He Who Accuses, Excuses

This is neither shocking nor surprising. What was interesting was that he is 63 years old and seems to be managing to keep it up in every sense of the word

Prosecutor known for fighting prostitution charged with paying for sex hundreds of times

The Washington Post
By Peter Holley
March 16 2016

Mich. county prosecutor charged with soliciting prostitutes hundreds of times Play Video1:51 Stuart Dunnings III, who’s been the top law enforcer in Michigan’s capital area for nearly 20 years, was charged with hiring prostitutes hundreds of times.

When it came to hiring prostitutes for sex, Stuart Dunnings III preferred escort websites such as Escort Vault and Backpage.com. Most of the time, police say, Dunnings would meet the women at motels. Occasionally, they’d meet at a pimp’s house.

His was a ferocious habit, one that led the 63-year-old to shell out hundreds of dollars three or four times a week for a revolving cast of heroin-addled sex workers. By the time he was arrested Monday outside a Lansing, Mich., coffee shop, Dunnings had racked up hundreds of illegal encounters in three Michigan counties between 2010 and 2015, according to an arrest affidavit. But Dunnings wasn’t just any John, authorities say. For the past 20 years, he’s been the top prosecutor for Ingham County, a man who put sex traffickers in jail and built a reputation as “an outspoken advocate for ending human trafficking and prostitution,” according to a statement released by Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette (R).

 “This is not a going into Barnes and Noble and buying something as a client or a customer,” Schuette said. “This is an instance where an officer of the law, an officer of the court, the prosecutor in the capital city of Michigan has a responsibility to enforce the law, report crimes, but he did just the opposite. He was a participant in commercial sex activity.” Dunnings faces 15 criminal charges across three counties, including willful neglect of duty and pandering.

The latter charge stems from the prosecutor paying for sex with a woman who was seeking help resolving a child custody dispute, according to the affidavit. He was also charged with 10 counts of engaging in the services of prostitutes, a misdemeanor, in Ingham, Clinton and Ionia counties. After being processed in the Ingham County jail, Dunnings was arraigned and released on bond. If convicted, he could spend more than 20 years behind bars, authorities told The Washington Post.

The prosecutor’s arrest was preceded by a year-long investigation by the Ingham County Sheriff’s Office, assisted by the FBI and the state attorney general’s office, authorities said. “I’ve known Stuart for a long time,” Ingham County Sheriff Gene Wriggelsworth said at a news conference. “We’ve done some campaigning together. This was a huge betrayal of his trust, his oath of office, his service to the people of this county.” Dunnings is a Democrat who was first elected in 1996. He is now the highest-paid elected official in Ingham County, with a salary of $132,000, according to the Lansing State Journal.

 In 2001, according to the Journal, Dunnings began prosecuting the city’s prostitution-related crimes. Chief among the prosecutor’s goals, the paper reported, was imposing harsher penalties on lawbreakers. He took an aggressive approach to his job and quickly cracked down, impounding Johns’ vehicles and smacking prostitutes and their clients with felonies after three offenses, according to the Journal.

 “In the first two years alone, his prosecutors charged 19 people with felonies and impounded 53 vehicles,” the paper reported. Only seven years later, Dunnings had adopted the illegal behavior of the very people he was putting behind bars, according to the affidavit. He met most of the sex workers online. Over time, he became increasingly involved with them, taking them to dinner, paying their bills, buying them groceries, and even revealing his identity as a prosecutor, according to the arrest affidavit. He paid one woman’s YMCA membership and spent $80 a week for methodone treatments for her heroin addiction, the affidavit states.

 Dunnings also shared a prostitute with his brother, Steven Dunnings, a Lansing attorney who is facing two charges of engaging in the services of a prostitute, according to the affidavit. The prosecutor became involved with another woman in 2010 after she told him she had been the victim of domestic violence and sought assistance in a “custody matter,” the affidavit states.

 Dunnings invited the woman to lunch on two occasions. During their second meeting, the affidavit states, Dunnings said he knew she was struggling financially and had a proposition: money for sex. After initially declining his offer, the woman told investigators that she eventually felt she had no choice but to accept, fearing he might “cause her problems” if she backed out, according to the affidavit.

 The woman — who estimated that the district attorney paid her $600 every two weeks — told investigators that “she would not have gone along with the commercial sex if Dunnings had not been the prosecutor,” the affidavit states. Wriggelsworth, the sheriff, told the Journal that authorities were aware of “chatter” about Dunnings’s activities, but they lacked proof.

