
Americans are thirsty for violence, from film to sports, the bloodier the better. Our obsession with guns only perpetuates that notion as we seem to think the more the better and of course we love this notion of them being used for hunting and self protection as if we are living in the movie Out of Africa, where we can combine the two. The photos of the Trump children standing over dead animals following a ‘big game’ hunt reminds me of the late Prince Phillip and his standing before a dead Tiger as if it proved what a man he was, how big his dick must of been pursuing an animal in a vehicle along a well marked trail with a long range rife and trackers who were there to ensure that he took the kill shot and saved all the Natives from impending death. How fabulous! Tea anyone?

They look thrilled no?

As we look to the past month we have had an inordinate amount of mass shootings, 45 if you have been keeping track. And we focus on the one or two that have the media captured in the same way we do with regards to Police shootings. But there are always more than the media portrays as there were 985 in 2020 and yet I am sure people might mention the top 3 or 4 that captured their attention and in turn that doesn’t change the reality that every year near to 1000 people are killed by Police and in what is designated a mass shooting the hundreds, the dozens, the few that are injured and/or killed. The GSA archive notes all victims of shootings be they killed or injured. Regardless it is a larger mental and public health crisis than Covid could ever be. And then here comes the hate about this issue and in reality, Covid is a serious health disorder with the reality that while over half a million died in America we have no idea how many actually had Covid, recovered and in turn what was done that contributed to the spread, that added to the number dead and what ultimately contributed to their reaction to Covid that over 95% of the victims did not have. Again, less than 5% of Covid patients are hospitalized and yet it appears that this is not true by the media’s hyperventilation over the subject. In the meantime, no one has ever held anyone’s feet to the fire about how this occurred and what could have been done earlier to ensure that the deaths, the lockdowns, and the overwhelming of medical emergencies that resulted.

Imagine a year ago if the United States rolled out testing on the level they did with vaccines? Imagine all those with pre-existing conditions were immediately quarantined and that we had tested anyone living in communities that are dense and overcrowded homes and found ways to isolate, track and trace each case. To ask businesses to limit numbers, wear masks, alter schedules to have less of a rush-hour flow, including work at home, and kept schools open but fell to a shelter-in-place mode, with mandatory testing, nurses on site, and isolation areas for those who test positive as they await going home in safe manners to locations that allowed recovery or observation without rushing to a hospital. Building strong testing methods and provide them to anyone and everyone, in the same way, we have choices in vaccines. What about that with regards to tests. And build large sites in the same way they have done with vaccines, educating, informing, and establishing locations for people to handle their inquiries and in turn find assistance without effort in which to prevent transmission. We have botched this from day one and now only now are we seeing that we have learned NOTHING. The endless paranoia is still being peddled, the fear factor is rising faster than temperatures and the reality no one knows what they are to do or should do to stop the spread, flatten the curve, to build herd immunity. The reality is that no one has a clue so it is all in or all out. Try the truth it is very freeing.

And with that try that with gun violence. Show the carnage, show the after-effects of what happens after a mass shooting. We seem to love the endless showings of the assaults on Black individuals by Police. I have seen the videos, the photos, the endless loops of news footage that seem to less show the horror but to build another kind of immunity. Today on CNN I watched a story with the caption “Mass shootings are on the rise” but the footage was all from the Police shootings and violence at the Black Lives Matter protests, so no you have that wrong. If anything the Police are on the track to maintain the same numbers they have annually for the last five years that a press organization has been keeping track of. As for mass shootings, they have increased but not by a significant number. Since the GSA has been formed they found 40K incidents in gun violence in 2014 rising to 49K in 2015. Of those mass shootings were 269 and 335 respectively in the same years. Police actually killed by a gun has been consistent, 222 and 278 respectively. The numbers of Police shootings have risen from 1856 to 2055 in the same two years. So some guns are doing a great deal of damage and the Police are not the ones who are on the receiving end.

As I was listening to a podcast with a photo-journalist she spoke about the challenges of her work when it came to actually release the photos she was taking and shared her experience of being embedded with the Military in Iraq. She was frequently told that she could not take nor use the photos she had as in order to allow her to remain on board, she was to agree to certain parameters with regards to the type of photos she took. She feels that is why Afghanistan went on so long as few saw the true photos of damage and carnage that war causes. And why Vietnam ended with such political social outcry as there were no restrictions on the photos and those images being sent home and shown on the daily news led to the push to end America’s role in that conflict. This could be applied to the sites of mass shootings as the former Editor of the local paper in Denver when Columbine occurred received copies of many of the crime scene photos taken that day that showed just how severe the damage was done. In fact, the one photo he did run was one taken outside the school of a young man dead, a Mountain Dew just outside of his hand which his Mother recognized by the shirt and the drink as her son and which she carried with her for years to remind herself of that day. She vacillated on her anger over the release of this photo and then over time changed her mind as she realized that people needed to see what guns do to those who are on the targets of those who have a plan in mind to use them. And if we are so keen to see the death of George Floyd on auto replay and from that a major international movement and outrage were the result, why not see the blood, the visage, and the damage wrought from a concert in Las Vegas or a Grocery store in Boulder. If that is what it will take to see innocent people dead in a pile of blood to get people to realize how dangerous this endless obsession with guns brings, then I am all for it.

