretty girls in the ghetto as well,’” recalled Freddy Barr, Mr. Nygard’s personal assistant in the early 2000s. “‘You need to find pretty girls in need.’”

Eventually his staff compiled an invitation list, provided to The Times, with names of more than 700 women. Former workers said they photographed guests when they arrived, uploading the images for their boss’s perusal. Only those who were young, slim and with a curvy backside — which Mr. Nygard called a “toilet” — were supposed to be allowed inside, according to the ex-employees, including Ms. Taylor. (She asked to be identified by her maiden name to keep people from knowing her connection with Nygard Cay.)

The actress Jessica Alba, who attended a Nygard party while filming “Into the Blue” in 2004, later described it as “gross.” “These girls are like 14 years old in the Jacuzzi, taking off their clothes,” she said on a press tour.

Once the party got going, the former employees and girlfriends said, they coaxed teenagers and young women into Mr. Nygard’s bedroom, sometimes with the aid of alcohol and drugs.

Mr. Nygard did not respond to most of The Times’s questions. Instead, his spokesman, Mr. Frydman, sent affidavits from former employees who asserted that their boss had never abused women and that no underage girls were allowed at Nygard Cay. One even called Mr. Nygard the Bahamas’ “most generous and honest expatriate.”

Others cast aspersions on Mr. Bacon, claiming he had paid Nygard employees to dig up dirt and had objected to black Bahamians visiting Lyford Cay.

Mr. Nygard, estimated to be worth roughly $750 million in 2014 by Canadian Business magazine, had long blended his professional and personal lives. He literally lived at work. A 1980 news article described an area of his office in Winnipeg — the city in Manitoba where he built his company — as a “passion pit” with a mirrored ceiling and a couch that transformed into a bed at the “push of a button.”

Over the years, he was repeatedly accused of demanding that female employees satisfy him sexually. There were the nine women in Winnipeg and Los Angeles who accused Mr. Nygard of sexual harassment or assault. But The Times spoke with 10 others who said he had proposed sex, touched them inappropriately or raped them. Only one of them is a plaintiff in the lawsuit.

Debra Macdonald, hired as his secretary in 1978 when she was 19, said Mr. Nygard continually harassed her and tried to grab her breasts. Once, he summoned her into his Winnipeg office as a pornographic film played on television, she said in an interview. “I was so disgusted,”

Ms. Macdonald quit in 1980, shortly after the Winnipeg police charged Mr. Nygard with raping an 18-year-old woman. The case was dropped after the woman refused to testify.

Another former employee said that on a business trip to Hong Kong that same year, Mr. Nygard slipped into her hotel room while she slept. The woman, Jonna Laursen, then 32, told The Times that he raped her. A single mother from Denmark, she said she worried the police wouldn’t take her seriously and she’d lose her reputation and job.

“I knew the right thing would be to report it,” Ms. Laursen said, “but somehow I felt that I would come out the loser.”

Just over a year later, she said, she was fired without cause. She then described the episode to a colleague, Dale Dreffs, who confirmed hearing it. When Ms. Laursen threatened to go to the press, a company manager offered her $6,700 and a letter of recommendation for her silence, she said.

In 1995, a new hire was taken from the airport to Mr. Nygard’s Winnipeg office-apartment, where he had sex with her “against her will,” a lawsuit said. The woman’s lawyer confirmed that the suit led to a nondisclosure agreement. Then, in 1996, Mr. Nygard’s company settled sexual harassment complaints against him by three former workers — for about $15,000, according to The Winnipeg Free Press.

In 2015, another former employee said, Mr. Nygard came into her locked room while she slept at his Los Angeles home and raped her. He later fired her, she said. Emails shown to The Times confirmed that she contacted a lawyer at the time about suing him. The woman, who wanted to remain anonymous, is the only non-Bahamian to join the new lawsuit.

Separately, two women sued Mr. Nygard last month for sexual battery. One, who was not identified, said she was under 18 — the California age of consent — when she visited Mr. Nygard’s Los Angeles home in 2012. Her lawsuit said Mr. Nygard knew her age “yet repeatedly had sexual intercourse with her.”

In the other lawsuit, a former employee, Maridel Carbuccia, claimed Mr. Nygard drugged and sexually assaulted her at his Los Angeles home in 2016. Ashamed to tell her family, she said, she continued working for him for more than two years before she was fired.
Clash of the Titans

In 2009, a blaze erupted at Nygard Cay, damaging several cabanas, the so-called grand hall and the disco. The fire department said it was accidental, probably caused by an electrical fault. But some Nygard Cay employees said their boss blamed Mr. Bacon, an ardent conservationist who had accused Mr. Nygard of illegally mining sand to create new beachfront.

The government refused to let Mr. Nygard rebuild. Within days, the war began.

Mr. Nygard sued over changes his neighbor had made years earlier to their driveway. Then he sued the government, saying it was colluding with Mr. Bacon to force him off the island.

The allegations became more bizarre: One street protest in Nassau featured men in white hoods and placards proclaiming, “Bacon Is KKK.” New websites funded by Mr. Nygard claimed Mr. Bacon was responsible for several murders, court records show. A video made by Nygard staff, according to a former contractor, superimposed Mr. Bacon’s face on the collapsing Twin Towers.

“It was an assault on me, my reputation, my safety,” Mr. Bacon said..

Mr. Nygard was a formidable opponent. Police officers and local journalists dined at his home; one later admitted in court that Mr. Nygard had paid him to smear Mr. Bacon. Mr. Nygard also had allies in the Progressive Liberal Party, which he wanted to legalize stem cell injections. He bragged he’d given the party $5 million during the 2012 election campaign — legally, as the Bahamas has no campaign finance laws. After it won the election, a Nygard YouTube channel posted a video featuring six ministers visiting his estate.

He threatened — or sued — media outlets that investigated him. He slow-walked lawsuits, filing countless motions and requesting delays, exhausting his foes. A judge referred to his “scorched-earth” tactics in a protracted fight over child support.

