Child as Activist

If you watched John Oliver on Sunday October 16th his main story was about Transgendered Children and their rights which are increasingly being removed and even the very word or subject is being banned in many schools across the country as this issue has become the new social media ## of late in the endless sparring between the right and left. It is of course nuts as social media is a cesspool of misinformation and histrionics that are fueled by the culture wars as established by the two political parties serving in Congress. The New York Times did an excellent breakdown of how they use social media to encourage and enrage their followers to incite discord and as we know now, violence. Words apparently can lead to hurt.

I found this article in the Washington Post and with that I am sorry that this little girl is involved at all. She is a survivor and will go through immense struggles coping with this and in turn adding pressure to somehow be the spokesperson to bring change does little to help her process and try to live her life as a CHILD should in the best of circumstances and these certainly are not the best in any stretch of the imagination.

Uvalde was a failure by the Adults not in the room. The Adults in the room died trying to save lives, only one survived and he will have many years of rehab from the injuries both physical and mental as he works toward recovery. Children have no need to be involved but they are now largely thanks to David Hogg who along with other Survivors of Parkland decided to take on the role of Activists and push forward with Gun Safety and Legislation to regulate guns. They are still pushing forward but now many have taken a back seat. David still is on social media but I can see cracks in the rage and anger and with that he is at Harvard and should be focused on the now and the end game and at that point move into a larger role, but to spend his entire College Years on this issue is to me a point that has been made.

The Court Case in Florida is over and the Parents are still processing their grief and anger and as we also know as more and more shootings have occurred in schools, at parks, at grocery stores, at parades and in homes little has changed with regards to Gun regulations and safety, in fact gun restrictions have loosened. And we are now putting all of this on children. I watched the families in the Court over Alex Jones and his bullshit regarding Sandy Hook, a shooting that was well over a decade ago. I watched the families during the Florida trial and now we have another coming in Michigan and more to follow. This will never end well. Yes the shooter will be found guilty and regardless of the penalty it doesn’t change a thing; Children and adults died by a GUN, held by a hand who managed to have legal access to one. That is the real problem and the only solution, getting guns off our streets. Start by not playing with them as children. That might help. Stop filming movies and video games that don’t actually depict the real violence found at the end of a bullet and start showing the actual crime scene photos. Some of the children were so badly mangled their parents were sent DNA kits in which to assist in identifying remains and now Texas wants that for all children in all schools in the State. The message there? You decide.

And with that I close with a Biblical verse, yes irony but that is the point that many of these shootings happen in quote/unquote Bible belt, Free Rights and Love God and Guns country. So they should be more than familiar with this citation:

Matthew 18:2-6

2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them.

3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.