The Narrative

A narrative is always told by someone. The narrator is not necessarily the same as the author of the book which contains the narrative: the author is a real person; the narrator is simply the ‘voice’ to whom the words of the narrative are attributed; a single novel may contain several narrators…We might think of the narrator as a point of view embodied in a character, who can, if wished, represent the author; although sometimes the voice of a narrative or its point of view are not clearly expressed as a character. Montgomery, Durant, Fabb, Furniss, Mills: Ways of Reading – Narrative. Questions to consider: who is the narrator or voice of the novel Consider her point of view Is she clearly expressed as a character Extra challenge: who is the narrator of The Great Gatsby What is his point of view Is he clearly expressed as a character

When one writes either fiction or non the idea is that there is purpose, point, thesis or theme behind the work. It can be to inform, enrage, engage or just entertain. All Writers try to retain a sense of Voice, the Author’s tone that is a consistent presence in all their works. Some writers remain in their lane with Horror, Romance, Historical or whatever genre of writing they have taken on and in turn established a presence within that genre. That said many Authors do push that boundary and take on new types or forms of writing and often due using a nom de plume or pseudonym as to enable this experiment without affecting their primary sources and criticism that too can be biased. And we all bring that to our own work be as Reader or Writer.

With that many other Writers arrive to the yard and try to take on the qualities and characteristics of those whose success and recognition is worth emulating. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery right? But that voice and that narrative approach is not a singular one owned and trademarked by the Author. The work is Copyrighted to insure that one cannot present a duplicate work under another name or effectively copy sections of the work and incorporate that into their work and claim it is their original thought. But to be honest finding that requires serious reading of the numerous works published over time and in turn means that one is familiar with every single book published regardless of its genre. I assume Chat AI will be the one taking on the vetting and validating origin of work and in turn take away that from Editors and Fact Checkers desks. We shall see.

But when it comes to Journalism we assume that this is an objective set of facts that has no intent other to inform. Be that positive or negative is is as they used to say on varying Cop shows, “Just the Facts, Ma’am” The idea that you keep opinion, judgement, observations and assessments out of it unless they are quoted, cited by secondary sources or interviews. And that is where the gap enables many in the Media to step aside and not be accountable to keep it to the facts and avoid bias. And they fail to do this repeatedly. In fact now more than ever opinion is now considered more significant and essential to bring readers and viewers to the yard. I see more quotes and citations from Social Media, often as sources or as comments to the piece without any intent of actually vetting, validating or knowing if this comment is true. It is what is giving rise to fake news, conspiracy theories and other misinformation that often becomes the headline itself.

Nothing defines this more than the most recent shooting in Nashville. The GOP have found a new Strawman argument, one that fits nicely with regards to the laws and bills currently either passed or in process to do harm to the LGBQT community in Tennessee and other States that are run by the GOP. This is the culture wars, the priority to ban books, curriculum, health care, voting rights, women’s rights to choose while doing little to nothing about serious issues such as Gun Control, Infrastructure improvements, Climate Change and Equality of Pay and improving Poverty resources that can enable families to have the resources they need to maintain their families without Government assistance in the forms of Medicaid or SNAP or Housing Vouchers, all done with massive restrictions and covenants that further discriminate and decimate families, especially those of color. From the moment the shooter arrived on the scene until the shooter was shot and killed by Police (if that was in fact the end result) the Police have dictated that information flow and left the media to do the searching for the how and the why this occurred. Start with Guns and the laws and access to guns that allow anyone to purchase and carry weapons of mass destruction without permits, licensing, mandatory insurance and keep in vehicles unsecured, enabling Nashville to be on the front page of the New York Times discussing how most guns are secured by the young via theft from vehicles. And with that the Shooter be it there or in the last major 22 shootings purchased them legally without incident. No, we need to instead create a narrative that is the new Boogieman – the Trans person.