But Mr. Bacon was a rare adversary. His wealth was valued at more than double Mr. Nygard’s.

He helped form a nonprofit called Save the Bays to target environmental abuses, starting with Nygard Cay. Fred Smith, a prominent human-rights lawyer, came on board.

Mr. Bacon and his older brother, Zack, hired a small army of lawyers and private investigators, including veterans of the F.B.I. and Scotland Yard. They persuaded some of Mr. Nygard’s allies to provide evidence for a defamation lawsuit, filed in 2015. They launched their own lawsuits. And they paid well.

Two self-described former gang members, Livingston “Toggie” Bullard and Wisler “Bobo” Davilma, told the Bacons’ investigators that Mr. Nygard had hired them for dirty work, like torching his ex-girlfriend’s hair salon and staging anti-Bacon rallies, according to court records. The men claimed Mr. Nygard had given them a “hit list” that included Louis Bacon and Mr. Smith. Mr. Nygard has denied this.

Mr. Bullard and Mr. Davilma, working with the Bacon investigators, hatched a plan to videotape Mr. Nygard. The private eyes acted like secret agents, using encrypted phones and dropping cash for the two men in a box behind a post office. Eventually, the Bacons paid the two about $1.5 million, mostly for secretly recording five meetings with Mr. Nygard.

The videos turned up no sign of Mr. Nygard’s plotting murder. “I can’t get into killing,” he said in footage obtained by The Times.

Instead, a video from June 2015 captured him on a favorite topic. Looking out a car window, Mr. Nygard said there were many women with whom he hadn’t yet had sex.

“Do you see those toilets?” he asked.

The Hunt

The Bacons said they were disturbed by stories they heard about Mr. Nygard having sex with teenage girls. In late 2015, they hired TekStratex, a new Texas security firm, to push American law enforcement officials to investigate him for sex trafficking.

The firm’s leader, Jeff Davis, told Zack Bacon that he’d worked for the C.I.A. for 10 years — including in something called “the ghost program,” Mr. Bacon recalled.

The F.B.I. looked into Mr. Nygard twice, but only briefly. In April 2016, the Department of Homeland Security dug in.

To help the inquiry, the Bacons moved five witnesses — two former Bahamian employees of Mr. Nygard and three former girlfriends — to the United States and covered their living expenses. Mr. Davis told them that Mr. Nygard had “put out hits on them,” several recalled in interviews. Burly bodyguards drove them to different houses and hotels, swerving through traffic and changing cars, saying they were being followed.

Despite the Bacons’ efforts, the Homeland Security investigation fizzled after nine months, suspended because of “unforeseen circumstances” and “lack of prosecutorial evidence,” according to an agency email.

Mr. Davis turned out to be a fraud. Instead of being an ex-spy, he was a former car broker with a string of debts and failed businesses. The Bacons had shelled out about $6 million. “I fired him,” Zack Bacon said.

He soon focused on a lawsuit, hoping to draw on the #MeToo movement and “the most aggressive lawyers in the world,” Zack Bacon said in a recording provided to The Times.

By last summer, Mr. Smith and the private investigators had introduced about 15 Bahamian women to American lawyers at the DiCello Levitt Gutzler firm. They were planning to bring a lawsuit in New York, where Mr. Nygard’s company had its corporate headquarters. His portrait hung outside a flagship store near Times Square, golden muscles flexing.

At Mr. Smith’s suggestion, six women went to the Bahamian police — a big step, as law enforcement is considered the most corrupt public institution in the country, according to a 2017 Transparency International study, and sex crimes are notoriously underreported. Only 55 rapes were tallied there in 2018, while Cleveland, with a similar population size, had 585. The Bahamian police are still investigating.

The stories echoed one another. The lawsuit would later claim that women were sodomized and forced into other acts they found degrading.

One woman, now involved in the suit, told The Times she was 14 when she met Mr. Nygard at one of his stores in 2015; she has a photo with him that day. She said she was later invited for a modeling interview at Nygard Cay, where he assaulted her. She said she had never told anyone what happened.

Another woman in the suit said in an interview that she was 14 when she attended a pamper party in 2011, after her mother asked Mr. Nygard to sponsor her in a beauty pageant. “Is this what my life can be?” she recalled thinking of the models in the room.

Her glass of wine never seemed to empty, she said. Later, she recalled, she swallowed pills Mr. Nygard told her models took. Then, she said, he took her upstairs and raped her. Drawn by the money and promise of modeling gigs, she later returned, recruiting other women, she said.

Tamika Ferguson found her way to Nygard Cay in 2004 after being kicked out of high school. An orphan from a poor neighborhood, she said a D.J. had invited her to a pamper party. She drank too much and ended up in a bathroom barefoot in her bikini, she said. When she emerged, her friends had gone. She said Mr. Nygard steered her upstairs and raped her.

Ms. Ferguson said she returned multiple times and had sex with Mr. Nygard because she felt she couldn’t say no; he sent people to her home to pick her up. She gave The Times two photographs of herself at Nygard Cay; three people — a former Nygard girlfriend, an ex-employee and a guest — said they remembered her there.

“He messed with my whole life,” said Ms. Ferguson, now 32. “And everybody knew what was going on except for me.”

‘A Gift From Our Boss’

For years, Mr. Nygard had insisted that Louis Bacon paid people to lie about him. The hedge fund founder maintained that wasn’t true.

But his team created vulnerabilities, giving money and gifts to witnesses and accusers in the Bahamas, The Times found. Mr. Bacon and his brother said they were unaware of any gifts and payments, and expressed confidence in Mr. Smith’s professionalism.

The Bahamian lawyers and investigators were not paid by the Bacons directly. Instead, they were paid by a nonprofit Mr. Smith created, called Sanctuary, to support sexual assault victims; both he and Mr. Bacon donated generously to that.

“They are handing the defendant arguments,” said Jeanne Christensen, a New York lawyer focusing on sexual harassment.