We will go to endless bloody violent films, watch horror films in which the antagonist is largely male who is deranged and goes to great ends to stalk and prey mostly young women, Halloween anyone, and we will applaud films that take violent crime and create heroic figures to resolve the situation as a type of well costumed Militia. And then we have the actual Police portrayed as diligent competent figures that have no limit to the resources needed to do their job which further confuses the reality with the fantasy. Again we hear the bad apple analogy but there were three Police that day George Floyd died and any of the other two could have stopped the process, they did not. There are often many members of the force standing by, riding along or adjacent and I have yet to see or hear of any intervention. The same way I have never heard of that ubiquitous “good guy with a gun” will stop and save a “bad guy with a gun”. Who is that? Where are they?

We accept the same sources of information without question which may be why we turn to social media to somehow validate our outrage, confirm our beliefs or simply provide support or balm that we are not receiving from the conventional means that are in place to provide it. I do believe we need to seek blame, point fingers, and demand retribution when we fail to hold those accountable for their failures. The Police knew of the boys in Columbine prior to that day. The Police have gone numerous times to numerous homes under the guise of a tip or in pursuit of a comment or query by a family member. They have yet to prevent that from going forward that I am aware but I am aware that when they go on “wellness checks” on individuals who have demonstrated at-risk behavior and are clearly disturbed and they go guns drawn. We cannot even distinguish the difference between what it means to be at risk to yourself and others, the basic question asked by any Mental Health professional when an individual is seeking care. And we are in need of care, a lot of it.

Add to this Doctors and Nurses on the frontline who handle these victims. The damage is done, the likelihood of actually saving someone from that kind of gun, the kind of bullets use, show the tissue damages, the recovery process, and of course the costs associated with all of it. Show an itemized bill, explain how it is paid and who pays it. They were never-ending with the hero worship and grief suffering during Covid and the endless shots of ER’s and patient trauma and yet what happens when a mass shooting occurs in the local ER? Does the Governor get on the TV and share the numbers of those who were shot, who recovered, the type of injuries, the costs, and the long-term issues that will result? Does he demand change and punish everyone for the failures or acts of a few? Where are the photos of coffins, funerals, and mourners as they bury their dead as they did with Covid? How about a Funeral Director and his/her challenge to handle the dead like they did with Covid. Covid is horrible but again this could have been handled better and it wasn’t. And no one actually did do anything to improve it, the States were like the Cops standing next to Chauvin, immobile.

We have an unrequited love of blood and a lust for pain. We mask it with drugs, alcohol and we pretend that we are healthy and well and we ignore that it only takes one gun and one bullet to bring it all down. So we want more as we want more blood and more pain and that will make us feel better. So let’s show everyone how good you feel, I want the media to start showing the carnage and without apology. If they can show us the last moments of the hundreds of victims as the hands of Cops let’s show the other victims that were largely due to failure by cops to stop them. Where are those good guys with guns when you need them? Well not anywhere where a bad guy is, clearly.

Preaching or Singing

Living in Nashville makes me think about the South and its utter inability to be consistent and in turn send constantly mixed messages.

Case in point: Southern Hospitality. What is the impression of that phrase? Overwhelming kindness, generosity, openness and a sense of welcoming and belonging? Well no. It is usually a combination of general manners, greetings by name (yes every coffee shop I go to and there are a LOT recall my name and address me as such) or by “Ma’am” or “Sir”.  Then we have Thank you and excuse me. Again normal courtesy’s that one hopes and expects anywhere. I am born and raised in the North and that common courtesy and golden rule ethic dominates my life that even when home and I sneeze I say “Excuse me” and I am alone!

The other concept with regards to hospitality is the offer of food and drink, invitations to join them and of course generosity in spirit and effusiveness that enables them to embrace strangers as their own. This is not anything more than a myth and legend. I have never experienced any such thing and I have tried. Tried and tried again and now I don’t care. They are incredibly rude, judgmental and utter hypocrites. The lack of education, the provincial -ness – meaning that they see their world through their Southern glasses tinted heavily pink to model their true beliefs –  and their overall political  conservatism and religion which enables them to reflect a faux open mindedness with a touch of bitchery thrown in.

