Justice Served Cold

Nothing can change the fact that George Floyd is still very dead, dead on the street with a Police Officer’s knee pressed against his throat, but from that moment where the living stood and watched the dying, they did not fail him, they testified in every sense of the word. I cannot stress enough that it was 17 year old girl who did not waiver and did not move and took the film that shook the world and yesterday the verdict shook those who waited to the core. And there were two sides to this Jury, those who believed in Chauvin’s innocence and those who watched that image and could think anything but the contrary. Mr. Floyd’s last words were Mama, and with that he fell into a place where one hopes he is with her in the place one goes when one passes from the earth. I don’t believe in heaven and hell but I do believe that we are a collective of souls that create the universe of energy that makes all of us whole.

With that verdict on all three counts, I will admit surprised me as I was sure the murder one would not take, but then again who doesn’t love surprises! And let the appeals begin and undoubtedly all will be challenged but that one will be the one most likely tossed. I don’t think Chauvin “intended” to murder Mr. Floyd but that day, that moment in time, it was just that – murder.

To die at the hand of cop, be that from a “taser”, a gun, a projectile, a baton, a push, a neck, an arm, a beat down or just by one’s own hand as you are so exhausted you choose to simply give up we know that Police in this country are not here to protect and serve anyone but their own. The Blue Wall cracked somewhat during this trial but as anyone who has traveled down these roads in America our infrastructure is one hot mess and our roads have been well traveled and will need a lot of stimulus in which to repair and rebuild. Police reform is one that will take more than a bulldozer. And how do we know this? Well we are at 3 deaths a day since Mr. Floyd died. We have numerous other stories of Police misconduct that did not end in death such as the Military Officer in Virginia who was not blinded by the light but by the pepper spray over a fucking license plate. We have the “Karen” a 73 year old woman whose arm was broken over a $14 dollar incident at a Walmart and held in a cell for 6 hours before taken to the hospital. We have the Rochester 9 year old pepper sprayed and cuffed; a 5 year old cuffed and berated by Police for being well 5; Or the zip ties to restrain a 6 year old. Was she at the Capitol March?

And only moments prior to the verdict an Ohio teen was killed by Police.

I read this story today and his story is like many:

A security guard saw that Stephen Vest was injured. The dark-haired 30-year-old’s left arm appeared to be bleeding as he walked out of the park just before 8pm on a warm night last October.

“What’s wrong? What happened? What can I do to help?” the guard asked Vest from his car.

Stephen Vest was in distress. In the next 10 minutes, he would allegedly pull out a knife and try to stab the guard. Vest was Tased and jumped on the back of a motorbike stopped at a traffic light. He would ask a truck driver to kill him, and pursue men through a pet store.

Just outside the store, local police were waiting. They too attempted to Tase Vest. And then they fired their guns at him 11 times.

So, once again the story ends as they all do, a person in distress DEAD. How is it that a man survived the Paradise wild fires only to end up dead by the Police as again what were they going to do? Well kill him.

We have no way of generating the change needed across the country to stop the tide of Police violence towards Americans who once they are in the eye range or should I say target range of those assigned to protect and serve, there will be little of that going on. This is been ongoing for DECADES. There are no bad apples, there is a bad tree and that needs to be cut down. Sorry but Mr. Rogers Officer Friendly was a fictitious character. And he is likely if not dead is well retired from the force. I want to point out the word force and I want to remind myself that many of the insurrectionist/seditionists were members of our Military and Police/Sheriff departments? Proud Boys? Really are your Mothers proud? Just call yourself what you are Angry White Boys. And do I hate White Men? Well kinda sorta yeah. But their fuck buddies, the White Sisters are not anything I am too keen on either. I must have been dropped on my head as a baby. But in all honesty, I like and dislike people on the color of their soul. And that is like the color of their skin but I see it and that is not the same as that what is within is something more fluid and more than the sum of their extrinsic parts. You can see that if you choose and if you choose not you don’t. And that is how Police sees you, sees me, sees us. They make the call the minute they see you. And based on any number of factors that have little to do with you, they, the Police, make the call to kill, beat, handcuff, taser or let you walk away. In one minute they hold the power of your life in their hands. They are God. They are Justice and they Exterminator. They will make that call and they can walk away and wipe their hands of it all. And yesterday on 4/20 of all days, as you needed to get high, the drug that has brought pain into the Black/Brown community as it is illegal and yet like a glass of Chardonnay to the white folk, the light was shined in the other direction. And this time Derek Chauvin had 12 sets of eyes on him and in about 24 hours those eyes took the time to debate and decide his fate. Imagine had he given that same amount of time to George Floyd.