Ms. Ross did well. After she told Mr. Smith that unknown assailants had shot up her former home, killed her family dog and broke into her car in different incidents, Mr. Smith moved her into a gated community, paying $5,000 a month.

The story was familiar: She had told a variation to Mr. Nygard two years earlier, emails show. “I sent you money to buy a new dog,” Mr. Nygard wrote after his company wired her almost $10,000.

“Call police immediately,” he said. “Put in a charge against BACON.”

Mr. Smith also gave Ms. Ross $500 a week to work on another potential lawsuit against Mr. Nygard, this one for workplace abuses.

Accusers received smaller payments. Ms. Fox, who earned $2,000 a month, said she passed some of that to the women she brought to meetings with lawyers and investigators — often $200 for a visit. Mr. Smith acknowledged giving about $1,000 collectively to four or five alleged victims, but said that was for their time and expenses.

“I’m not going to give them $100 to lie, for goodness’ sake,” he said.

There were more substantial gifts. Deidre Miller said Ms. Fox invited her to the Baha Mar luxury resort in August 2018 to meet with investigators. She was a valuable witness — she would later tell The Times she had dated Mr. Nygard for years and had seen two teenagers in his bed, one in her school uniform.

Afterward, Ms. Miller said, the investigators took her and Ms. Fox to the resort’s Cartier store. There, she said, the men bought each woman a matching 18-carat gold bracelet and necklace for $9,350. Ms. Miller provided a photo of the receipt, though the man whose name was on it denied making the purchase.

“He was like, ‘It’s a gift from our boss,’” Ms. Miller recalled. “They said they were working for Louis Bacon.”

The Lie

For more than a year, Marvinique Smith and her sister, Marrinique, were central to the developing lawsuit.

They told their stories repeatedly to lawyers, investigators and the Bahamian police. Marvinique said she was invited to a pamper party in 2010, when she was 15. There, she said, Mr. Nygard talked to her about modeling and had sex with her. Her sister recounted a horrific tale: Mr. Nygard had raped her as cartoons played on TV. She said she was 10.

But in October, the sisters told a very different story to Times reporters: They had never been assaulted by Mr. Nygard. They had never even met him. They claimed Ms. Ross had paid them to make everything up.

She coached them on Mr. Nygard’s pickup lines, bedroom layout and sexual proclivities, the sisters said. Meanwhile, she gave them cash — $150 here, $350 there — for every meeting, they said.

Ms. Smith said she confessed to lying because Ms. Ross, who was dating her boyfriend’s father, stopped paying her. She and her sister felt guilty and scared. “I couldn’t do it anymore,” Ms. Smith said, adding, “There might be girls that it actually happened to, but it didn’t happen to me and my sister.”

Ms. Ross denied paying anyone to fabricate stories about Mr. Nygard, and passed a lie-detector test to that effect, according to Robert Ennis, a polygrapher hired by her lawyers.

In an interview, she speculated that Mr. Nygard had paid the Smith sisters to recant — a notion they rejected.

Ms. Ross had undisclosed connections with other women she brought to the lawyers. Two were relatives. Two were related to a close friend. All were included as plaintiffs in the lawsuit.

She had also sent a note to a former Nygard employee, asking to talk about the case. “It will pay very handsomely,” she wrote. When asked about that, Ms. Ross said she meant it would pay in “justice.”

Since the American lawyers filed the suit, they said, they’ve received calls from more than three dozen women alleging abuse as far back as the 1970s. The new allegations, mainly from women in Canada and the United States, show their case has nothing to do with the neighbors’ feud, the lawyers said.

“It’s a good cause, regardless of what you think may have been the motivation,” said Greg Gutzler, the lead lawyer in the lawsuit. He said his firm, which operates on contingency and has no financial ties to Mr. Bacon, had done its own investigation and never paid any accuser or witness. The lawyers hope the claim will become a class action.

Facing legal troubles over his property, Mr. Nygard hasn’t been to the Bahamas in more than a year. Even as he recently attended a fashion show flanked by models in Canada, he insisted he was too ill to travel to the Bahamas for court hearings.

Eric Gibson, a former Nygard employee and longtime friend, called The Times on his behalf. He said Mr. Nygard was a “kind, conscientious” man who would not have harmed anyone.

“Women in the Bahamas throw themselves at Peter Nygard,” Mr. Gibson said. “He is the one that all the girls want to be with.”

Canada’s Donald Trump

I stumbled on this article when I was reading The Guardian about another Prince Andrew link to a crazed lunatic much like Jeffrey Epstein so natch I was curious; I had to dig a little, very little, to find the sordid story of a man whose narrative is not unlike our own Donald Trump, a rich asshole, right down to the Mar-a-Lago resort (only this crossed into  Epstein territory, but less pedophile, more tax dodger), wives, privately held company with no oversight, children from different women, lawsuits, temper tantrums and obsessed with celebrity.    There is also another parallel to this sordid saga, the American Apparel mogul who was also equal rage-alohic and pervert, and fellow Canadian, Dov Charney, so that has to make Canada feel just a little less superior right now.  Well even their PM has had a few issues of his own to deal with, again white male privilege knows no borders.  Right Michael Bloomberg?

But we have so much in common here from the lawsuits, molestations, raging billionaires, sexual harassment, Prince Andrew and temper tantrums. Good to know our friends to the north have equally disturbing fuckwits with more money than sense. Well they have some sense they haven’t run for Prime Minister……yet.

Peter Nygard Answers to No One
Kai Falkenberg
Forbes  Nov 18, 2010,

Tacoma, Wash. resident Paulette Robertson loves her $16 Alia Feathertouch Pull-On polyester pants so much she bought ten pairs. Gloria Reed of Hot Springs Village, Ark. has six pairs in different colors. In Tucson “Ann” bought herself three pairs on because they’re “very comfortable and wash well.”