A 2015 FBI investigation into an alleged trafficker eventually led authorities to Dunnings. Before Dunnings was arraigned Monday, his lawyer, Michael Hocking, declined to comment, according to the Journal. The paper reported that Hocking was overheard outside the courtroom telling one of Dunnings’s relatives that the attorney general’s motivations were political in nature. He repeated a variation of that line in court, the Journal reported, telling Magistrate Laura Millmore that the charges against his client were “somewhat of a political case” full of “titillating-type accusations.”

 Schuette has called on Dunnings to resign, according to the Journal. “We live in a time where people wonder if government actually works,” the attorney general said. “People wonder if the system is rigged.

People wonder whether we have a ‘wink and a nod’ justice system where the chosen few skate and escape punishment because of who they know or because they hold an important position in government.” “Well, let me be very direct and crystal clear,” he added. “The system in Michigan is not rigged. Not on my watch.”

Judge Joe Brown Cancelled

Well the people in Memphis have spoken and they like their jailhouse to rock apparently.

Former TV Judge Brown Stumbles in Tenn. DA Bid

The Associated Press

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Former TV judge Joe Brown has lost his bid to become the district attorney for the Tennessee county that includes Memphis.

Brown, a Democrat, challenged Republican Amy Weirich, the incumbent district attorney for Shelby County. She claimed victory late Thursday.< With 96 percent of precincts reporting, Weirich had 65 percent of the vote compared with 35 percent for Brown. Brown was a Criminal Court judge in Memphis before stepping down in 2000 to dedicate himself to the TV show. The show is no longer on the air. 

He was arrested and briefly jailed in March after a Shelby County Juvenile Court magistrate found him in contempt of court during a contentious hearing. He is appealing the charges.

What is interesting is that he lost to this bitch. And no I am no longer couching language when it comes to the system of Justice. Civility is not part of their arena it will no longer be part of mine.

Here  have a dog running for Prosecuting Attorney here in Whatcom County in the north of the State. Why as this dude has had no opponents for decades.   The dog is no bitch that is for sure.

But this woman in Memphis runs about as tight a ship as the Titanic. What is tragic is that Memphis is troubled city and needs good leaders but clearly here has to be where voter suppression or ignorance is why this woman was re-elected. The article below is from the Memphis Flyer and is about one this “Captain’s Lieutenants” He sounds like a real winner too!

The Prosecution Rests
A controversial censure of Assistant District Attorney Thomas Henderson has the legal community abuzz and D.A. Amy Weirich on the defensive.

By Toby Sells
Memphis Flyer
January 30, 2014

Two clear and vastly different story lines exist in the recent censure of Assistant District Attorney Thomas Henderson for misconduct in a capital murder case.

In the end, those differing opinions may be all that remain of Henderson’s part of a case that began 16 years ago and ended late last year. But maybe not. Some details of the case can’t yet be disclosed publicly. If they are brought to the surface, they may shed a new light on the entire saga.

Henderson was censured by the Tennessee Supreme Court’s Office of Professional Responsibility over the holidays. The office oversees attorneys in Tennessee and punishes them if they break ethical rules that govern the profession, as they did with Henderson.

The punishment the office handed down to Henderson is a “public rebuke and a warning to the attorney, but does not affect the attorney’s ability to practice law.” Henderson also had to pay the court costs that lead to the censure, which totaled $1,745.07.

He and his boss, Shelby County District Attorney Amy Weirich, said he simply forgot about a piece of evidence in the capital murder case, that not disclosing it correctly was a “human error,” and his crime amounts to a clerical mistake. He pleaded guilty to the error, is enduring the public punishment, has to pay the fine, and the matter is closed.

Others, including judges and attorneys who spoke to the Flyer, said Henderson suppressed the evidence on purpose to win his case, and many doubted it was the first time he’d done it in his career. This kind of discipline against him has been a long time coming, some said. He got a slap on the wrist with a plea deal to probably save himself from being disbarred, attorneys said. Some criminal justice insiders said the matter has shaken faith in Weirich’s leadership, faith in the Shelby County District Attorney’s office, and even faith in the county’s justice system.

Henderson will keep his job in the Shelby County D.A.’s office, and Weirich said no further punishment is planned for the veteran attorney. She punished him, she said, by pulling him from the case associated with the censure.

