Time Out

We all need said time outs, either by choice or by assignment. The reality is that we have been living under extraordinary pressure and fear that has only accelerated for some as they live in seclusion, isolation or in a small cohort or pod. The mirror held is one that reflects much of the same dynamics that enables one to thrive and succeed when times are tough. I am one who thrives on my own, I have always known that and now this has only confirmed it in ways that have made me relieved, sad, glad and whatever the day brings I ultimately know that I am on my own and I must do what needs to be done to get through it; whatever it is.

The past year has demonstrated Biblical proportions of all that defines the Apocalypse – as defined by the Book of Revelation. This from James Tabor on a Frontline discussing this issue:

If you open the Book of Revelation and simply begin reading it as an unfolding scenario, it goes something like this. There will be wars and famines and disease epidemics and heavenly signs that will alert the world to some sort of crisis. Then will come an Antichrist as he’s called, or a political ruler, that will establish control over the whole earth. He’ll be backed up with a religious ruler, who’s called the false prophet. They together establish a unified social, economic and religious system that dominates the world. The only thing opposing them are the people of God and these two prophets, they’re called the two witnesses, who appear in Jerusalem, and begin to speak against this power. The rest of the book, really the last half of the book is about the overthrow of this system. The beast, the false prophet, who has the number 666, the Antichrist, is overthrown with judgments and plagues. Most of them are very cosmic. Asteroids hitting the earth. The water turning to blood and that sort of thing, until finally, Jesus Christ returns as a warrior on a white horse and sets up the kingdom of God. ...

And with this comes the Four Horsemen with their signs, which we can see as War/Unrest, Plague, Pestilence, Floods/Tornados, Starvation and of course the Met Gala. Seriously what the fuck was Anna Wintour thinking dressing adults in ostensibly overpriced Halloween Costumes, calling it fashion to descend upon New York City and paying for the privilege of looking like idiots? Talk about out of touch. When a self described Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is wearing a six figure gown with the message, “Tax the Rich,” folks the irony is not lost there, it is fucking buried. I think someone needs a time out!

Then we have the denial and claims that the current state of affairs with regards to the weather as a 500 year flood. From Alabama, Texas and Tennessee to here in Tri-State area that is some 500 year spread as Sandy was just nine years ago. At least I can do the math. As one clean up begins another continues. This is climate change folks and if you are denying it at this point it may be time for a time out for you!

As for the Covid vaxx deniers. Let’s start with the South, the region of the country going out of its way to deny voting rights to ensure that the majority is ruled by the minority. Again, going with that math thing – when you have 70% of your population not voting by choice or because of convoluted laws to ensure that you have a minority, 30% of the population deciding who will represent you and create said laws that are equally convoluted about a myriad of subjects. Such as the weird ass Abortion law of Texas, written by a religious zealot, male of course. And the equally wierd ass gun law in Missouri which is the Abortion law only about guns. So this is why the South gets the stereotype notion they are hicks and dicks. Well that is partially true but they are the loudest voices in the room and that dick swinging takes up a lot of energy. Yet they are also the biggest liars and hypocrites I have ever met. The Southern Conundrum I call it where they say one thing, do another and blame Jesus. Tennessee has quite restrictive mandates when it comes to vaccinations as does Mississippi. Why? Well the issues are racist and public health in mind, the priority is of course neither it is about the most critical thing – money. The reason being is that these are states with poor public health programs and hospitals and why? Black people. The poor in the South are by far largely faces of color but they are not the majority: however, the largest driver in their economies are jobs without insurance and deceent wages and the reality is that by having everyone inoculated it saves medical care costs if a pandemic arises. Covid is such an example as right now Tennessee has the largest cases of Covid per capita.. As a result profitable and needed surgeries and treatments that keep hospitals going (I was going to say alive but felt it was an inappropriate pun) cannot schedule them, as in this case. So it is time for the Legislatures to wake up and take a time out on this bullshit.

Be that it was MANDATED to be vaccinated at the Met Gala last night, Nikki Minaj, apparently missed out, the story being something to do with the mandate but also with some family members testicle, but she is like many in the Black community – unvaxxed. Hey folks, if Little Nas X, or whatever his name is, can show up, wear three outfits it says that yes it is fine to be vaccinated as I am sure he is not risking his balls. He is our new Gaga. And on that I can make even an exception for him but the others not so much. He gets no time out!

And the last time out I want to give is to the uneducated. A week ago the Wall Street Journal did an article about how men, across color lines, are dropping out of College and joining a long line of those who are uneducated and in turn working for less and feeling isolated as again women are, across color lines, attending college in 2:1 ratio. That said it has been like this for decades and little has changed with regards to pay equity for women, regardless of color and with women of color making substantially less that their white counterparts in same said jobs. But overall the reality is that women are still picking up the check and paying for it. As pink collar jobs still require licensing and credentials and still pay shit. The equivalent blue collar ones for men do not. Time out on that!

We are a stupid lot of sheep. We are afraid and we take no for an answer quite often and yet when you choose not, including Ms. Minaj, you are mocked, derided and often “canceled.” What we have is a culture of talking AT you not WITH you. Active listening, asking questions is not wrong as that is how you grow. Take a Time Out and try it, you may be surprised.

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