These polyester phenoms come from a $1 billion (purported sales), privately owned company called Nygård International, the largest producer of women’s apparel in Canada. Never heard of it? Neither has Deborah Weinswig, a retail analyst for Citigroup , or Gabriele Goldaper, an apparel-and-textile consultant in Marina del Rey, Calif.–the same town where Nygård has corporate offices. Though headquartered in Winnipeg, the company has been selling modestly priced women’s wear in America for 30-plus years and is now in 30 states, including in many Dillard’s stores. Nygård International has global reach, with 12,000 employees and offices in Canada, the U.S., Hong Kong and China.

Who is the man behind the pants? Peter J. Nygård, a lion-maned immigrant from Finland, now in his late 60s, who started the company with a few thousand bucks in 1967 by buying a small women’s clothesmaker. Today, according to Canadian Business, he’s worth $877 million. “He’s been a great partner,” says Alex Dillard, president of the women’s chain, on an 111/2 -minute video tribute to the founder on “He’s changed the way I think about the retail business.” How exactly? Dillard’s declined a request for an interview. So did Nygård’s big Canadian partner, Sears–and Nygård himself.

You get one view of this fashion mogul by going to his website and reading its highly selective press clips and fulsome testimonials from industry leaders and aging stars. It’s a classic britches-to-riches saga of the self-made entrepreneur (and workaholic) “who has created a standard of excellence for the Canadian Women’s Fashion Industry,” according to’s hagiographic account. The site emphasizes his $2-million-a-year donations to breast cancer research.

You get quite another view by following the decades-long trail of legal controversies. Among other things, Nygård has been accused of abusive labor practices, tax evasion, sexual harassment and rape. (He has also been called the Hugh Hefner of Canada.) Punching back hard, he has sued his accusers and intimidated his critics with a small army of lawyers. “No one has ever disobeyed my orders and gotten away with it!” he once raged, according to the testimony of a former business partner. Controlling 100% of his company, Nygård calls all the shots. He is accountable to no one.

Nygård’s board consists of himself and two division presidents. “He’s not practicing good governance–but he doesn’t have to” as a private company, says Don Delves, a Chicago consultant to CEOs. (Citing the company’s private status, a Nygård spokeswoman declined to respond to most inquiries and would not comment on any litigation.)

Born in Helsinki, Nygård moved with his family at age 10 to Winnipeg, where they lived in a 15-foot-by-13-foot converted coal bin. After getting a business degree from the University of North Dakota, he went into the apparel business, eventually taking over Nathan Jacobs, a struggling clothingmaker. These days Nygård produces apparel under ten brand names, selling to retail chains like Sears and the Bay in Canada and Dillard’s in the U.S., and operating 200 of its own stores north of the 49th parallel and 1,500 “soft shops” in department stores worldwide. Sixty cents of every revenue dollar comes from sales outside Canada. More recently Nygård has expanded beyond apparel to sell licensed products like footwear, accessories and jewelry.

The company has adroitly exploited information technology. It developed software that links manufacturing with a network of Nygård’s retail accounts to keep them fully stocked at all times; reorders are shipped the same day. Another system inputs information and spits out the most efficient use of pattern and material, reducing fabric-cutting time from weeks to minutes. Some of that high-tech dazzle is on display in Nygård’s flagship fashion concept store in New York City’s Times Square, which opened in November 2009. An outside sign spells out his name in seven-story-high blue lights. Inside there are Saturn rings and rotating chrome mannequins, and an iLounge, where customers can watch fashion shows on huge digital screens and gaze at the “me-with” wall featuring Nygård with VIPs like Pamela Anderson and 1970s supermodel Beverly Johnson. Guests at the opening party included Finland’s UN ambassador and Ramona Singer of The Real Housewives of New York City.

The store is steps away from Nygård’s world headquarters, which houses its research and design studios. Across the street is the site of his turbulent entrée into the U.S. in 1978 through the contentious takeover of a leading sportswear designer’s business. Struck between Nygård and Nancy Ebker, the deal resulted in a legal battle that lasted 12 years in New York federal court. Ebker testified that she and Nygård had orally agreed to a 50-50 partnership in which he would kick in $700,000 to finance the design and production of two sportswear lines out of her existing showroom. (Ebker says Nygård discouraged her pursuit of a written agreement, telling her that involving lawyers would be a “big mess.”) Within months of the closing Nygård fired Ebker, took over the offices and threw her out.

Ebker is still fuming. “He literally ruined my life,” she says. Ebker claimed in court testimony that in their heated final conversation Nygård told her, “I have all your patterns, I have everything. I own everything. . . . I never intended to put anything in writing. . . . You have nothing, and I am a millionaire.” “Let’s try to reason,” she said she interjected. To which Nygård responded, “If you don’t have $1 million by Friday, I am going to see to it that your name and reputation are totally destroyed in this market.”

Nygård told the court a different story, saying the two had a calm conversation in which he suggested they amicably part ways. The judge found Ebker to be “highly credible” and deemed Nygård “evasive,” “insincere” and “utterly lacking in credibility.” “We deplore the unseemly conduct of Nygård,” Judge Irving Cooper wrote but ultimately ruled that Ebker failed to prove she was damaged by his actions. Nygård’s counterclaim was also dismissed. Ebker, who calls him “a true villain of the world,” is writing a book about the case.

Allegations of sexual harassment have dogged Nygård for years. An investigative news program, aired by the Canadian Broadcasting Company in April, dredged up recent claims by former employees, many of whom focused on his alleged fiery temper. A former stewardess on his private plane told of one incident in which Nygård was accompanied by a bevy of topless women. At one point midflight, she recalls, Nygård, wild-haired and with his bathrobe open, began berating her co-worker, yelling, “You are nothing! You are garbage!” When the stewardess tried to calm him down, he screamed, “I am God! Do you not understand!?” Even after the security director intervened, she claims, Nygård continued to rage, shouting: “This is my plane. I can do whatever the hell I want!” Nygård told the CBC the incident never happened.

Even before the program aired, Nygård sued the CBC in New York for copyright infringement for taping video of a company fashion show. That case was dismissed in March. He also sued the broadcaster and ex-Nygård employees interviewed for the program in Canada. That suit, in which Nygård claims the CBC induced current and former employees to breach their employment contracts, is ongoing.