Didn’t Get the Memo

I have been only reading the daily reports on the Chauvin trial, I truly do not need to see the footage, the photo or hear endless recaps of what ostensibly has become a snuff film. The man was killed on the street at the knee of an officer who restrained him in a technique that has contributed to numerous deaths in the past and regardless of their health or drug use this is abuse regardless. And I never want to hear the expression “take a knee” again as that only serves to bring that image up and not the one Colin Kaepernick intended as an act of protest. Let’s go back to raise a fist that came of age in the Mexico Olympics in 1968 to show a gesture of protest and unanimity.

And with that one would think that Police across the country would at least attempt to show some attempt at a new kind of restraint, and try to lessen their need to pull out guns and other tools to demonstrate their power and position in society. Given that the Chauvin trial for the first time has demonstrated that the Thin Blue Line is now fracturing, I am sure the dog whistle is out on what to do in encounters with Black suspects. I would say pull out their dicks but today brings a new element to the debate – how women police. Well it appears they do the same as the male. We saw this in Texas last year when a Police Officer went to the wrong apartment and went ballistic thinking a black man was in her home. And we have some women Officers who have also used guns to shoot suspects as they have an inability to wrestle some suspect down to the ground and shove their knee into the windpipe of a suspect. So tase away or shoot whatever that works there lady. And in of all place Minneapolis a woman Cop did just that. She “thought” it was her taser but whoops it was her gun. And now Duante Wright is dead. They will blame that he crashed his car after driving off, after he was shot, so that is why he died. See how that works there?

Oh that taser thing was what led to the death of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta at Wendy’s where he was sleeping off his drunk; but when he took the Taster and took off running, I mean shit that could do what to whom where and when? Well nowhere as it was now out of commission but fuck it, that asshole needs to die! I get that way over the last piece of pizza so I get it, I really do. The Officers were fired and are pending trial. I am sure that the drunk thing, then running off with a stolen taser will be the defense, trust me it is always the victim’s fault. I get it, I really do.

And then we have the Cop in Virginia who went all mental head case over a young Reservist, Caron Nazario, temporary tags that he could not see on the vehicle he was driving, and because the man is of mixed race he did what we should all do really, drive to a well-lit area a couple of miles up the road to a gas station. Fuck this if a Cop is going to pull me over I am going to drive 5 miles an hour to the nearest Police Station to get cited. Again this was not a high-speed chase it was for safety and security, irony even for the Cop. But fuck that fuckers we are not having it. That was one video that I threw up my coffee watching. The Reservist had the sense to tape the encounter but the dash and body cams were actually running and this was as if I watching a bad Bruce Willis movie. Pepper sprayed then forced down to the ground with the threat of the electric chair. Okay, overreact much? Well with Duante it was for those absurd air fresheners that hang from the rearview mirror and then when she ran the plates there was the outstanding warrant and from that point on it was game on and guns out. A young kid with his girlfriend in the car is the next Bonnie and Clyde, only black. But then if you ever look at the photos of that scene you can see Cops love guns and love shooting the shit out of people. Just now they do it to more Black/Brown people. Times change.

And yes we can say that Police do have dangerous jobs and a recent shooting death OF a cop during a traffic stop in New Mexico demonstrates how highly charged these encounters can get; however, they are not as common place as one believes. If you are curious as to how many Officers are killed annually, the FBI keeps that data. They don’t with regards to civilian casualties. IN 2019 48 were killed. In 2019 civilians were killed at much higher rates as according to the Washington Post who have been accumulating that data for the last few years and it was holding at 1,000 with 985 last year. Wow, just wow.

Yeah I don’t like Police and I don’t want to have anything to do with them. But they can be trained and educated and in turn work to get guns off the street and in turn that will end the overall violence that has enabled if not permitted them to go into these encounters with guns up. Let’s raise arms, just not those kind.

Chain of Fools

I have been resolute in my disdain for the “city” of Nashville and true that bias is much like a Starbucks employee who sees two black men and one who has the audacity to ask for the bathroom code is then asked to leave,  he refuses so the Starbucks employee calls the cops to have this interloper,  transient, this carpetbagger removed.

Seems bizarre doesn’t it?  I am from Seattle the city that gave the world Starbucks and in turn over roasted horrible tasting coffee and  a multitude of over sweetened beverages that contribute to America’s ever expanding waistline and health problems.  Drinks that I see appeal to more customers of color and in turn add to their bottom line – just which ones is the question.

The coffee culture that dominates across the country is attributed to Starbucks, the sitting for hours using the free wi-fi and hanging out to work and in turn have a life that used to be confined to one’s office or home.  So sitting in a Starbucks drinking a $5 dollar half calf decaf Espresso that you call EXPRESSO is a way to spend idle hours in a positive way.  I am no less guilty as I spend $7 bucks a day at Barista Parlor and spend at least two hours reading my newspaper and harassing the staff, who I adore!  The earn that dollar tip people and I double down on holidays! Hey I’m cheap but not black so maybe that is why they let me use the bathroom.