“Those outside of this office may not understand what a punishment that is, but it was a huge step, and it was a tough conversation to have,” Weirich said. “We, as prosecutors, when we’re assigned a murder case — particularly a capital murder case — they become a part of us: the case, the family, and the victim.”

Thomas Henderson likely knows this like few others. He’s been a prosecutor in the Shelby County D.A.’s office since 1976. In that time, he’s overseen some of the county’s “most heinous and atrocious criminal cases,” a description often repeated by Weirich. He’s prosecuted hundreds of jury trials, at least 50 of them were capital murder cases. He now holds one of the top positions in the D.A.’s office, supervising some 50 prosecutors in Shelby County’s criminal courts. Weirich has called him a “dedicated public servant.”

The Flyer interviewed a number of Memphis attorneys who have had dealings with Henderson, many of whom were only willing to talk off the record. Some described him as having a prickly personality. Others had stronger words to describe a man, who they said, tries to (and does) get under the skin of his opponents with a stinging wit that seems intended to demean and humiliate. But all of the attorneys agreed that Henderson is razor-sharp, and it’s been said that if his critics needed a prosecutor for their family, they’d want him.

But Henderson keeps a low profile, despite his high-profile job. Google searches of his name turn up just a handful of news stories, most dealing with cases he’s prosecuted. Those searches yield only a couple of photos of the veteran prosecutor; they show a slightly balding, white-haired man with wire-frame glasses who sometimes wears a white mustache. The only direct contact the Flyer had with Henderson was in an email from him saying he could not comment on this story. He did not appear with Weirich in her press conference two weeks ago and was not made available for a photograph.

Beyond enduring news coverage of his public censure, there’s almost nothing more that could legally happen to Henderson. He was censured by the board that oversees his profession. Weirich, his boss and a duly elected official, has said repeatedly that she’ll stand behind him, and his job security rests with her.

To many outside the legal community, a censure may not sound like much. But it is. It’s but two steps away from disbarment (losing your license to practice) in Tennessee. “Enduring” a censure, as Weirich put it, surely means having everyone know that you — someone duty-bound and honor-bound to play by the rules — broke the rules.

“This one involves honesty to a tribunal, the courts, in a capital murder case,” said Memphis defense attorney Marty B. McAfee. “A defense attorney caught in dishonesty in a courtroom might well face jail for contempt of court and would surely be sanctioned by the Board of Professional Responsibility.”

The road to Henderson’s censure began about 16 years ago. It has spanned two highly publicized court trials, and Henderson argued them both. Paper files on the case would fill a room full of cabinets. The list of appeals and motions in the case are long and have occupied countless hours of time and thought in county and state courts for nearly all of those 16 years. But it all begins, of course, with a crime.

It was not an ordinary crime. It was a murder case in which the victim’s body has never been found. That’s one reason Henderson decided to take it on, according to a letter he wrote in his defense to the Board of Professional Responsibility.

“Since I was the only one in the office who had ever tried such a case before, I agreed to take it on in addition to my regular caseload,” Henderson wrote.

A manager with CSX Transportation called the Memphis Inn early on February 8, 1997, to wake a work crew that was staying there. He was unable to get anyone on the phone at the front desk, so a railroad yardmaster then drove to the motel, located near the corner of I-40 and Sycamore View. When he got there, he found the office empty and signs of a violent struggle, including a blood trail leading out of the office door. The yardmaster called police.

Officers from the Shelby County Sheriff’s Department and the Memphis Police Department found large amounts of blood in the employee bathroom, a cracked sink, bloody towels, and the seat had been torn off the toilet. Sheets were taken, as well as $600 from the register. Ricci Ellsworth, the motel night clerk, was gone. Her 1989 Dodge Dynasty was still in the parking lot. Her body has not been found. She disappeared, but not without a trace.

An eyewitness, James Darnell, told police he saw two white men with blood on their hands in the motel around the time Ellsworth went missing. Darnell thought one of them was a motel clerk because he was behind the office window and was handing what he thought was change to the other man. Their knuckles were bloody, he said, and he thought they had been fighting.

He saw one of the men in the parking lot putting something “rolled up” in a motel comforter in the trunk of a car, something heavy enough that the car “dropped a little bit.”