In the late 1990s Nygård paid to settle three sexual harassment complaints filed by former employees with the Manitoba Human Rights Commission. Since the cases were not adjudicated, the commission wouldn’t release the records. But the local paper, the Winnipeg Free Press, published two articles detailing the complaints. According to the paper, one of the women, a 27-year-old travel coordinator, said she “repeatedly brushed off Nygård’s touches and sexual advances.” Another, a 39-year-old communications manager, claimed that Nygård added skinny-dipping to the agenda of a business meeting. While in the Bahamas, where Nygård maintains a home and office on a huge estate, Nygård “frequently was grabbing himself (wearing a very small bathing suit),” her complaint alleges, according to the Free Press. When called to his office, “I would find him in a state of undress (pants open, no shirt) or with his hand down the front of his pants fondling himself.”

Nygård’s lawyer claimed the women filed complaints as leverage to get better severance and that the company settled to avoid the cost of litigation. Nygård himself told the Free Press he knew nothing about the complaints and later threatened a defamation action against the paper, the reporter and his former communications manager for publishing the accounts. (The Free Press reporter doesn’t recall a defamation suit.) He also faced a sexual harassment suit in 1996 from a Los Angeles employee, who claimed that, against her wishes, “she spent the night in Peter Nygård’s bed and engaged in sexual intercourse with him.” She later rejected his advances, she claims, and eventually was terminated. The case was dismissed.

Back in 1980 the Free Press reported that Nygård had been charged by Winnipeg authorities with raping an 18-year-old girl. (Canadian officials declined to comment on the charges.) Those charges were dropped months later when the complainant refused to testify at a preliminary hearing. According to the paper, Nygård said the police had “used ‘poor judgment’ in investigating the case and added that the whole matter could have been avoided had they adopted a more responsible attitude.” He told the Free Press that he planned to establish a foundation to finance work to improve the quality of the Canadian judicial system. Says a Nygård spokeswoman, “We have not heard of this charge.”

Nygård has also gotten into embarrassing workplace disputes with employees. In late April the National Labor Committee (NLC), a private group in Pittsburgh, issued a report claiming that Nygård pants from its Alia line were being sewn in a Jordanian sweatshop. The factory in Al Zarqa, the report says, employed 1,200 guest workers from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India who had “been trafficked to Jordan, stripped of their passports and held under conditions of indentured servitude.” According to the investigation, women were forced to work 15-hour shifts, seven days a week, and were paid half the wages they were owed. A Nygård spokeswoman says a government inquiry found no truth to the allegations. But since the report, the NLC says, factory conditions have improved significantly; passports have been returned and workers now get Fridays off.

In 2003 an American couple sued Nygård in Florida for allegedly tricking them into accepting jobs as managers of his estate in the Bahamas. The couple claimed Nygård routinely flouted Bahamian immigration laws by failing to obtain work permits for employees. They also alleged he mistreated workers by fining them for petty infractions. Nygård had previously sued the couple in the Bahamas for defaming him by using confidential documents they took from the estate. He disputed the allegations in the Florida case but settled in 2007.

In a deposition taken in that case, Nygård conceded that employees at his estate are fined for lateness and poor-quality work. Following company policy, those penalties are supposed to be deducted from quarterly bonuses. But in the Bahamas they were deducted from some employees’ weekly pay: $25 fines were common for such offenses as leaving a dirty glass on a beach cabana, not having Nygård’s room cool enough when he arrived and for the presence of houseflies in the grand hall.

Executives at Nygård corporate offices live under a similar threat of penalties. For example, the employment contract of Normand Neal, a former vice president, advised that after receiving “full indoctrination,” including so-called Basic Policy Framework Training, he would be subject to a fine equal to 5% of his bonus for violations of company policies. Neal was fired; he later sued for breach of his employment agreement; Nygård countersued and the case was settled.

But Nygård fought back hard against a seminal employment case filed by Sharon Michalowski, a store supervisor in Winnipeg. Claiming that she was compelled to work 16-hour days, Michalowski sued for 280 hours of overtime. The company argued she was a salaried manager who was not entitled to overtime. In a landmark ruling in 2007 the Supreme Court of Canada rejected that claim, upholding the Manitoba Employment Board’s decision that managers with limited supervisory responsibilities must be paid overtime.

While the company has gotten entangled by many claims of harassment and wage violations, the most spectacular legal battles involve Nygård’s personal life. Married briefly in the 1970s to a model, Nygård went on to have seven children with four different women. Kaarina Pakka, a former stewardess, fought him for years in Ontario courts for child support for their then teenage son. Nygård argued the amount she sought was excessive and would destroy the child’s work ethic and give him a case of “affluenza.” In an interim order he was forced to pay $9,500 a month, then a record-breaking amount. The case was finally settled in 2004.

Nygård has had a string of female companions. Some, like the late Playboy Playmate Anna Nicole Smith, also did fashion work for the company. Nygård dated Smith from 1998 to 2001. In 2007, after her fatal overdose, he appeared on the Montel Williams Show and told the audience of his desperate efforts to get her off drugs.

He met Smith at the Los Angeles Oscar party he has cohosted annually. Known as the “Night of a Hundred Stars,” the glitzy event is staged simultaneously with the Oscar broadcast in the ballroom of the Beverly Hills Hotel. It’s intended as a gathering for former award winners, but its tendency to draw B-list celebs prompted TV Guide Online to christen it the “Night of 100 Has-Beens.”