And while my encounters with the “natives” here as they like to refer to themselves, note the irony about the concept of nativism, has been less than idyllic.   I do think that in a crisis they would rally as we have seen repeatedly elsewhere where tragedy has struck; however, Nashville is not the exception to the rule, and while they  think and believe they are I doubt it.  And this concerns me as I sense  that they so desperately want a disaster to the level of Vegas or New York to somehow prove it.  It terrifies me more than an actual disaster.  These are people who stop you waiting for a cab or a bus and go, “Are you alright?”  My first response so wants to be: “What the fuck do I look like I am in trouble or that rough?”  It has happened one time to many to think this is normal and in turn I am beginning to think it is an invitation to be hurt as if you say yes then the next thing they do is fuck you up.  Funny when I tripped in the street recently and fell flat on my face not one person help me up or asked how I was, so I find the odd inquiry when standing or sitting naturally just waiting peculiar.   So to recount, I have been waiting for a bus or Uber and been asked many times if I am okay.  I have been sitting on a bleacher in a park adjacent to a school, getting out of an Uber at the same school and sitting in my home drinking coffee and had the Police called to inquire the same.  Huh?  So I guess helping people means not helping those actually in need but when  a big crisis arrives they will bring the big guns… literally.

I suspect that is the case everywhere and it is only in a moment of crisis do you find out how good ordinary people can be but here in Nashville they wish to somehow prove that in ways I find deeply disturbing. They discuss the most idiotic crimes be they here or anywhere with the most deepest intensity that yes a scooter was stolen from a yard sorry to hear about that but yes that makes the news. And why so someone can be “hero” and find the criminal.  It is like Clue for real life.  So there is a constant state of ALERT that at times is utterly discomforting and bizarre.  From weather to traffic each day we are out there to navigate our way through life’s challenges that put us at constant risk.   It makes one wonder if they truly want something bad to happen so they can show the world what great victims and martyrs they are. Two concepts are mutually inclusive in the Christian rhetoric.  (Listen to the song below to prove my point)

Then we have the CMA awards this weekend or this week, I have no actual clue nor care but when I read that reporters are not to ask about Guns, Shootings, Vegas or Gun Control  I busted out laughing.   Of course this is the South and immediately the rescinded and apologized for their free press suppression.  (Told ya Donald Trump the first modern Southern President)   That constant contradiction is normal here but I found it oddly amusing and distressing  as they never stop discussing the “Nashville” connection to the shootings as a resident of a nearby town died. His funeral/memorial/tribute is now a month old and ongoing. They did the same for a Cop who died so they sort of dig death here. But the rest of America has moved on as we cannot talk about gun control on the national stage either.

 But the Church shooting in Antioch that supposedly generated the White Gangbanger meetup in small town Shelbyville and then cancelled Murfreesboro nary a mention on National news  but an article in the New York Times about it which no one reads here as it is fake and all. (Trust me getting it delivered is an ordeal) But this was a hate crime in Antioch as we have come to learn, and miracle only one killed.  And you would think that an Immigrant, Muslim, Black from the Sudan no less would be big news across the country with the White Chief, even the big White Brotherhood failed to generate interest sufficiently to have any significant mention on National news. Why? No one died big time. They want big time death here in a big way.

Nashville is largely a tourist town and an industry town. So when a local publicist was now accused of sexually harassing and raping boys who worked for him and had a hostile work environment a la Harvey Weinstein, and while  this is local news and should be National news (note the capital N for NATIONAL) as he represented very big names in Country, such as Dolly Parton (whose entire management team was Gay men, she is smart given what we know now) I have not seen one word. Gee and Kevin Spacey does? Well he is A list Gay.

This is a City who longs to be A List but clearly B list unless someone takes out a high powered rifle and promptly shoots hundreds killing nearly 60, leaving many with permanent life long injuries that will take immense patience, diligence and money in which to survive and overcome.  And for many the psychological damage will be much like a Soldier in battle, something to think about.

Country is so insincere so needy, the awards, the nominating, the anointing, it is no wonder it all started in a Church.

**After I wrote this a.m. there was a shooting in an equally small town and small Church in Texas killing 23.  There is some nutfuck here wishing the black dude in Antioch had only killed more.  

Country music avoided politics this year. Then Las Vegas happened. Will anything change?
By Emily Yahr The Washington Post November 2

NASHVILLE — Cowboy hat pulled low over his eyes, Jason Aldean walked into the glittering Schermerhorn Symphony Center at the live taping of CMT’s Artists of the Year special.