Darnell described the men to a police sketch artist and the photos ran on television and in The Commercial Appeal. Billy Wayne Voyles and Raymond Cecil were identified by one of their friends in Arkansas. Police added a photo of Voyles (but not Cecil) to a photo spread and he was identified by the eyewitness, Darnell.

Voyles was brought to Tennessee on Henderson’s order, and he told police he hadn’t been in Tennessee for two years because he was running from a violation of parole warrant. He told police eight people (including Cecil) could verify his alibi.

Henderson said he was told Voyles had a good alibi and was excluded from his investigation. But Kelly Gleason, a post-conviction attorney who reviewed the case, concluded that none of the eight people were ever interviewed and that no D.A. or police document showed that his alibi checked out. Henderson said he chalked up Voyles as one of the “hundreds of false leads, crime-stopper tips, and false sightings of the victim that were checked out by police.”

But jurors in the 1998 trial never heard the name of Billy Wayne Voyles. They never knew an eyewitness claimed to have seen other suspects at the Memphis Inn that night.

Instead, they heard a story about a man named Michael Dale Rimmer. The eyewitness, Darnell, did not pick Rimmer out of the photo spread shown to him by police. Rimmer became the prime suspect for police and prosecutors, but their suspicions of him did not come out of thin air.

Rimmer had a sporadic romantic relationship with Ricci Ellsworth and was convicted of raping her in 1989. For that, he spent eight years at Tiptonville’s Northwest Correctional Facility (now called Northwest Correctional Complex). He got out just a few months before Ellsworth went missing. And on that day, February 8, 1997, Rimmer showed up early at his brother’s house, filthy with mud on his boots and asking his brother, a carpet cleaner, if he knew how to get blood out of carpet. He cleaned his muddy boots in the shower and was asked to leave.

He left Tennessee driving a stolen car. Receipts show he wound his way through Mississippi and Florida, then out west to California, Arizona, and Texas. About a month after he left Memphis, he was pulled over in Johnson County, Indiana. The cops ran the tag, which matched a stolen, maroon, 1988 Honda Accord that belonged to one of Rimmer’s acquaintances. Its driver was wanted for questioning in Tennessee.

Rimmer was locked up, and Indiana law enforcement officials ran tests on what looked like blood in the backseat of the car. Initial DNA results showed the blood “was consistent with the offspring of the victim’s mother,” according to court documents. More testing proved the blood belonged to Ricci Ellsworth, the only trace left of the missing woman, and all that police would ever find.

While in the Indiana jail, Rimmer told inmates he had killed his wife in a Memphis motel. He said she was responsible for his prior incarceration on the rape charge and that she owed him money. He described the murder scene as “very bloody,” described the place he dumped the body, and said he was surprised no one had found it yet. Back in Memphis, he told police he’d been to a topless club that night. An officer told him that Ellsworth might be dead and he said “you can’t have a murder, because you don’t have a body.” No one had told Rimmer that police had not found her body. It was damning evidence for sure.

Before the November 1998 trial, Rimmer’s team of six attorneys asked Henderson and the Shelby County prosecutors if there was any exculpatory evidence, or evidence that could help prove their client’s innocence. They specifically requested information “relating to any witness’ description of a perpetrator which did not match that of Mr. Rimmer,” according to the Board of Responsibility’s petition of discipline for Henderson. Henderson did not mention Billy Wayne Voyles. He said he was “unaware” of any such evidence.

Henderson said he did not suppress any evidence. In his defense letter to the board, he said he gave defense attorneys the names and addresses of all the questioned witnesses and told them the photo spread (which contained Rimmer and Voyles) and all reports of identification were available to them in the evidence room at 201 Poplar.

“It makes no sense that someone would try to hide such information and then furnish defense attorneys with names, addresses, descriptions, and notations of photo spreads,” Henderson wrote in the 2012 letter. “It was also my expectation that any defense attorney would examine the evidence in preparation for a trial. Sadly, that was not the case here.”

The Rimmer case file contained about 6,000 pages, Henderson said. So, when he was asked about any other eyewitness identification, he simply couldn’t recall Darnell’s identification of Voyles, especially since he wasn’t a person of interest in his investigation. “In short, my failure was one of recollection and not purposeful.”

But Kelly Gleason, a Nashville attorney who worked for Rimmer, disagreed that Henderson simply forgot. She pointed to the fact that Henderson specifically asked for Darnell in his lineup of potential witnesses, according to a letter to the Board of Professional Responsibility answering Henderson’s defense.