The party is a touchy subject for Nygård. In 1999 he filed a defamation suit against Linda Lampenius for saying that he “deliberately hired celebrity lookalikes” for his “world-famous” Oscar party and “thereby defrauded the entertainment industry and international press.” Lampenius is a Finnish violinist and model whom Nygård put up for a week and introduced to entertainment industry executives in the spring of 1997. (As Linda Brava, she appeared on the cover of Playboy in the May 1998 issue.) Nygård claimed that after helping launch her career, Lampenius turned on him and defamed him in the Finnish press. In a May 1998 letter from Nygård’s attorney Lampenius was ordered to stop saying that “no women should go with Nygård” and that she needed her manager as “protection” during her stay at his house. When Lampenius refused, Nygård sued her in Los Angeles Superior Court. The case was settled three years later with Lampenius agreeing to print a full-page apology in the Finnish press.

In 2008 another woman–a former girlfriend–complained about an incident at Nygård’s Marina del Rey residence. She sued him in Los Angeles Superior Court for slamming a bedroom door shut on her hand. Nygård settled the case shortly after it was brought.

Perhaps his loudest legal ruckus of late has roared out of the Bahamas. In 1987 Nygård bought a 4.5-acre estate on a peninsula near the Waspy enclave of Lyford Cay. A decade later he built the place into what he calls his “dream home”: a 150,000-square-foot Mayan-style resort featuring 12 themed cabanas, volcanic smoking temples, a helipad, a disco, a casino and a human aquarium (with sharks on one side of the glass). The spread has been featured on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous (Robin Leach is a friend) and has hosted the likes of Robert De Niro, Oprah, Michael Jackson, Prince Andrew and George H.W. Bush. Nygård now spends six months a year at his resort.

That has led to multiple run-ins with Canadian tax authorities. Since his move to the Bahamas, Nygård, a Canadian citizen, has claimed to be a nonresident and therefore not subject to tax on income generated outside Canada. The tax ministry challenged that status in its most recent audit in 2006, claiming Nygård owed an additional $15 million in taxes. Nygård contested the assessments, arguing he severed residential ties with Canada in 1975, and ultimately prevailed–but he was subject to taxes on an additional $2 million in income.

A confrontation with a fellow tycoon and Lyford Cay neighbor continues to gather hurricane strength. The chief complaint: that Nygård is operating a commercial resort in a residential community; ads offer to rent the place for $40,000 a night. His closest neighbor, billionaire Louis Bacon, who runs hedge fund Moore Capital, has borne the brunt of it. (Bacon bought the Forbes’ family ranch, Trinchera, in 2007.) For years Bacon complained about the noise coming from wild parties Nygård routinely hosted at his resort. As Nygård himself explained in a 2007 deposition, the bashes (which he calls “pamper parties”) are a Sunday afternoon tradition both at his Marina del Rey location and at Nygård Cay. “We have been running these parties for about 15 years,” he said. “We start sports activities in the afternoon and play beach volleyball and have dinner and a bit of karaoke and dancing and massaging.” The attendees are local women; dancers are treated to smoke-emitting floors with recessed flashing lights and cameras that shoot them from below.

Fed up with the loud music, Bacon installed industrial speakers on the boundary of his property in October 2009 to deflect the noise back to Nygård Cay. Then in November, at the same time Nygård was opening his flagship New York store, a huge blaze tore through his estate, reportedly the result of an electrical malfunction. Nygård vowed to invest $50 million into rebuilding the compound. But a letter from the Bahamian prime minister’s office in July rejected his construction application, citing the improper expansion of his property through intentional accretion of land over the seabed. A week later Bahamian police officers raided Bacon’s home, handcuffed and searched his staff, and confiscated the speakers based on a tip suggesting they were “ultrasonic weaponry.” (The speakers were returned after police confirmed they were not military-grade.) Bahamian papers blamed the raid on Bacon’s dispute with Nygård, which spilled into the courts in August when both sides sued each other, claiming easement violations, among other things.

Bacon is no patsy. In September the U.K.’s Daily Mail dubbed him “a hedge fund Godfather,” referring to his “omnipotent status” in finance and his penchant for armed guards; the paper was forced to retract the story and print an apology. For once Nygård seems to have taken on an adversary every bit as powerful as he.

Psych Much

I loath the armchair Psychiatrists be ones that play on TV, hello Dr. Phil, or those people you know who took a psych class and have decided they have figured it all out.  Wow that is fucking amazing as we know that the human brain is one of the most complex organs we possess and it is the one significant challenge that the tech sect is doing their best at conquering.  The thought of this is not only disturbing it is frightening.    I don’t think there are enough zeros or ones that could be imprinted to understand the way the brain functions in each human, there is little commonality and ability to distinguish, determine or know how anyone would react and respond in every single situation over a lifetime.

Shit happens. Period it does and when it does it can affect the function and formation of the brain, from traumatic brain injury which covers a wide spectrum of issues be it external or internal (aka a bomb going off, a traumatic event versus a stroke or other embolism) that even many in the TBI community have a difficult time distinguishing.  Add external elements such as drugs, alcohol, or even polluted water or air which can affect the organs and in turn the brain that process said organs to function all play in a part in the developmental process and in turn the destructive one.

I am not a neuroscientist nor neurologist but even they would admit the limitations of their science and of course the quackery that aligns their field with many medical professionals that seem to study the brain or the emotional receptors of that organ and in turn can diagnose and treat any malady with anything be it drug cocktails to talk therapy.  To each his own and each is the operative word when it comes to actually each individual as they ride the waves of life in this deep ocean.

Now we have nature versus nurture argument and there is no doubt that the lottery card of life can aid in how one “turns out” or well not.  But we have this odd belief that well if you are born to the higher cards in the deck you will be fine. That means you will end up going to the right schools, meet the right people, have the right job and have the perfect family in which to complement all that is right about you.   Why am I thinking of Robert Durst right now?

Anyway when I read this story in The Washington Post I vomited in my mouth as it comes right on the asshole tale (and I mean tale as in story) of Harvey Weinstein.  Today is a break in the courts but back to closing arguments tomorrow and to the Jury and the not guilty verdict by Friday so that the weekend is clear for the three day break.  White male privilege bitches!

I went to the original article in New York Magazine to understand the history of this psychopath and wow just wow, when anyone says, “Were any adults in the room?”  should look back on the history of predators and go, “Oh yeah Michael Jackson.”  Then change adults to parents and read this story and go what the flying fuck?