Without substantiation or any actual confirmation the Police announced after the shooting that Audrey Hale identified as Male as on Facebook they used the “He/Him” pronouns. Later they added that Audrey was being treated for an “emotional disorder”; a diagnosis so vague it applies to a large chunk of America at any time and with that it was Game On. The innuendo and suggestion was that a Trans Man is crazy, bought a bunch of guns and planned a violent assault on a Christian School that was perhaps (again inferred not substantiated) a former Student who hates God and Religion. When the Police arrive they are seen in video that they immediately released to confirm how on top of it they were are saying “they” in the belief there is more than one, not in a way to be socially politically correct. We do not see the final shot of Audrey and can assume again they killed the Shooter or not as this was a person who was on a Suicide Mission as had texted a former Middle School Classmate whom Audrey had reconnected with after the deaths of two former Middle School Classmates the past year. With that the media when in search of the “real” motive and in turn the real true story of the person known as Audrey Hale.

There were the former Teachers and Classmates. There was a former Pastor from Covenant who was hauled out to speculate or comment that Hale was being “counseled” by the current Pastor for said “emotional disorder” and hence on a vengeance tour, only to retract that as he admitted it was from Social Media he got that idea. And yet he was put on the air without picking up a phone to check that fact. Okay then.

Former classmates whom Audrey had not seen or spoken to since moving on to Nashville School of the Arts which would have been at age 14-15 and Audrey is now 28. So in other words over 10 years ago. It appears they were unaware of the pronoun change despite only seeing Audrey at the two funerals and one other event in the past year and then from that concluded that “she was stalkerish” in her behavior and obsessive for showing up to the events that she had not been invited. I am sure the info was posted on Social Media and with that it appears that following them was not reciprocated or they would have known about the transitioning or at least that pronoun “thing.” In fact one source is a former Teacher whom was recently picked up for a DUI an irony that she could have died the same way the other two had – via crashed vehicles. These are not sources I would put a great deal of weight or import on. In fact few of the sources that had contact with Audrey in college, the most recent of Audrey’s academics only spoke briefly about talents and skills not on the mental health or behavior as a person.

I was not aware of the Nossi School of the Art in Nashville, I see it has about a 50% graduation rate which is not a good sign but then again a conventional one in Tennessee by the home grown population who overall have a poor graduation from higher education rate, with the state repeatedly in the bottom five of overall academic achievement. It appears that Audrey Hale like many Artists were freelancing their work and with that no clients have spoken about Audrey and more importantly should not. That said NO ONE should who has not had frequent and recent encounters with Audrey regarding anything about Audrey and his/her mental health, sexual identity or gender identity. They do not have the consent nor authority to do so despite Audrey Hale”s death as frankly who would want that? Hey I am sure my Ex Husband whom I have not seen in over 15 years is sure he can provide insight on me in my present state of mind. I doubt he could have during our marriage of a decade as I lied repeatedly in that and spent most of the time doing what I have promised I would not do so again – compromise. In other words suppress and oppress my feelings for fear of having conflict. I have spent the better part of 63 years avoiding it and with that when it is presented I do what I do best, leave. This week again tested that and with that I realized that it is is a fortune of luck and sense of worth that has allowed me to do so. I am LUCKY folks I can and have. Is that an emotional disorder? Hell probably. Ask someone I went to College, High School and Middle school with over 50 years ago. I look forward to their insight.

And for some that is the major event and promise in life. The time they were on the winning team and their favorite Teacher and the best time and with that can look back in fondness. I do not and do not try to reminisce or recall any of it. I have no strong opinion in one way or another. And do I think that those that do, that can recall every little detail odd? Hell yes. Would I armchair that diagnosis to the Media? Hell no. This is not helping folks and with that the motive and explanation that led Audrey Hale on this mission of Murder Suicide died with Audrey Hale and whatever “manifesto” and writings left behind may or may not lend to that but then again just like the body’ cam videos we will get that information heavily edited into which to fit the narrative.

And with this in mind, the FBI this week finally released the motive behind the Las Vegas Shooter from several years ago, yes several, that he was mad about how he was treated by the Casino. That took several years of intense investigation folks!

All sources of information during a time of crisis can lend itself to the hysteria or in fact amplify it but it is the last time one should make conclusions or decisions. A clear head is a wise head. A still tongue is another. Shut the fuck up. Wait this out. We may find out the truth or not for years. This story right now fits an agenda and a purpose. Gun control is the least of it nor ever is. In a country that has more guns than does individuals with smart phones or with registered vehicles tells you all you need to know. Guns are not the problem they are the obsession.