Also, she said the witness list Henderson prepared for his personal use included the remarks “saw 2 mw ID Voyles” by James Darnell’s name, meaning Darnell said he saw two white men at the motel that night and identified one of them as Voyles. The witness list given to Rimmer’s attorneys “contained no such description,” Gleason wrote.

“Mr. Henderson did not forget that James Darnell identified Billy Wayne Voyles,” Gleason said in her letter. “He chose not to disclose that fact to defense counsel before, during, and after Mr. Rimmer’s November 1998 trial.”

If the defense had known of an eyewitness at the time and place of Ricci Ellsworth’s disappearance, they could have formed a whole new trial strategy working from a completely different theory, all ideas and arguments that could have spared Rimmer from death row. But they didn’t, and Rimmer was convicted and sentenced to death.

Rimmer won an appeal, and the Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed the convictions against him but overturned his death sentence. But the case was not overturned because of anything done by Henderson. It was overturned because the judge on the case gave incorrect instructions to the jury. In 2004, Rimmer got a new trial for sentencing that could keep him from the death chamber.

Henderson argued the new trial for the state against Rimmer. He used the same 1998 file to prepare for the case, Gleason said, and had the same witness list with his notes. Rimmer’s attorneys asked if Henderson had any exculpatory evidence regarding identification of witnesses. He said that “the identification witnesses in this case are friends, co-workers, and other acquaintances of the defendant,” according to the board’s discipline petition, which also noted that “Mr. Darnell was not a friend, co-worker, or other acquaintance with Mr. Rimmer.” Henderson later testified that he did not call Darnell to the re-sentencing hearing because the state was just presenting an outline of the evidence presented at the guilt phase of the initial trial.

“When the issue of Darnell’s review of a photo spread came up during the trial, Mr. Henderson stated that he reviewed the entire file and that James Darnell did not identify anyone in the photo spread,” Gleason wrote.

Henderson said in his defense that the allegation that he committed perjury “is perhaps the most offensive.” He testified at the post-conviction hearing that “I would not do such a thing” and that the court found that he had not “proven that false testimony had been purposely presented.” He said it was an “unsupported allegation” and pointed to the fact that “I am still practicing and have 40 years of honorable service. All of those years of service are to be held for naught because of an allegation of an adversary?”

Weirich backed up Henderson’s 2012 claim last week, pointing to the fact that Rimmer’s attorneys brought up James Darnell in their arguments without being explicitly told about him as a witness by Henderson.

The jury in the 2004 trial gave Rimmer the death sentence, primarily based on the evidence that he had a previous felony for raping Ellsworth. The appeals court and the Supreme Court affirmed the sentence.

In 2008, Rimmer filed motions for new lawyers to look at his case and to stay his execution. In 2009, he filed to have the Shelby County D.A.’s office disqualified from any new trial. It was denied twice. The Supreme Court held a hearing to see if the D.A.’s office should be disqualified from the case and said it shouldn’t be. Rimmer appealed the decision and was denied. But he won a chance for new hearings for new evidence in his case, which were heard in January and March 2012. Those hearings revealed that Rimmer’s attorneys in 2004 failed to bring forward the evidence about Darnell’s eyewitness identifications and failed to interview him before the trial. So, the resentencing jury never heard that he had seen two people at the Memphis Inn that night and that neither one was Michael Dale Rimmer.

For this, Judge James Beasley of the Division 10 of the Shelby County Criminal Court, found their counsel to be “ineffective,” and without that evidence, the 2004’s jury was “not reliable.” So, in his October 2012 court order, Beasley reversed Rimmer’s conviction and death sentence and said he was entitled to a new trial.

Weirich said again last week that the new case was granted not because of anything Henderson did but because Rimmer’s attorneys failed to use evidence that some say Henderson suppressed. “Mr. Henderson made a human error,” she said. “That’s it. End of story. Period.”

But Beasley found the exact opposite to be true. He wrote in his order that Henderson “purposefully misled counsel with regard to the evidence obtained in this case.” He said Henderson’s assertions in the 1998 and 2004 cases that “he knew of no evidence exonerating or exculpating (Rimmer) were blatantly false, inappropriate, and ethically questionable,” but it was not enough to reverse Rimmer’s conviction or sentence.