What we have here are neglectful parents and schools despite all the Title IX bullshit of late that just don’t seem to think that they have any role in supervising children who have serious mental health issues and other significant problems that include dealing with being alone and independent, finding out their sexuality, drugs and health problems and lastly just providing an education that people can walk out with a diploma and not a six figure lifetime of debt.    I am so happy not to be in college nor work in one with the endless whining and demanding safe spaces I suggest they look inward and fix themselves before demanding it of others.

This has become a culture of laying blame, pointing fingers, mindfucking and gaslighting as a way of avoiding responsibility, taking ownership and admitting one’s personal failings.  I have zero problems with that as I look at my own the last decade dating men too young for me, ending up nearly dead as a result and having no network of support to help me navigate;  Landing in Nashville to find myself taking on a boy with problems too big of scope and scale to truly help and then further isolating myself as I trust rarely and infrequently, the  likelihood of that changing is not something I feel I need to address or deal with but will independently and in my own way,  as I have ZERO faith in those one trust to do as such.  Let’s get real the medical field is a hot mess of bullshit but it also leave a gaping hole for the mock Doctors… Oz, Phil and the Bachelor to fill in that hole with scripted bullshit.   We used to just leave it to talk show hosts and they were a cross between a Journalist and best friend on whom you can confide.   I think that was a great balance between an afternoon of Phil Donahue and Oprah it covered the spectrum.  Can you imagine what they would do with this story of the elite college with the ex inmate taking over student housing and turning it into the Nexium cult sans branding? Jeffrey Epstein anyone?

How did this adult man, an ex con and clearly with no work, no legal reasons to be on campus live in this arrangement with, yes, legal adults but not one parent of any of these young people bringing this to the attention of Adminstration and when they did know did  nothing?  Now you see why the documentary The Hunting Ground is actually quite appropriate in more ways than one.

I urge you to read the article and if you do not recognize the stories of these young people you clearly need to get out more.  I saw Ethan the boy I tried to help and in turn his peer, Darian,  perhaps the most deeply troubled young woman I have ever met in my entire life. And I have been with kids for decades and had quite a few but this woman is 27 and the phrase “hot mess” is insufficient.  Why she has never been indoctrinated or recruited to cult is surprising as she is very much like Claudia in this story.  

Understanding predators is understanding the mind and again that complex organ that seems to be controlled by the penis as I have yet to find one story about a woman cult leader or serial rapist.  How is that?  And by that I mean how can I do it?  Seriously let’s start with recruiting Brad Pitt and Keanu Reeves then I send them out to get Ryan Gosling.  I am fine with just three – Brother Husbands.  But again this has to have something to do with the hormone of testosterone as there is no other explanation.  Well Scientists studying this are largely men so again go figure but Eugenics and other  junk science like waterboarding and torture will be at the forefront.   Quack quack says the duck.

The story is frightening from so many aspects and it goes to show with all the helicopter parenting, stranger danger, yet the overwhelming need for over sharing it has done little to stop these crazy ass fucks from sexual exploitation and financial gain.   Note that most of the cults either preyed on rich folks who had access and availability of what the primary focus was – no not mental growth – MONEY.   Epstein knew that the other was SEX and he found he perfect prey in girls with families that were poor and dysfunctional the same way R. Kelly did.  Predators know their prey and the tragedy is that the use other damaged women to aid them in their quest.  Look at Nexium, Harvey Weinstein, Epstein, and this Larry person.    And yet this one took place at a College where the white and the privileged thrive.  They had access and availability to all kinds of knowledge.  Clearly they need a class for that.  Oh they do have it, its in the Sociology Department and the Psychology one, the classes you take and they make you feel smart just not apparently act that way.

Understanding crazy is well the key to understanding crazy. There are many cults and other fringe groups that prey and attract all kinds of people and in turn get people to do all kinds of crazy things.  We had Charlie Manson who used sex, drugs and fame.  We had the Rajneesh cult in Oregon now featured on Netflix, I can recall the Love Israel Family (another fine Northwest project) and of course the Yogi ones that veer on just plain sexual obsession/harassment to cult.  Namaste! Add to that Heaven’s Gate or Jim Jones People’s Temple that were not rich white people engaged in some pursuit of a space alien or is that Scientology?  Well all religion is a cult so what have we learned?

Wherever there is a charismatic man who uses his mindfucking power to overcome and overwhelm lost individuals with beliefs of power, wealth, success and happiness you will always have believers.  They flock to ashrams, to camps, to islands or just to houses to find a place to belong.  The reality is that we don’t understand the mind’s ability to process information we just know how to fuck it over really well.

Shaming Sluts

While this pejorative is often applied to women I am fairly confident that men are also a part of that category but we simply refer to them as studs.  Funny when I think of a stud I think of a building structure that supports the framing and of course a structure that sits upon it, usually a home.  Studs are significant, important and an asset.  They are the key to the foundation and   I know of few studly men who fall into that category of being a strong aid in building a foundation.  But again I know few men anymore and I have worked to change that in which to remind myself it is not about gender it is about being a human and we share that much in common and that is one stud that is firmly in place.

As of the last few weeks I have been away in Nashville where the euphemisms for women are often dismissive and resolutely a way to put a woman in her place, the epitome is the Southern Belle most representative by Scarlett O’Hara.  The Jezebel is the biblical term to point out she is a whore and heathen and not one I heard much as they just went with the whore/heathen thing right out there.  Of course none is ever said directly to one’s face as the South is a place where passive aggressive takes on new heights.  But in the South if one is a woman one is either a wife, a mother, a grandmother or a cum dumpster.  Men marry the girls they envision as the primary and fuck around with the secondary as they excuse their behavior as just being a boy/stud or just an asshole.  Ah Christianity, he who accuses excuses

I did not meet one single woman that had any true backbone, intelligence or work ethic that was not tied to finding a man, fucking a man and fucking over anyone who got in their way of doing so.   Women are their own best enemies and in turn no woman does it better than a Southern Woman.