It was mid-October, two weeks after a gunman started firing bullets during Aldean’s set at the Route 91 Harvest festival in Las Vegas, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

In the days after the horror, Aldean visited victims in the Las Vegas hospital and appeared on “Saturday Night Live” to perform Tom Petty’s “I Won’t Back Down.” He was now back in Nashville, and all eyes were on him. During commercial breaks, fellow country stars swarmed around his table. A prominent radio executive gave him a hug.

“It could have been any one of us standing on that stage,” singer Luke Bryan said, introducing him as one of five honorees of the night. “Jason Aldean has responded with dignity, care, respect and, in some ways, defiance.”

The mood of the annual event, which the network declared “a night of hope and healing” instead of the usual lighthearted trophy ceremony, was compassionate and somber — and, unlike nearly every other award show in 2017, completely devoid of politics.

In a year when it felt like everything in pop culture became a political flash point — TV sitcoms, the NFL, the Golden Globe Awards — country music managed to not say much of anything at all. This surprised no one familiar with the Nashville industry’s whispered advice about political beliefs: Avoid making them public.

But after the Las Vegas massacre, the format was suddenly linked with the contentious gun control debate. On Wednesday, millions will tune into the 51st annual Country Music Association Awards, the genre’s biggest night in the national spotlight. Can country music singers still get away with not voicing an opinion?

The answer is “probably,” and the reasons are complicated — especially for a genre that has become more mainstream and gotten more popular in liberal-leaning cities, but whose fan base is considered largely conservative. Not to mention the format’s ties to the National Rifle Association.

“I’ve talked to between 15 and 20 artists . . . and they’re torn. Not about how they feel, because that’s not even the issue. They’re split on just speaking out about it,” said Bobby Bones, the syndicated country morning radio host who performed at the festival with his band, the Raging Idiots. “The issue as a country artist is you feel like if you say something wrong, your audience is going to turn on you . . . and their publicists have all said, ‘Don’t talk about it. Just don’t talk about it.”

Margo Price, a country singer and songwriter who broke out with an acclaimed debut album last year, was horrified when she saw the news about Las Vegas. The next day, she took to Twitter.

“We need stricter gun control, plain and simple,” she wrote. “And I say that as someone who owns a firearm. . . . But no one with mental health problems should be able to get his hands on a machine gun.”

Price said she got some criticism (“STFU on politics already lady. #nobodycaresaboutyouropinion”) but not much. Granted, she’s signed to Jack White’s independent Nashville record label, where there’s an “Icky Trump” sign in the office, so her circumstances are different from major-label artists.

“I have some people on Twitter who say, ‘You’re not big enough to talk about politics; you don’t want to alienate your crowd; you need to separate your music and political beliefs,’ ” Price said. However, she reasoned, at the beginning of your career, you might as well show people who you really are. “More people should be unafraid to speak out.”

The common assumption is that country singers don’t talk politics because they’re terrified of ending up like the Dixie Chicks, who criticized President George W. Bush on the eve of the Iraq War in 2003 and wound up essentially blacklisted from the industry. Although that situation was an unusually perfect storm primed for controversy, the fear lingers, particularly with an issue so complex. Often, singers think they don’t have the authority to say anything at all.

“I think sometimes it’s important to speak, sometimes it’s important not to speak. [It’s about] finding that balance and also trying to not let society and social media put that pressure on you too much,” said Tyler Hubbard of the duo Florida Georgia Line, also an honoree at Artists of the Year.

The main reaction from artists after Las Vegas has been calling for prayers and urging Americans to unite after such a hateful act; several have released new songs to benefit the victims. Caleb Keeter, guitarist for the Texas-based Josh Abbott Band, was one of the only musicians other than Price to take an ideological side — after surviving the shooting, he wrote an emotional post about how, as a Second Amendment supporter, he now understood the need for gun control.

Keeter’s publicist declined a request for him to comment for this story, just as multiple other Nashville publicists did on behalf of their artists.

“That’s a no-win issue,” said Beverly Keel, professor and chair of Middle Tennessee State University’s Department of Recording Industry. “Now, if the people there that night [in Las Vegas] wanted to talk about it, that would make a lot of sense, and they would have the credibility to do that. But otherwise, if the experts can’t even come to a compromise, then I think the feeling is ‘What would I have to add?’ ”

Their silence also speaks to how modern country singers see themselves and their job. On the one hand, they’re humans who probably have opinions about gun control on both ends of the spectrum. On the other, they’re entertainers, and as part of a genre that prides itself on relatable songs and accessibility, they see the most valuable thing they can do is provide fans an escape.