Rimmer’s new trial is scheduled for July. But that date is fluid now, after Weirich announced recently that she decided to recuse her office from the trial. She had pulled Henderson from the trial last year and put two other prosecutors on the case, but she said media coverage of Henderson’s censure had complicated the matter and further involvement by her office would be a “distraction.”

A judge and a new jury will again hear all of the details of the Rimmer case. But one thing will be different this time around. Thomas Henderson won’t argue for the state. Weirich requested and got a special prosecutor to handle the case. That means new prosecutors will need to learn all the facts of the Rimmer case and try to keep him behind bars — or worse. The speed of their learning curve will likely determine the trial date.

Rimmer maintains his innocence in the disappearance and apparent murder of Ricci Ellsworth even after two juries have agreed that he is to blame.

Henderson claimed his innocence in his defense letter last year, denying that he purposefully withheld evidence as he tried to prove Rimmer’s guilt. He maintains that innocence, even after a criminal court judge ruled his infractions were intentional, he was charged by the Board of Professional Responsibility, and he pled guilty to the charges.

Henderson will continue to work at the D.A.’s office, as he has since 1976. Weirich faces an election this year, and she was unyielding when asked what she would say to an opponent who brings up her decisions on Henderson.

“I’m going to say I made the right decision from the very beginning of even becoming the District Attorney General,” she said.

Maybe her confidence comes from details of the case that neither she nor anyone in her office can discuss. The case is now pending (for the third time) and Weirich said she’s having to defend Henderson and her decisions with “one hand and one leg tied behind my back.”

“I don’t condone these actions, but there’s also more to this than the public knows right now,” Weirich said. “When the case is over, we’ll be able to talk a lot more freely about it.”

The Incentive to….

I believe the word incentive is another homonym that enables those to apply whatever meaning suits to the situation one is in.  It’s like the word entitlement that somehow has taken on a negative connotation thanks to the way it is used and the manner in which it is applied.

For incentives we seem to think of them as all positive to generate an outcome, a bonus, a type of additional reason for one to “do good.”

Do you think such things should be used in regards to law enforcement?

Many States and Cities are ‘awarded’ incentives based on criminal convictions. There are State Crime labs that with each criminal conviction they are awarded fees in the form of “fines” to the accused to pay for the expenses incurred while they practice their largely junk science.  

The other day the U.S. Senate is a rare moment of working passed a bi-partisan rule about Forensic standards out of committee to be sent to the floor.  It, like real science, will never see the light of the day in the dysfunction junction we call Congress so why bother commenting.

And the Police force are also provided incentives in convictions, property seizures and goodies in the form of grants from Homeland Security to get largely absurd and useless governmental toys used in states of war.  Coming to a podunk town to you some overwhelming and dangerous tool in which to kill, harm or maim you and your dog.  Radley Balko at the Washington Posts is having a contest on which small town has the biggest penis. Whoops, I mean military vehicle.

And there are State incentives that come in the form of highway money, via the NHTSA for every drunk driver charged – not found guilty- charged for the crime of DUI.  I bet Colorado and Washington will be getting some big bucks soon.  Shame the NHTSA did not spend any time enforcing safety laws when it came to cars, the things that those drunks drive that are more dangerous than well drunks driving. But this group invented junk science.  So GM thanks for not bothering to “self manage” and fix your killing machines independently as the Horatio John Galts’ like to remind us.  Who needs oversight and regulation as even when we have it we don’t do it.

Judges are awarded money from campaign contributions for staying on the bench even when incompetent and compromised by said money. Sure that robe dissolves you of any bias or preference or beliefs once you put it on.  Its like Joseph’s Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

And lastly are beloved Prosecutors.  Need I say misconduct that is based on their belief and I am sure that notches, scalps, guilty verdicts have no influence in their workload, their desk or their rise in pay scale.  Job security is great convicting the innocent.

There are always incentives to lie and the New York Times among other publications have long documented the reason Police lie and why Prosecutors are complicit in their lies.   It’s worth a look. You should not need any incentive in which to realize in America we are all guilty if so inclined to be judged.  Even my Attorney’s thought (well maybe still do) that I am.  Even when you provide incentives in the form of checks to those hired to prove your innocence…don’t think they care either.  Their incentive is their check.  One arrogant punk said it right to my face after declaring me mentally incompetent.   That one is not my Lawyer and no longer works with one of my Attorney’s. I feel bad for any client who has that fool for a Lawyer.