My first example is the woman I know who owns a retail store and it is tanking, tanking hard.  I spent the better part of my time trying to help her find ideas to stave off bankruptcy, build her business and find ways to make it work.  I stood in the store and actually talked customers into buying items while she stood blithely by doing nothing but complaining.  The complaints veered about customers to other nearby store owners who were also struggling, shutting their doors or restructring their businesses to keep them alive.  When a major retailer, Macy’s, admits they too are in trouble  and are now following well trod footsteps of many other retailers in this age it is time to find a wheel to reinvent.  The one advantage  a small business owner has is the ability to pivot quickly  if they willing in which to avoid the failures of their larger counterparts; However,  it takes both smarts and capital and in turn an ability to find partners and others willing to lend a hand or a check.  Complaining does little but as I watched her and listened to her endless complaints they were excuses simply to admit she hates doing the job and no longer wants to but doesn’t even know how to end it.   I finally said, see ya and let her commiserate on her own time.

The next is the young woman who works at a friends bar/coffee shop. Again the hybrid business model that is a way of keeping a business going at some level while trying to do a passion project that  is now a vocation.  In this case its beer making and while its fine I don’t get any of it but I wish them well.  That said the young woman who works there is a hot mess who mauls men in the same way Harvey Weinstein mauled women.   She is a stalker, a predator and chases boys like she is in a foot race.  From giving them idiotic nicknames, Rocker Boy, Skater Boy, fill in the blank boy, it is obvious that they are simply dicks to fill a gaping hole and by that hole I mean pick one.  She is clearly afraid of being without a man and has no concern of their own issues only that she is there to shove pot, booze and pussy down their throat or on their dicks as she has full expertise in the Southern habit of sucking, fucking and humping til Sunday when then they all go to Church to thump the Bible to make up for the sucking, fucking and humping.  She is a slut, she is damaged and I suspect like many women there are – victims of sexual abuse.  Tennessee is number five in Domestic Violence rates and they have definitely earned that from what I can observe.

The endless parade of girls who worked at the local coffee shop where I hung out defied tragedy and it now is a comedy to me as I tried to give them cast off clothing and other things while being a regular and being generous with tips it was all for naught as they spent most of their times mocking and debasing me for reasons that are laughable if not absurd.  The Southern Belle is a Jezebel and they are indistinguishable.

So this week as I watched more of the Weinstein trial unfold the story of one victim whose histrionics shut down court one day even I became doubtful of her version of events.  As in all stories there are three sides – his, hers and the truth.  And in that vein the Defense Attorney for Harvey Weinstein portrayed the victim as a willing participant in the encounters and yes there were those but the issue is why she enabled, allowed and continued is the tragedy as we learned she had been sexually assaulted in the past so it was embedded in her head already about her worth and that it is tied to her vagina, a state I found quite common in the South.  Her backstory despite being from Washington State is a parallel of those I heard while in Tennessee, bible belter, sheltered and aspirational aka money and class obsessed.   And of course Weinstein like all predators can quickly assess and in turn manipulate women like that effortlessly it is why they maintained working for him and stayed in contact as many victims do have odd relationships with their abusers despite their awareness that it is not sane, rational or real.  Ask a wife about that one.

Understanding the situation is like understanding Stockholm Syndrome and how captives become like their captors.  I had spent the better part of three years totally struggling to understand the why and wherefores about my situation there and the last two weeks finally provided me with an epiphany – people are really stupid there and they just assume you are as stupid, a liar and user as are they.   So of course why anyone would be treated as the exception is a presumption of arrogance and no one has a presumption of arrogance and ignorance like a Southerner.  I never met anyone of genuine intellect and open mindedness. They were rude, had a superiority complex and utterly the most unkind people I have ever encountered.   I have zero tolerance now and it is a trigger warning for me to even handle anyone who even jokingly tries to cut me down.  Sorry but the bullshit remark that precedes an insult, “I was just playing with you” is not someone I want to play with.  Go fuck yourself and let me know how that worked out for you.

I don’t think the Weinstein trial will end with his guilt it will be like Trump the reality is that white men with money have a Get out of Jail Free card on the Monopoly board of life and when Jeffrey Epstein had played his already he chose the final way out as when all else fails in the game of Life or that of Monopoly just toss in your cards and game over.

As for women – own your evil.   I own mine, I am a bitch and proudly wear it.  I mask much of it with a sense of humor but I also do it to unmask one’s lack of intellect and nothing does it quicker than making yourself the butt of a joke while watching one be confused as to what is the joke.  Ah humor is intelligence and those without it lack intelligence.  Remember the redneck comedy tour? Find any of them funny?  When it comes to careers I would rather be with a Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, Anthony Jeselnik, Seth Myers than a white trash redneck whose name I cannot remember and don’t even have the inclination to Google it.  Funny the last female comic I loved was Wanda Sykes on Netflix so again not a big fan of the more pretty younger versions.  And yes I love women comedians, Joan Rivers anyone?  Funny is not a gender choice.

But as a woman who finds most women loathsome I find it interesting that while I prefer the company of men as friends it is women who find it most suspect and of course they have few friends of either sex in which to contrast or compare.  Friendships are mirrors and of course levelers that offer perspective and in the case of men like Weinstein and Epstein who were their friends?  Well it appears men just like them, angry fucks who like to fuck over women too.  Again shame or slut, the Angels of Victoria with her secrets are not much better.  How those models today feel about their role in that slut shaming of America need to own it.   Imagine if the Models had rallied together and spoke out, walked out and told the truth maybe some of the pain would have stopped.  Nah, the fucking check cleared so fuck those bitches.  Never shopped at that dump and maybe I have good taste and once again I was proven right.  Slut wear does not look good on me.

Women are the biggest shamers of women and they are why we have what we have an out of control male dominated society where men can run over anyone and grab pussy, rape and harm lives without regret or remorse.  Women own your evil and stop men from doing it.