In the South Walmart is the go to.  And in California it is of course considered a reason why local businesses went out of business. Maybe that is why Police felt compelled to shoot a black man who was there with family as he simply refused to buy local!

As one who had the Police come to one’s home on a “wellness check” I did not end up dead but then again I am white and a woman so they simply diagnosed me as depressed and anxious.  Wow ya think, aren’t all white women?   But killing black men in one’s home, in one’s car, in one’s yard, in front of one’s home, standing on the sidewalk, or crossing the street..  It is like a new version of Dr. Seuss.

But you know it is a whole new day when the Police assault a Harvard man.

I have frequently said that while we have racial issues, since I have lived here I am aware of only  w one shooting, Jacques Clemmons; Which may have also been a contributory factor in the resignation of Mayor Barry as she was banging a fellow cop at the time, thin blue line and all that.  The racial divide here is complex and of course always tied to the top two – Money and Religion.

I have an upcoming blog post on homelessness as the Washington Post came to Nashville to talk about the issue and document the reality of that situation a city that is undergoing massive gentrification and in turn all that it brings to a city when it comes to this.  In Seattle I saw the reality of a city that has immense wealth and in turn growth but when it comes to liberalism and the issue of how social services and in turn the role of Government when it comes to aiding those at risk.  Nashville has no such interest as it sits in the shadow of the State Government and that entity takes precedent over any rules or laws the city puts in place.    It is as if the city is the bad step child and the Daddy wants to make sure that this child is not treated favorably.

But we don’t need Police to shoot anyone as the children of Nashville and some adults have no problem doing so. Today I woke up to the news that an 11, 12 and 13  year olds had been assaulting, robbing and shooting individuals with a BB Gun in the money making section of the city.  I drive through that section or walk through it all the time just never at night. I never go out at night anymore here.    (Not that this doesn’t happen anywhere else just ask Stockton about that one).   And this is one of many stories that proliferate the news cycle daily.   We never hear what schools the kids attended or any info other than age and what transpired and we never hear any follow up about what happened to them.  They apparently go to a juvenile detention center where the history of escapes is another news story.  The cycle continues like a tornado warning with about the same damage.

My favorite news story this week is the middle school Teacher who was a screaming racist, literally screaming at kids about Muslims, Trump and LGBQT issues.  I have a friend looking for a job and I suggested the town that gave us Mae Beavers and other religious kooks as it is about a 20 minute train ride outside Nashville and has great potential to be a workable affordable suburb with an already established transit system – the train – that could be doable if funded properly.  Best part is that it is not part of the Davidson County/Nashville school district.

As I sit here I am in an “intervention” class normally run by the Football Coach, who I presume isn’t here this week due to the TNReady testing that is ongoing for the next three weeks.  And third time a charm proves that maybe TNReady is not so ready.  The blog Tennessee Education Report does a great job breaking down the history of this lamentable tests and they should give themselves a big F for failing once again.   And the current Director already under fire for budget shortfalls was counting on said test scores to prove his readiness for the job.  But regardless in the So Nashville way the budget was approved despite another program cut.   Ah irony, from the man who began his career as a reading specialist.

As for revenue in the State that would help fund schools and said crumbling infrastructure via property and business taxes this is a subject that the State has an aversion to.  Recall that States are in arms over Amazon and sales taxes (the regressive tax) but corporate and business ones not so much. And when you fail to make demands from those who are the largest shareholder in the state –  it shows.  Even the wealthy are busy filing exemptions for property taxes and are getting them approved. Meanwhile the Retired Teacher I met claimed she did not know and it was too late.  I told her to call them anyway as I thought there was more time and when I saw her she had not.  I am amazed at the martyr life they love here – money and religion – they go hand in hand.

Children robbing, shooting, harming adults and other children. Excessive and daily violence. Literacy rates hovering about 25% of the population as illiterate and cutting courses and individuals who are experienced in helping these situations is the solution. But STEAM baby STEAM and SEL or social emotional learning without trained personnel, adequate funding and allocation of resources to implement any of these concepts properly is par for the course here.  It is as if I live in a surreal world where money grows on trees and the people who deserve it are in Eden.  Yes we are all Adam and Eve only properly dressed as we cannot have those sex bits showing.

Oh wait that may explain why the South has seemingly endless Teachers molesting students, Child porn freak , Governors tying up hairdressers, or wanting doors locked to maul their aids, or Attorney Generals being banned from malls.  No wonder the Kentucky Governor was sure that during the recent Teacher strike kids were being drugged up and/or raped. This is Dr. Seuss the porn version.
Even the women here have busted the glass ceiling on that one, right former Mayor Megan Barry? Ah the South shall rise again and by what I am sure Viagra can help with that one. We are up and ready for takeoff.  Such a chain of fools.