“When things go bad, doctors go to work. When things go bad, policemen go to work. When things go bad, music and musicians go to work,” superstar Garth Brooks said in a video the day after the shooting. “Those people in those seats? They come to get away from it all.”

The other root of the issue, of course, is financial — singers don’t want to risk losing their livelihoods by potentially alienating fans. The demographics of the country audience have changed over the years, with popular artists (Florida Georgia Line, Sam Hunt, Carrie Underwood) singing about small-town life with a pop-centric sound that easily fits into the mainstream music scene; cities from New York to Boston to Los Angeles all have solid country fanbases. Still, country music has a massively devoted rural audience.

It’s one of the reasons that NRA Country, the “lifestyle” arm of the NRA, sees value in partnering with Nashville singers, many of whom are avid hunters and conservationists. Artists perform at NRA Country-sponsored concerts and events, while the organization promotes new albums and features artists on its website and online TV show.

“If you poll our members, they love country music,” Vanessa Shahidi, director of NRA Country, told the Tennessean in 2015. “Everything country singers sing about, they live their lives the way our members live their lives.”

NRA Country, which did not return multiple requests for comment, isn’t seen as the end-all, be-all of promotional opportunities — although it does offer a connection to millions of the organization’s members. Bill Werde, the former editorial director of Billboard magazine, recalled hearing about a country star whose music was going to be used to help publicize a “gun safety” issue. Then, he said, when the NRA became aware of it, the big plan suddenly became much smaller.

“The NRA can make your life miserable,” said Don Cusic, a country music historian and professor at Belmont University. “And they would.”

As it gets more difficult for singers to sell music, many don’t want to turn down any chance to appeal to new fans. “I don’t even look at it being part of the NRA,” said one Nashville publicist who works with several acts that have partnered with the brand and requested anonymity because of the issue’s sensitivity. “It’s just a lifestyle thing for the artist, and it’s a lot of eyeballs for our artists and their music.”

After Las Vegas, the NRA Country social media accounts went silent for a couple weeks. Rolling Stone reported that Florida Georgia Line and Thomas Rhett quietly disappeared from the “featured artist” portion of the website, the same thing that happened with Blake Shelton and Luke Bryan after the Newtown massacre in 2012.

Then, in mid-October, the NRA Country Facebook account posted a photo of an American flag underneath the caption, “Land of the free because of the brave.” Since then, it’s business as usual, promoting new music from Granger Smith and Drew Baldridge.

“I think the first and foremost thing on my mind is the fact that people were hurt and are still hurting,” singer and NRA Country featured artist Lee Brice, who performed at the Route 91 Harvest festival, said a few days after the shooting. “When it comes to political stuff and guns and things like that — I’m all for regulation, I’m all for making things better, you know, I really am. And I think the NRA is all about that, too.”

Some, however, see country music singers’ reluctance to speak on anything related to guns, even education and safety, as a missed opportunity. Werde points to a recent NPR-Ipsos poll that showed the majority of Americans, no matter what their political party, are in favor of tighter gun restrictions.

“Who are these [country artists] so terrified of? Why are they so terrified of it?” said Werde, now director of the Bandier Music Industry program at Syracuse University. He added, “I am not picking on Nashville . . . but because of its relationship to the NRA, because of its sort of cultural affiliations to those that lean independent and Republican, country music has a unique position. I hope behind the scenes, they’ll own that a little bit.”

At the CMT Artists of the Year ceremony, the focus was solely on the music, and on the victims of Las Vegas; the hurricanes in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico; the wildfires in California; and the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

“We’ve been tested beyond our worst nightmares the last few months. Heartbroken doesn’t even begin to explain how some of us feel,” Aldean said during the show. “But we have proven time and again in this country that we have the power to overcome anything that threatens our way of life or our freedom.”

Everyone in the tightknit Nashville community knew someone who was in Las Vegas. Some describe a “fog” that continues to hang over the town, as people who witnessed the violence are starting to recover from the shock.

Jordan Mitchell, a new singer-songwriter and Las Vegas native who moved to Nashville 2½ years ago, was backstage at the festival when bullets started flying. She and her band members hid first between Aldean’s tour buses, and then ran to an airport hangar, where they stayed for hours.

She was grateful for the support she received when she got back home. The only place she’s heard the gun control debate brought up is from the news and reporters who contacted her.

“That’s just not what we’re thinking about at all,” she said. “I’ve never heard a conversation like that happening. Everyone’s just kind of been like, ‘Let’s all take care of each other and do our best to make good music and make this world a better place the only way we know how.’ ”