Immune Disorder

I read the below in the Guardian today and thought this is quite true but what is tragic is that I suspect these are the same people who play endless video games, communicate largely via the internet and have no problem watching an ISIS beheading video. And that is what is distressing the media touts victim dignity in the case of ISIS but has no problem putting on endless videos black men or Latino men (as in the case of Pasco Washington) being shot down dead in the streets like wild animals. Is there dignity in that? Do dead matter?

We have a lost generation when it comes to empathy and sympathy. There are few kids who live in impoverished areas of major cities that have no been exposed to violence, via first hand or by observation. We aren’t the incarceration nation for nothing.

The ever present videos serve a purpose but at what expense? When the kids on spring break took videos of a rape and not one went to the Police nor even attempted to stop the assault. Or the kids who filmed a student violently assaulting a substitute while none intervened to even get help. Welcome to the viral generation.

All lives matter. ALL. I cannot relegate the need to distinguish between one race or group over another. The reality is that Police abuse and exploit whomever is easiest to do so. I lay on a respirator in a coma and I too a white woman over 50 know exactly what that entails. Watching ones’ civil rights go right out the window in pursuit of quotas, of belt notches or just for sheer power kicks is something you should not have to experience to believe and yet I hear that all the time. It only tells you how ignorant and oblivious people are and how self involved.

When murder becomes a video loop, it ceases at some point being informative and becomes entertainment.

America’s new TV violence: videos of black men dying on loop
Zach Stafford
The Guardian

These videos normalize violence so much that they don’t inspire change — they just breed numbness
The shooting of Walter Scott has been seen by millions of people. But at what cost?

Monday 11 May 2015

Lately, it seems that you cannot turn on a television or get onto Facebook without seeing a black man die. Most would argue that these viral videos of black police violence increase support for reform. They even recently forced the president to acknowledge the long history of police violence against black communities.

Yet, we can’t keep watching this type of death over and over again without eventually having some sort of mental or physical negative health outcome. At least not people of color. We might need these videos now, but not forever.

I reached out to Ohio State University professor Brad Bushman, who warned about desensitization caused by violent images in Science Daily in 2009. He told me: “It is detrimental to continuously show violent images”. It doesn’t matter whether they are shown on video games or YouTube clips – all have the same effect. “[Watching violence] makes people numb to the pain and suffering of others”.

When I asked him about the continual coverage of these incidents in media outlets, which had videos like Walter Scott’s on continual loop for days leading to the arrest of Officer Michael Slager, Bushman responded: “there is no need to repeatedly show such images”, adding: “Once people have seen them once, that is enough.”

So far there has allegedly been over 400 people killed by the police this year. And while we don’t have good statistical data on yearly rates, hopefully, with all this attention on police violence, we won’t see an increase. But we could potentially see an increase in something else.

“Chronic experiences of racial discrimination, and I’d include vicarious discrimination, can influence mental and physical health outcomes”, Amani Nuru-Jeter, associate professor of public health at University of California-Berkeley and researcher on racial health disparities, recently said in an interview.

“I’m not saying [the affects] are the same as post-traumatic stress disorder, but we do see some similarities in how people cognitively respond”, she continued.

Racism has been proven to cause depression, the common cold, cardiovascular disease and even breast cancer in many studies due to what social epidemiologist Nancy Krieger calls “embodied inequality.” And to experience these negative outcomes, it’s not even necessary to be exposed to racism: just anticipating racism to occur caused negative health outcomes as well.

So in light of knowing this, it’s easy to assume that these videos could be are hurting us like the racism that is causing them is hurting the victims. But we don’t know to what extent, because the trend of using social media to document violence and hopefully cause positive change is still new.

However what I do know is that already these videos are starting to make me feel numb, like Bushman warned. And due to their frequency and rates in which they are played over-and-over I fear that just showing them will continue to increase the numbness allowing it to become so normalized that we no longer flinch when we see black men dead on TV. And that is terrifying as a black man.

In the 1960s, the Black Power movement famously coined the slogan “the revolution will not be televised” meaning that we will not learn how to change the world from the television, rather it’s a distraction. And with the advent of social media and now live-streaming I feel like they may be right. Rather it will be tweeted, live-streamed and put on YouTube.

As the movement to end police violence, and the violence itself, continues to maintain its hold on the media, we must consider stepping back from these violent images. Take a break or just view them once. Watching them over and over again doesn’t do anything for us but continue to hurt us and make us more and more numb.

We don’t need another tweet or even Facebook update about a black man dying to make us care. We shouldn’t need another video with millions of views for us to want to change a police system that we know needs reform. Because between American slavery and the death of Freddie Gray, I think we have all the evidence needed to do real work to end white supremacy.

At least I’d hope so.